Finished those weeklies yet?

Finished those weeklies yet?

Yep, a9s and a10s are a breeze

Most wanted job changes/additions for 4.0. Go.

I don't understand what compels people to still be playing this game at this point. Don't get me wrong, I played since release up until around a year ago and did enjoy it, but it just stopped being fun after so long of the same shit again and again. Why do you do it?

God no
I resubbed and only played the game twice in this 30 day period

Think I'm burned out until 3.5

>tfw you reroll your 1-line wondrous tails layout

-Wrath and Abandon skills to share slots and change depending on which stance you are in.
-buffing and debuffing shouts.
-Parry to be a stat I actually want
-Tank Limit Breaks to be remade into something useful

-GL4 with super saiyan glow
-SPIRIT BOMB ranged attack that consumes GL4 so when you are dodging aoes or some shit you can use this to not let your GL go to waste.
-shit skills like One Ilm Punch, Haymaker,etc removed or changed
-Forbidden Chakra skill changes, take it off GCD, sound effect changed, when out of combat one push is enough. (mashing button to charge it AND form shifting between pulls takes too long and usually never get it done before next pull)


>Do expert roulette with DRK that constantly needs healing
>Do one this morning with one that had worse gear, yet barely needed to heal them at all

How is it that some tanks are made of fucking paper and others barely take any damage?

How good is the controller setup compare to mouse&keyboard?

Was he keeping aggro? If he was then he was doing his job.


>baaww I have to heal
I hope SB actually has harder normal content so healers can't dps as much.

Taking less damage is also a part of a tank's job. Like, it's not even the asinine argument about whether a healer should be DPSing instead of standing around doing nothing; literally in the job description.

Just cancelled sub til the expansion. Feels good since there won't be a damn thing between now and then beyond status quo bullshit.

objectively worse, but the game is easy enough that you can do almost everything a kb+m user can do - you just might be a little slower/more inaccurate at times.

Dude I have given you the resources to do it yourself and you refuse to, it's time to stop bitching.

where do you get princess for a day title?

>Ranged attack that uses up GL3 for when doing mechanics
>Chakra stacks have more uses tied to them, like a heal that consumes, a refresher on your greased lightning in case of a fuckup, etc. As it stands its basically just a really annoying way to get access to an attack you can use once, maybe twice per fight.
>One-Ilm Punch turned into a pacifying strike, decrease enmity because who the fuck thought it was a good idea to give a high dps melee class no way to quell?
>Make Fists of Wind actually do something useful like it used to. Maybe disallow OCGDs to be used but increases GCD skillspeed while under use to increase rate GL can be reached for when perfect balance is down?
>make haymaker something that has a 20% chance to proc when you land a positional correctly and crit along with it, and using it causes you to gain a chakra stack.

mch is pretty much in a good position

>no title from doing squadron stuff

So on an alt I've been replaying through the game, and rereading the story. I feel like we may give Ala Mhigan refugees a worse rap than they deserve. Excepting Ilberd for being a short sighted idiot, namely in the whole 'Raubahn needs to die no matter what' sense.

But the refugees in general escaped Ala Mhigo under Garlean rule, including rape camps, pseudo-slavery, and the general fucking of their culture and values. A lot of their friends/family died on the way out.

And when they escape Ala Mhigo, the first place they reach is the Black Shroud. Where the elementals instantly hate 99.9% of them due to the aggressions of their military/leadership, so they can't stay there, they can't get any food or even basic first aid from the tight-assed shitlords of Gridania. Then they trek through the Shroud, and over Highbridge to make it to Ul'Dah.

Ul'Dah's whole society is based on 'wealth = value', and the refugees without exception had no wealth. The best off any of them managed was being clapped in irons for no reason and sentenced to gladiator-slavery. He then killed at least 1000 people to earn his freedom and basically bought a place in leadership. The Sulatana basically forced the syndicate through the Immortal Flames budget to give the refugees at least a tiny bit of aid, basically enough food for them to survive on.

Out of the rich/powerful in the city, only one gave the refugees chances for jobs, and that was Teledji. Low paying shit jobs at places that didn't see much success, especially due to the Calamity. He settles a bunch out in Little Ala Mhigo and uses them to basically make a trading outpost.

Then Lolorito decides 'no fuck those guys' and shifts all his trade to the West, making Horizon and Vesper Bay prosper while Little Ala Mhigo turned into a shithole.

The Domans only 'succeed' where the Ala Mhigans failed because of chance affording them the opportunity to work under the Scions and Rowena in Mor Dhona.


DARK. ARTS. EVERYTHING. Also let me expend HP for extra attack and make Souleater recover a lot more HP when in said state.

