Post little known video game secrets

Post little known video game secrets

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Is that real?

Nintendo Power flat out had this described on their walkthrough.

That's not little known

The Asari in the new Mass Effect is actually modeled on the CEO of Ubisoft, Reggie Fils-Amie.


I swear to god if this is not real...

Creepy ass marine hidden outside the level in 343 Guilty Spark

I've played Super Mario 64 way more times than I can count and I never knew about this

There was a Banjo Kazooie game on the gba.

I'm sure lots of people know this one now, but I didn't find out until many years after I first played OoT.

anyone have more like this? I love easter eggs, going out of bounds or otherwise nonsensical shit with no explanation


In Link to the Past, there's a house aside from the tavern where there's a chicken under a pot. You can sprinkle magic powder on this chicken and it turns into a person.

I believe it's a northwest house.

I had this picture shown to me before I had the chance to play Sunshine. I often wonder if I would have noticed on my own if I hadn't known beforehand.


You can save Solaire.


that drone is a one time scan

liar, you can't scan it, or even lock onto it at all.


You can't even scan it because it doesn't appear on the combat/scan visors.

I just checked, it's actually real.

Not really a secret, but if you played Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga on a Gameboy Advance Player, the game would then have access to Gamecube Controller rumble support.


I'm surprised at how many people didn't know about this. I guess me and my dad happened upon it early on and I always just took it for granted.


Everyone knows this.

i seriously want to know why Nintendo chose this of all images to test their game

Namco is the one who developed that game. That's why Pacman's in it.

You can one shot the forest boss in wind waker with the forest water

In majora if you get to deku palace on the second day you dont need water for your beans because the rain will make it grow.

In ocarina in the forest temple you can make the poe sisters reappear with a deku nut (doesnt work on regular poes)
Also in the same game you can use bombs against the flying skulls. They will fly right into it cuz it attracts them for some reason.

In fallout 3 you can hold action to keep drinking

I don't get it.

Its a gamecube and its controller

Xenoblade has a warp feature.

Yes and? You can also change time of day. Common knowledge.

>fallout 3

I still distinctly remember people here shitting themselves when they found out they could holster their weapon by holding the reload button. One of many early warning signs I failed to notice regarding the general intelligence of this place, although I suppose that means that I belong here after all.

Same user

You can also shield while using the bomb mask in majora so you don't take any damage. I'm pretty sure this is common knowledge but I learned this 15 years later. Also, if you guys didnt know yet you can use the bremen mask to make igos du ikana follow you like and do some funky moves during the fight.

That's why you press every button you can and hold it to find out what they do when you load up a new game.


Follow you**, fuck Im retarded

Also I dont know if you guys played AC Unity, but Im playing it right now and they made a Zelda reference in the dead kings free dlc. Youre in a cave with a lantern, you need to light up two torches, then some gate opens and theres a chime very similar to that one from zelda when you solve stuff. Not really a secret but I found it was neat

wait, what

anyone knew about this?

it starts at 24 if my url time didn't work

I found that out myself ingame, and GTAIII sign "you aren't supposed to be here"


How was I even supposed to know how to find that ugh this game's so bad

I think this one is pretty well-known now but its neat you found it yourself

I've 120'd this game dozens of times and it's news to me. I don't use faggy guides though.

>a literal easter egg

lol what a bunch of assholes.

Everyone knew that one.