Is a PS4 worth getting?

Sup Sup Forums

These days I have been wondering if it would be worth it to get a PS4. As much as I enjoy my PS3 (it's funny considering its terrible launch), it won't be supported forever, so I thought it might be about time I got with the times. So I come to you for advice, Sup Forums

Do you it's a good idea? Would it instead be better to get an Xbone or wait for the Nintendo Switch? Is the PS4 Pro worth considering? Does it do anything else besides displaying games at 4K? Or is it a better idea to scrap all that and just get into PC Gaming?

More than anything I'm interested in getting the PS4 to play games like Bloodborne and Nioh, which look pretty cool in my opinion.

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If you could also give names on other titles that might be fun or interesting that would also be much appreciated. Anything helps, really

do you like playing online?
get an xbone

do you like weeb games?
get a ps4

If you love halo get the xbox

If you love dark souls for some reason get the ps4 because bb

Not a lot of reasons to get one. Coming from an idort, I've looked into getting one several times, but the exclusives, support, etc just isn't worth another console.

>PS4 Pro
Depends on if you want to spend the additional money on the hardware, a TV, etc. Support for it is based upon the developers of the games, so a game you like getting a patch is up to them.

Too little information, if you want wait another month+ for the hand-on event that's gonna happen and for all the news to start spilling out.

>PC gaming
The most expensive alternative (if you're not buying a new TV for a Pro), but also the one you'll likely get the most mileage out of.

Personal opinion, hold off a bit. Still few worthwhile exclusives on the PS4 at the moment. Go for the old model, which will be cheaper to pick up, likely able to find bundles online with a choice of game or exclusive.

Personal favorites on the PS4 right now are Bloodborne, Disgaea 5, Dragon Quest Heroes (also on PC), Dragon Quest Builders, and Senran Kagura.

Is the online on the PS4 much worse than the one on the Xbone?

Games should be the primary factor that decide your platform of choice, everything else is secondary. It would be stupid to end up on PS4 only to find out the only games you like a Microsoft ip's of third person shooters and racing games.

I personally think the PS4 has superior exclusives from first, second and third party and superior support but funnily enough taste is subjective.

What games do you like?

the online is literally dogshit on psn, it's not reliable at all. Half the time it's down.

No don't listen to that dumb faggot they both have shitty online multiplayer

how is xbox live bad?

>inb4 it costs money!! ree

So then getting a Pro without also getting a TV would be a waste, no? But I'm still curious, does it do anything else other than the 4K thing? I would assume that the games would be playable in both the normal and Pro PS4s, only upgraded in the later. Or would some games be made only compatible for the Pro?

I got to say that it's true that the Switch isn't too attractive at the moment. In one side, we barely know anything about it. On the other side, the very limited library of the Wii U doesn't help either, I don't really see much reason for one. And thus I'm also unsure of the NS

And yeah, long term, a good PC is what you'll get more use out of

Ah, of course. The first thing for me is always the games I'll be able to play on the platform

Mostly adventure, action stuff. Say Devil May Cry, Dark Souls, Dragon's Dogma, etc, to name some I've played recently. But I play pretty much anything. If it's good, I'm willing to try it. I'll admit, though, I was never a fan of FPS, personally

And I might be biased, but when I think of the Xbox I think of FPSs more than anything

>Or would some games be made only compatible for the Pro?
I highly doubt that, but some have reported that the Pro actually plays some older games worse than the original model. My view is both are going to play the same games regardless, one with the possibilities of better graphics/framerates, but only if developers care enough to do that. I'd say money, buy an older model, and use that to just buy more games.

>I highly doubt that, but some have reported that the Pro actually plays some older games worse than the original model
Woah, really? I suppose that porting older games might just be harder since they're more outdated, or they put simply less work into it, but it's surprising to hear nonetheless.

And, it's true, it sounds like a better idea to use the money you'll save with the normal model on more games

This is a very accurate description of the Pro right now however in saying that games like FFXV get a solid graphical improvement over standard PS4 models and I think we need to realize that the Pro is going to truly shine when it eventually get games that are fully optimized for the hardware like Horizon Zero Dawn and Spiderman, that's when the Pro will really set itself apart from the regular modes so I just think its important to think ahead as well here.

>And, it's true, it sounds like a better idea to use the money you'll save with the normal model on more games

It dose but when games like this roll around you may feel sting of regret. I'd just think about this carefully 2bh. God Of War as well, and even Gravity Rush is getting a Pro version.

Agreed. It's a tough call right now for those who hadn't already picked up a PS4.

As I said, if I had to choose it'd be older model, pick up some more games. Also, 4k TVs just don't interest me enough.

Gravity Rush is another game I'm interested in, now that you mention it.

But with a Pro you're only going to see a substantial improvement with a 4k TV, no? That would be some commitment

As Martin says, it's on a dev-by-dev basis, so some will actually bother to make substantial improvements, whereas others won't. Nioh is a good example of one.

The Witch & Hundred Knight sequel is another; unlike the OG/Slim, the Pro actually gets a patch that runs it at 60FPS.

An important list. If it helps you determine which to go for.

This is pretty helpful, thanks guys

I'm beginning to think that it may be worth it to put the extra money now, rather than regret it later. While, I'm not all about graphics, I'd rather get the best performance possible, and if it also looks nice, all the better.

I'd hate to repeat the shitshow I got when I purchased Alien Isolation on my PS3 thinking it wouldn't be too taxing since it didn't look all that impressive only to find it borderline unplayable. Thankfully I got on sale, so it could have been worse

i ordered one during the cyber monday sales and itll be here in a few days. i got the slim uncharted bundle because the price was really nice.

The PS4 isn't worth purchasing for BB at this time, the Pro possibly having some graphical enhancements for 2 shitty exclusives isn't going to make the console much more appealing than it is today.

Pro is a mistake that Sony missed the mark on big time.

they both cost money you fucking retard.

I can't say you're wrong. This generation in general feels like it has little to offer

What games do you want to get on the PS4?

More specifically, if you currently have a PS3 then now is probably the worst timing. The PS4Pro just launched, which means that over the next year the regular PS4 is going to be dropping in price. If you're still getting and enjoying new games on the PS3, you might as well wait until the PS4 gets a significant discount, or at least until the PS4Pro gets a price cut.

Other than that, just do what you normally would with a new console: consider the games you want, consider the price of games + console, then decide if it is worth the price. Just remember that PS4 PSN has a monthy charge, and I believe it is requires for multiplayer games. (You can still buy stuff digitally without the monthly fee, though.)

Actually I don't have that many titles I'm interested into, Bloodporn, Nioh, Gravity Rush, FFXV, Kingdom Hearts III... Maybe Shadow of Mordor, but the braindead difficulty worries me