>Garlean rule, including rape camps, pseudo-slavery, and the general fucking of their culture and values.

nigga you are everything wrong with modern games today

Fuck you I like collecting titles.

And let's not forget that immediately after the Domans started working in Revenant's Toll, representatives of the similarly numbered Ala Mhigans show up asking for the same opportunity. To work, to get paid only food and a place to live, and Minfilia has to turn them down because there's just not enough to go around.

And right when that happens, Teledji gives the uneducated young dipshits who've known nothing but poverty and hatred from the citizenry of Ul'Dah weapons and a reason to fight back, further fucking them over.

The Ala Mhigan refugees are just constantly used and abused and never given any opportunity to make anything of themselves, save for the young, able bodied sort that can go off and be adventurers (Illberd), or the monsters like Raubahn who managed to murder their way to success.

It looks like it's only from the 1.x Little Ladies' Day event.

The rape camps is just the recounting of some random NPC talking about how he escaped from Ala Mhigo, while his sister/mother killed themselves rather than be recaptured. So hearsay. The psuedo-slavery/fucking of their culture is just the Garlean's way of taking over places. There's a lot of sources there that they do that to all the places they take over.

Unfortunately I don't have the lore book or exact text around for it, but the idea is basically that citizens of places they conquer CAN live normal lives, but they're always third class citizens, the best they can hope for is enlisting in the military, and even there they can never amount to what a Garlean can.

No, that's retarded.

Give DRK more oGCDs that let them generate enmity passively. its stupid that you get punished as hard as you do for using powerslash but also having to remain the MT for most of your skills to work.

An unchained effect would be baller for DRK.

If its not too OP, maybe give them a move that increases their DPS by 10% or so on a 2 minute CD.

Make DA Dark dance and DA powerslash actually fucking usable.

Cut down on the animation for plunge to make it more like shoulder tackle, as well as salted earth. A job with a plethora of oGCDs should be able to double weave them all.

Nobody cares for you fucking titles.

I want square to fix BLM's aoe rotation. It has always been shit, basically consisting in three skills to use until everything is dead, but now flare's damage has become underwhelming.
Give us an interesting rotation, give us aoe thunder, please, jesus fuck.

I care.
That's enough.

>Out of the rich/powerful in the city, only one gave the refugees chances for jobs, and that was Teledji.
That's bullshit. Lolorito, Teledji, and Fyrgeiss all offered work to the refugees and they didn't want it so they threw a god damn fit.
>Low paying shit jobs at places that didn't see much success, especially due to the Calamity. He settles a bunch out in Little Ala Mhigo
Wrong. Teledji is the second wealthiest man in Ul'dah. His businesses see nothing but success. Most of the work he offered the refugees was bodyguard and debt collecting work. The PGL guild used to be largely made up of Ala Mhigan refugees being trained to "collect" money from people. Little Ala Mhigo has also been there for long before the Calamity. The refugees went there because they decided they'd rather live in a cave and whine for 20 years instead of taking hard labor jobs.
>The best off any of them managed was being clapped in irons for no reason and sentenced to gladiator-slavery
Wrong. You're only sentenced to be a noxious for committing crime. It wasn't for no reason. Ala Mhigans immediately turned to banditry and drug smuggling when they didn't get their way in Ul'dah.

>representatives of the similarly numbered Ala Mhigans show up asking for the same opportunity. To work, to get paid only food and a place to live, and Minfilia has to turn them down because there's just not enough to go around.
Never happened, but even if it had, why weren't they doing it before they realized they could get hand-outs the same way? Why aren't those men building up Little Ala Mhigo into something more than tents in a cave?
>The Ala Mhigan refugees are just constantly used and abused and never given any opportunity to make anything of themselves
They were given opportunities. Most just didn't want to take them because it was hard.

Reminder that Eorzea is rightful Elezen clay.

>give DRK more buttons to press
Jesus Christ no.

That's what Paladin needs.

>That's bullshit. Lolorito, Teledji, and Fyrgeiss all offered work to the refugees and they didn't want it so they threw a god damn fit.
Lolorito specifically mocks Teledji for employing refugees, and the rest of the syndicate walk out of the room, agreeing with him on the vote.
>Teledji is the second wealthiest man in Ul'dah. His businesses see nothing but success.
Teledji was losing money because his casino had fallen to shit. This goes with above, Lolorito mocks him for employing refugees and implies the casino's falling profitability was because of it.
>Most of the work he offered the refugees was bodyguard and debt collecting work.
Teledji did employ many of them as roughs, but that again only goes with the able bodied young, and probably paid like shit.
>Little Ala Mhigo has also been there for long before the Calamity.
Little Ala Mhigo was developed by Teledji using Ala Mhigan labor, but ended up being pretty much abandoned due to aforementioned trade shifts. This sequence of events doesn't really have anything to do with the Calamity.
>You're only sentenced to be a noxious for committing crime.
This was just referencing Raubahn. Or hell who knows, maybe he was a bandit. He's still the most successful Ala Mhigan by far.

>Never happened
Three men show up at the Rising Stones and specifically ask 'hey can we do the same thing you just let the Domans do?' and Minfilia leaves her office to tell them no. You're then sent off to deal with their miniature uprising
>They were given opportunities.
Pretty much the only ones were Teledji hiring pseudo-bandits, far as the story mentions.

so i started learing SMN
which one of the aids is priority?

Can someone tell me a good position for a melee in the part where you get the double acid rain?

I always stay near the boss when that happens, but somehow the others clamp near me when this part happens.

Literally nobody asked what PLD wanted. Im sure you guys have wants as well, but dont just barge in and say we cant have nicer abilities.

>Lolorito specifically mocks Teledji for employing refugees
And yet he still offered them work when they arrived. Opinions can change in 20 years, especially after you see that they're lazy, violent pieces of shit.
>and the rest of the syndicate walk out of the room, agreeing with him on the vote.
See above. And you're ignoring that the vote came after they were already in the midst of the 20-year-long Ala Mhigan refugee crisis, and then were loaded with even more Calamity refugees. Godbert himself walked out of the fucking room because Ul'dah can't keep giving handouts to that many people. It doesn't make economic sense.
>and probably paid like shit.
Completely conjecture, but even so there's plenty of evidence for poor Ul'dahns working their ass off into something better. Raubahn, Adelberta, Serendipity, even fucking Lolorito himself all began with absolutely nothing.
>Little Ala Mhigo was developed by Teledji using Ala Mhigan labor
It wasn't, and I can scan the lorebook right now if you need me to. Little Ala Mhigo was settled by refugees almost immediately after they arrived in Thanalan. No idea where you're getting the idea it was some Syndicate exploitation.
>Pretty much the only ones were Teledji hiring pseudo-bandits, far as the story mentions.
Adelberta, the miner guildmaster, says you're wrong. Her father, along with many other refugees, were given work by Fyrgeiss.

>GL4 - make the aura surrounding the monk now pure lightning instead of that shitty circling wind or something. Color it somewhat white-blue. Goddamn that looks good.
>Make Fist of Wind do range attacks for MNKs.
>Fix the fucking Chakra mechanic. Take it of GCD and add a longer timer for it. Also add new skills for it.

>Make the useless moves, useful. One Ilm Punch, Haymaker, etc.
>Make Tornado Kick somehow useful. Jesus, the kick is not powerful for a move that removes all GL stacks.
>Make MNKs moves sound godly compared to the other shitty wannabe big dick DPSers.


>Make Tornado Kick somehow useful. Jesus, the kick is not powerful for a move that removes all GL stacks.
It's only good as a finisher on trash or when you know you are going to lose GL anyway.

Garuda-egi on movement-heavy fights, or if you aren't confident with mechanics. Ifrit-egi otherwise.

For single target: Keeping dots up>Fester>Keeping shadowflare up>Ruin whatever as filler (I most of the time, II if you're moving or are about to use an oGCD, III if you're in dreadwyrm trance, it's your opener, or the bard is singing mana song)

For AOE: Bane to spread dots>Shadowflare>Painflare>Miasma II>Blizzard II as filler if there are at least 5 targets

Only use painflare on single targets if it's your opener so you have the aetherflow CD lined up, or if it's something that needs to be bursted down faster than you can apply dots for fester (and tri-disaster is on CD)

Always get deathflare off before dreadwyrm trance finishes.

It's worth letting your dots fall off for a few seconds or clipping them slightly if it means you reapply them during dreadwyrm trance/any other CDs

If you're using Garuda-egi, always contagion dots that were applied during damage CDs.The damage boost will apply for the full duration.

>Having trouble with DRK's buttons
What the fuck? I see this complaint a lot but the class flows extremely naturally and isn't punishing if you fuck up.

That's what I'm saying?

It's not a good move if you look at it fully. Just something you throw in the end when you know you'll lose stacks.

Make it better. Make it useful. Make me do big dick DPS with it. The animation is wasted for something like that.

Fuckin scan that entry.

>And yet he still offered them work when they arrived.
Source it, my man. I'd love to be proven wrong, my assumptions here are made on the story cutscenes I have just read hours ago, where nothing of the sort is implied.

>And you're ignoring that the vote came after they were already in the midst of the 20-year-long Ala Mhigan refugee crisis, and then were loaded with even more Calamity refugees
That's true, there was every reason to vote against accepting more refugees, but none of them spoke up in defense of any refugees in the face of Lolorito just straight up insulting them, or even entertaining Teledji's ideas of taking them in.

>Completely conjecture
True, but it's a reasonable assumption given the nature of the work.

And regarding Little Ala Mhigo, I didn't say it was made/founded by Ala Mhigans, but they were sent there and it was meant to be a trading outpost, then abandoned. That is straight up said in a cutscene. Lolorito chose to develop Vesper Bay and focus trade on the West (hence the giant fucking statue to him in the place).

>Adelberta, the miner guildmaster, says you're wrong. Her father, along with many other refugees, were given work by Fyrgeiss.
So more stuff only for the young, able bodied. I did forget about the miner's guild though, it doesn't really come up in the MSQ. That's at least honest labor, even with that though, there's obviously not enough work for every Ala Mhigan refugee. The weaver's guild has a quest looking for recruits, but I don't think you ask a single Ala Mhigan there.

>still no complete scan of the lorebook

Does it say ANYTHING about the Au Ra? All I know is that the white-scaled Au Ra came from Doma and something about getting married to fucking horses for the dark-scaled ones and that's it.

Be patient. I'm sure the user working on it will finish it soon.

We all hope and pray for that user's success, and that good fortune may ever follow him/her.

It has a long list of random tribes and their quirks.
Which is where that stuff about marrying horses comes from.

>tfw my server is dead because of FFXV
It's not fucking fair, I thought the MMO FF's were played by non fans like me?

>Fuckin scan that entry.
Here you go. Nothing about Teledji at all. You sure you're not thinking of the Golden Bazaar, which was only abandoned because Drybone is more conveniently placed?
>none of them spoke up in defense of any refugees in the face of Lolorito just straight up insulting them
I wonder why. Could it be because in the 20 years since they arrived, everyone has seen their true colors? Lolorito isn't wrong. The refugees would rather sell drugs on Pearl Lane than try and make their own way.
>Lolorito chose to develop Vesper Bay and focus trade on the West (hence the giant fucking statue to him in the place).
Vesper Bay was developed because Limsa Lominsa is the main port of entry for the entire continent for international trade. So yes, it only makes sense to put more resources there. The statue is there because he was mocking the Scions for not allowing him to pay into them.
>So more stuff only for the young, able bodied.
The fuck kind of work do you want for the old and sickly? Ul'dah is not a perfect socialist utopia with cushy office jobs. None of Eorzea is. The young, able-bodied are expected to work and take care of their elders. But they didn't. They sat in Pearl Lane and acted like violent crybabies instead.
>The weaver's guild has a quest looking for recruits, but I don't think you ask a single Ala Mhigan there.
Why aren't they finding their own work? Why do you need to come hand it to them? Why aren't all those poor, helpless refugees on Pearl Lane doing Adventurer work? There are no restrictions on joining the guild and picking up work.


>Extend Greased Lightning to 15 seconds so it's easier to maintain it after using LB3.
>Change Tornado Kick so it doesn't consume Greased Lightning. Instead, it adds 30 seconds to your current stack of Greased Lightning, but also applies a 10-second undispellable Pacification debuff on yourself. If you time it right you can save your stacks during downtime, but it's a DPS loss to use it otherwise.
>Make Haymaker off-GCD and allow it to proc off something besides dodging, such as Touch of Death ticks (with a 10% chance or whatever). Using it grants a stack of Chakra.
>Remove Purification, or change it so it cleanses all debuffs from the MNK instead of restoring TP.
>Rework One-Ilm Punch. It is now a 50TP, 50 Potency attack which restores 100 TP on use. Still requires Raptor Form and shifts to Coeurl Form.
>Arm of the Destroyer potency increased to 70 and TP cost reduced to 100.
>Change Fists of Fire so instead of increased damage, it has some other effect (e.g. a slight range increase on all weaponskills). Add the lost damage to other skills. This makes the choice of which Fists stance to be in more compelling.
>A new ability. Can be activated with 5 stacks of Chakra, and temporarily allows the Monk to gain Greased Lightning IV, complete with saiyan aura. While active, the ability continually drains the Monk's MP. The effect ends when the Monk's MP runs out. GL4 is converted back to GL3 at this time.

>Blocking now affects magic attacks. Mitigation for blocked magic can be lower than physical if necessary.
>Shield Oath now learned at level 30 instead of 40. Sword Oath swapped to level 40 instead.
>Goring Blade now learned at level 34 and Royal Authority at level 52.
>Awareness is removed and its effect added to Convalescence to cut down on PLD's cooldown bloat.
>Bulwark is now a toggle instead of a cooldown. It costs 20% base MP to activate and continually drains the PLD's MP while active (maybe 5% base MP per second). If the PLD's MP hits 0, the effect is removed.
>Tempered Will removed and its effect added to Sentinel to reduce cooldown bloat.
>Cover now also transfers all magic damage the target receives. Cover range extended to 15 yalms.
>Clemency MP cost reduced (about 25% of base MP).
>Successfully blocking an attack has a 15% chance to make the PLD's next Clemency instant cast.
>Divine Veil now activates automatically.
>Sword Oath and Shield Oath are no longer on the GCD, but retain their MP cost.
>Hallowed Ground cooldown reduced to 4 minutes, but now has some penalty e.g. Pacification/Vuln Up.
>DoT component of Circle of Scorn removed and given to Flash instead. Cross-classed Flash doesn't get the DoT.
>Circle of Scorn is now a spell instead of an ability i.e. it has an MP cost and is on the GCD, but no other cooldown. Cost is approximately 15% of base MP.
>Shield Swipe is now a frontal cone AoE, and its cooldown is reduced to 10 seconds. The Pacification effect is only applied to the primary target.
>While in Sword Oath, critical hits have a 50%~ chance to proc Shield Swipe.

>Remove Abyssal Drain. Roll its Dark Arts effect into Unleash, and make Unleash's DA potency the same as Abyssal Drain's. Alternatively, remove Unleash and just have Abyssal Drain be DRK's standard aoe attack.
>Remove the Blind effect of DA Dark Passenger. It hardly does anything anyway and half the time DRKs want to be hit due to Blood Price.
>Remove Low Blow and make Plunge a stun. Plunge also gets the chance of cooldown reset on-parry like Low Blow. In exchange its potency is reduced to 100 (but can be brought back to 200 with Dark Arts).
>Blood Price can now only be used while in Grit, and cancelling Grit will also cancel Blood Price. This is so that DRKs can't always do superior damage when tanking, thereby forcing them into the role of MT.
>Remove Reprisal. Delirium brings enough mitigation, and Reprisal also forces DRK into a MT role since Reprisal only procs off parries. DRKs also have too many off-GCD attacks to manage as is. The cooldown-reset-on-parry effect of Low Blow (Plunge in this design) provides enough of a "parry proc" attack mechanic.
>DRKs no longer lose Darkside if they run out of MP. Instead, Darkside begins to leech their health. Whenever a tick of Darkside would reduce a DRK's MP to 0, the difference between the cost of the tick and the DRK's current MP is doubled and dealt as HP damage.
>The above concept would also apply to Dark Arts.
>New Dark Arts effects:
>DA + Plunge - Increases range to 20y and increases potency to 200.
>DA + Scourge - Applies Scourge to all targets in front of the DRK within melee range.
>DA + Blood Price - Extends Blood Price duration to 20s.
>DA + Blood Weapon - Extends Blood Weapon duration to 20s.
>DA + Salted Earth - Now also heals allies standing in the AoE for the total amount of damage dealt each tick.
>DA + Delirium - Also causes the target to take 10% increased magic damage for 20s.
>DA + Sole Survivor - Increases MP restoration to 60%.

What a tiny scan that makes me sad.
Anyways, specifically about Little Ala Mhigo, Teledji basically laments that it should have been a bustling hub of trade, and that the labor he sent there should have been profitable, but Lolorito shifted efforts to the East. Definitely focusing on Vesper Bay was not a dumb idea, Lolorito is the richest fucker in Ul'Dah, and it's not because he's stupid. He has a good read on the economy in all ways, and what's best for the country. He's a way more effective ruler than the Sultana.
>The refugees would rather sell drugs on Pearl Lane than try and make their own way.
Drugs given to them by the alchemists guild trying to test random shit on people nobody gives a shit about.
>The fuck kind of work do you want for the old and sickly?
From pretty much everything everyone tells you in the game, the young and able do not make enough to take care of the old and sickly. And the only aid offered to the refugees is specifically to those who can't work.
>Why aren't they finding their own work?
Probably because everyone in Ul'Dah hates them. At this point, whether through their own fault or misfortune nobody's really willing to even give them a chance.

I mean, most of my 'maybe they're not so bad' just comes from that ONE event in Mor Dhona. Where a contingent of them comes looking for the deal the Domans got, to move their people to the frontier and work to the bone to build their own shit. Maybe those guys don't represent all of them, but they were there looking for a better way of living for their people, even if it was hard.

>The Summoner's own skills and rotation would change depending on which Egi they have summoned. Ifrit might boost Ruin attacks, Garuda might boost DoTs, Titan might give defensive bonuses, etc. Shit like Contagion would be gone and replaced with this system.
>Egis would be temporary, rather than permanent pets, and function sort of like cooldowns. You'd summon them, they'd fight for a while, then disappear, then you'd summon a new one. A single egi would probably last around 1-2 minutes but the summoner would get abilities that could extend that time. After an egi expires there would be a cooldown timer before the same egi could be resummoned.
>Summoners would be encouraged to rotate/change their egis during battle. Like each new egi you summoned might give you a stack that would eventually allow you to summon a special "super" egi like Bahamut or Alexander. The whole system would basically work to make the class feel more like it revolves around summoning.
>Enkindle would be changed so using it consumes the currently summoned Egi. In return, the Enkindle attack would be much stronger, and actually cause the egi to take on a miniature/ethereal version of the primal they represent to perform the attack.
>The general idea would be to allow the Egi to stick around for as long as possible then use their signature attack before they vanish. Alternatively you could use their big attack right away for burst and then have to wait a bit before you can bring out another egi.
>There would be more egis than Ifrit/Titan/Garuda to swap between. To save hotbar space, a system similar to Ninja Mudras could be implemented to allow Summoners to pick their desired Egi.

>Wanderer's Minuet is redesigned. It now causes the Bard to have a "sweetspot" range on all their attacks. Activating WM will cause the Bard to do bonus damage if they are standing between 20 and 25 yalms away from their target. Standing outside this range will cause their attacks to instead do less damage than normal. The entire system of adding cast times is removed, Bard can once again attack instantly, auto-attack freely, and attack while moving.
>Empyreal Arrow and Iron Jaws still require WM, but also retain their cast times. Their cast time is also increased to 2 seconds. This is to make using them slightly more skillful, and sets them apart from existing BRD abilities. Empyreal Arrow is now also on the GCD.
>Sidewinder now consumes the Windbite and Venomous Bite debuffs on the target. This makes it best to use Sidewinder when WB and VB are about to fall off, or when the target is about to become invincible. The overall potency of Sidewinder may be buffed to compensate. This change is because current Sidewinder is an utterly brainless ability.

>tfw no 24man where we go back in time to the War of the Magi and see the final moments of Nym
>the voidsent you eventually kill for good in the SCH quests is a boss and turns the entire raid into tonberries
>Ozma/void ark cameo
>final boss where you protect the Nymian ships from whatever as they escape to sea as everything is getting Umbral Calamity'd

>Teledji basically laments that it should have been a bustling hub of trade, and that the labor he sent there should have been profitable
That doesn't make sense, because Little Ala Mhigo isn't on any road that leads anywhere except toward the Amalj'aa.
>Drugs given to them by the alchemists guild trying to test random shit on people nobody gives a shit about.
That's only one instance of the Alchemists' Guild testing medicine. They are a proper hospital, not just a group of mad scientists. The drugs I'm talking about are somnus. Go out to Central Thanalan and look in Lost Hope. The refugees there are illegally growing dreamflowers (poppy) to create somnus (opium).
>And the only aid offered to the refugees is specifically to those who can't work.
Because if you can work, there's no reason you shouldn't be. Again, the Adventurer's Guild is open to everyone and was created with the intent of giving possible criminals real work instead. Joining the Adventurer's Guild even gives to access to participating guilds so they can learn a real trade. Literally just walk 10 feet from Pearl Lane into the Quicksand, and suddenly you have access to learning clothcraft, goldsmithing, alchemy, carpentry, smithing, cooking and leatherworking from real masters of the trades. But they don't. None of them do.

>Make it better. Make it useful

Shit monk confirmed. It's only ~70 potency off from being a DPS increase to use it every time it's off GCD. Considering how many phase-shifts or lack of targets there can be in some fights you can be tornado kicking 3-5 times a fight. Same with forbidden chakra.

>That doesn't make sense, because Little Ala Mhigo isn't on any road that leads anywhere except toward the Amalj'aa.
Could be the idea would've been to establish a port past the Sagolii to trade off the Eastern side of Eorzea. Could also be Teledji's retarded, he did get cut in half for gloating about regicide right to Raubahn's face after all.
>Go out to Central Thanalan and look in Lost Hope. The refugees there are illegally growing dreamflowers (poppy) to create somnus (opium).
Hah, I didn't know that. Good for them the industrious fucks.
>Because if you can work, there's no reason you shouldn't be
And the ones that can work haven't starved to death, so they're clearly making money somehow. Either they got jobs or they're resorting to banditry/drug trade. Some of them got jobs, most of them resorted to banditry. From what I've seen of the climate in Ul'Dah I honestly find it unreasonable to believe that literally all of them choose to get killed by Brass Blades/Immortal Flames/Adventurers every other day when the option for getting a real job was viable.
>Again, the Adventurer's Guild is open to everyone and was created with the intent of giving possible criminals real work instead.
While I trust Momodi would be up for this, I don't know if the city proper would be. Everyone seems to fucking detest the Ala Mhigans. Maybe it is because they're shitlords, but I find it reasonable that most of them just were not afforded the tools to succeed and have thus resorted to shittier methods to get by.

There's no denying that as a people they are prone to extreme stupidity though.

> It now causes the Bard to have a "sweetspot" range on all their attacks. Activating WM will cause the Bard to do bonus damage if they are standing between 20 and 25 yalms away from their target

There's not even this much space is every boss fight arena, not to mention that babying bards so that they could stand at the right spot all the time is gonna get real retarded real fast. Unless you plan is to cause MCH to be even more of an autopick than it is now in which case good job.

Then make it 10-20y, I really don't give a fuck. I'm bored of every ranged dps being a turret that isn't allowed to have fun when moving.

And we at Skysteel Manufactory are all laughing.

This is a very real problem when it comes to Machinist vs Bard. They both have GB/WM, but Machinist overcomes its lack of mobility via being good at the job/planning. They just don't lose very much for having to move, even moving a lot. Bard just naturally can't do that. Any attempt to restrict their movement in a way that they can't overcome with skill will just naturally make them worse than Machinist.

>not to mention that babying bards so that they could stand at the right spot all the time is gonna get real retarded real fast.
We already do it for melee.

>I honestly find it unreasonable to believe that literally all of them choose to get killed by Brass Blades/Immortal Flames/Adventurers every other day when the option for getting a real job was viable.
Everything regarding the refugees in Ul'dah that we've been shown since 1.0 says otherwise, unfortunately. Do you think it's a coincidence that the few Ala Mhigans the Elementals allowed to stay in the Shroud are actually reasonable, hardworking people that contribute and abide by Gridania's rules?
>While I trust Momodi would be up for this, I don't know if the city proper would be.
The Adventurer's Guild is an independent entity. They go by their own rules. It's totally possible that the desk clerk at Sunsilk Tapestries could be snooty enough to send an Ala Mhigan away, but that's not really what the guild is supposed to do. Regarding the city itself, the Immortal Flames also has an entire squadron dedicated to enlisting refugees. The leader is a refugee himself, after all.

I'm not saying the current design isn't bad but sweet spot range is already dumb enough in pvp, it would make any serious raid cancerous the moment a bard is there.

so apparently good looking mch revolver is on pvp
how to pvp?

Queue up and then die from old age.

Well, you've basically shot me down. In 1.x I started inna woods and couldn't bear the game long enough to hear anything about the Ala Mhiggers, so I can't really argue anything there.

This was an interesting exercise, I guess I can rest my case with 'at least some of them aren't fucking horrible' - the guys who go to Mor Dhona are never heard from again, but they went there to try and live rough like the Domans, but were shot down. Then there's Landebert shown in the picture of - he doesn't turn down work because it's hard, he turns it down because he knows how it's gonna go. That he's gonna get fucking stabbed in the back or be in the pocket of the monetarists. And that is exactly what happens. Wilred gets killed, and Ilberd lands squarely in Lolorito's pocket, until he chimps out.

Basically going through the story again I actually look forward to seeing some of these Ala Mhigans and the role they'll play going into Stormblood. Most of them are shown to be backstabbing pieces of shit (Ilberd, Widargelt), or young impressionable sacks of shit (Wilred, the Twins), but many of them are shown to be able to get past that shit and become respectable (Wilred, Widargelt). I want to see Landebert play a bigger role.

Also Riol, I fucking love that guy. I hope he's a main character.

but why is people use garuda more often? is it because contagion?
how to use ifrit correctly?

I'm about to hit 60 for the first time. Haven't played since 2.0 release essentially, but bought the expac for $10 this past weekend

What should I do at 60 besides MSQ? What should I be focusing on unlocking to gear up?


this guy

>In 1.x I started inna woods and couldn't bear the game long enough to hear anything about the Ala Mhiggers
The Ala Mhigans were pretty heavily involved in Gridania's 1.0 story. The Seedseers were secretly supplying the resistance by claiming men were being stolen by the Elementals and turned into Wildlings. The refugees allowed to stay mostly live in Quarrymill, and the False Griffin you met was one of them. He seemed like a pretty reasonable guy.
>Most of them are shown to be backstabbing pieces of shit (Ilberd, Widargelt)
Lorebook actually says Widargelt is the lost heir of Ala Mhigo, Theodoric's nephew who was hidden away. He'll be around for damn sure. I'd love to see Riol have a more important part. He did kill Titan and Leviathan without the Echo, so his power level is way higher than it appears.

Ifrit is higher DPS in a vaccum training dummy situation, but a lot of the time Garuda ends up being higher in practice because Garuda dosen't need to move when the boss moves, and Contagion allows you to make up for a lot of DPS that would have been lost due to dealing with mechanics.

Plus, using Ifrit optimally involves microing his OGcDs, which most people don't want to bother with.

For BLM i want Thunder 4
>conal AoE like Thundercloud
>animation has it fire directy out my hand

I just wanna go full Palpatine on shit

Just make it so that's what Thunder 2 does. Not like it gets used otherwise.

Priority is catching up with the story do you get access to ex roulette to grind away for months like the rest of us.

whoa, ifrit must micro his ogcd too?
i like this stuff more
teach me how to ifrit more

>The Ala Mhigans were pretty heavily involved in Gridania's 1.0 story
I don't even remember there being a story, I feel like I've wiped the entirety of my experience with 1.0 from my mind.
Yeah I heard about that, it's an interesting twist, though I honestly don't really like him all that much as a character. Him and the dipshit catslut twins.
Guy is a fucking champ, the only one of the Company of Heroes to not send you on stupid fucking busy quests, when you meet him in Limsa, he immediately is up for adventure as part of this new bullshit brigade, and he's also the first to catch on to the corruption in the Crystal Braves, save for Landebert, who had no proof, but still called it before you even assembled.

I also want Alliane around too. One of the few adventurers you meet early on that doesn't meet a grisly end or just sorta disappear. Essentially I'd just like if your crew going into Ala Mhigo is the remnants of the Crystal Braves, seeing as how we'll likely be dealing with Ilberd, that would make for another interesting dynamic to plot developments.

i mean garuda also lines contagin up with dwt and thats just insane dps it gives you far more than ifrit as it extends the dot timers and allows for more ruin 3s

Great, thanks!

I don't know why I did it, but I waded through /xivg/ last night.

Jesus Christ, why did I do that to myself?

wait i still dont understand this
higher DoT means more ruin 3?

Probably because there wasn't a Sup Forums thread up to have actual discussion in for quite a while. Which is a real shame. Nobody should be subjected to /xivg/


>how to use ifrit correctly?
Sic and forget.

this is a gunsheath

That was objectively the worst thing I've seen i awhile. One of the first things I saw was a grown ass man looking for a boyfriend.
People kept posting character butts.
One guy kept talking about shitting in a diaper.
Funniest part is that when someone tried talking about the game, they were told to come here.

dots cost more mana than ruins (except 3) contagin means you cast them less and have more mana

>PLD on Dusk Vigil
>constantly low on health because AST is either shit or has shit gear
>constantly using damage mitigation not to make the healer's life easier but to keep myself from dying, even fucking Hallowed Ground on trash mobs
>DPS don't know what they're doing and can't concentrate on an enemy to save their lives
>actually wipe on the second boss
>squeak past second time
>25 minutes have passed
800 hours I've played and that was the first time I left a duty because of how shitty everyone was.

they really told the ones who wants to talk about the game here?

My crackpot theory going into 3.55/4.0 is that the Garleans have pulled FFVI style slave crowns out of Azys La. In a noble moment of selfsacrifice fuckboi Alphinaud stays behind to buy us time from some trap or another, and ends up getting Terra'd and turned against us. This slots Alisae firmly into his sidekick slot for 4.0's plot as we try and get him back.

One wipe and you leave a group?

What's your name and server? Need to make sure we never cross paths

Dude, there were a fw brief posts trying to actually talk about the game. The forst of these that I saw was replied to with a link to Sup Forums; the other few were ignored. The circle jerk is very strong and quite real. I'd have taken screenshots if I had the presence of mind.

You still won't be able to move under that new sweetspot system either, if you want to do optimal dps anyway. You're basically stuck in a donut shaped leylines ring around the boss. All it does is make it fun if you're a shitter who doesn't particularly care if they're getting the bonus or not - you can do that right now by just pretending minuet doesnt exist and not using it.

Just in this tier alone there are tons of mechanics that will force you to shoot from suboptimal ranges too. Optical sight will force you to move, sacrament makes you sit under alex, you have to run to 50yd just for stasis

so when will we get to see him go kefka?