"We want the Sup Forums audience"
"We want the Sup Forums audience"
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This is literally what japanese developers think of theirs Western audiences.
Its just your average FF fanboy.
A picture of Cindy would have been more apt
they aren't far off t b h
If they wanted the Sup Forums audience why do you only play as the boy band party instead of waifus?
They don't make "games" for you plebs
They make interactive high-fashion displays for luminaries such as themselves
how fucking rude could the devs be?
my good look at the scars on his face, Sup Forums cant be this ugly
>We adore white Americans, but we also hate white Americans!
That's the message I'm getting.
>Sup Forums not gay as fuck
Japs love western culture, or at least what their stereotypical image of the west is. They don't like western people.
what's his shirt say?
He looks life that fat millionare from Lost.
Didn't know this guy was doing Mo-cap work for Square.
US in a nutshell. Can't say the same for EU.
Would need a rag on his head and bomb strapped to chest to be accurate EU representation
>Insulting your 5 million "buyers"
When are these chucklefucks gonna realise that shipped copies aren't sold copies?
This guy can't be American, he's white.
Is he intended to be a westerner? Is there even such a thing in FF15?
finally a character i can relate to
>Why are all characters in Japanese games pretty boys?
Final game:
>Ew who the fuck is this ugly guy?
you mean that Weezer album?
XV has some odd quirks to it.
For example i can't hum a single new track from the soundtrack. But because of all the driving inow know most of XIII's OST.
What the fuck SE
13's ost is on the radio?
thats literally me
Yeah, you get XIII and VII from the start. You can buy most of the other OSTs from garages around the world.
ur fat
....Is that you Ken-Sama???
Is this included?
Put a fedora on it and you got reddit.
I know. I started going to the gym but I got outbullied by some 18 year old kids
Japs are obsessed with America but hate Americans. Think of Dead Rising 1.
Couldn't say, i haven't found the XIII-2 OST yet
this guy would be a merchant with a bushy mustache in an older 90s JRPG
then america got fat (fatter than 90s fat) and most people look like this at walmart.
Nah they only hate the military that gets stationed in Japan and the /jp/ autists that go to Japan and think they fit in because anime and 2hu
>i prefer to remember the west as it used to be
>not the abomination it has become
If not for anime literally no one would know what Japan is
If not for dropping the nukes Japan wouldn't have made anime
It IS him!
That was Japan's Plan though. Release entertainment with a hope that then brings an interest in japanese culture and history.
It kinda works, i don't watch anime anymore but like researching Shinto mythology
Is there a sexier man in gaming today?
>so fat that he has cheek stretch marks
They portrayed Sup Forums very accurately
Leave him allow!
How much were the people making it earning? Less than 40k?
Its actually a great game, especially the 2nd half chapter 13 being a highlight great twists overall its up there in the all time best final fantasys made its delicious.
>i used to be friends with a guy who looked exactly like this
he was pretty funny and cool though
They should have put the Atlus logo on his shirt
>i used to be friends
someone will do this eventually
>sees orcs kill everyone wants revenge
>joins illidan gets revenge
>doesn't like the chaotic good hero who did nothing wrong other than be the color green
>betrays and assists in killing illidan
Years pass
>gets enslaved and mind controlled now by illidans new army because he's a wuss but still strong.
Akama did everything wrong
>5 Million in Worldwide shipment
In a way their not wrong. Stores have to buy copies from Squeenix so they can sell said copies in store.
Traditionally there has been at least a 2-3 month delay between the release of FF in Japan and the West.
This is a simultaneous release.
Well they're right.
That's how it's always been done, bro. When "Beyoncé sold 10 million copies of her album in the first 10 minutes" -- that's before any consumers actually bought a single copy. It was all retailers, and sometimes even just the wholesalers. Digital downloads aren't that way, but they still fuck with the numbers to make it look better.
ken-sama has made it to the three dimensional 2D world. He is living the dream
Because they already did that with FFX-2
>Our fans are unhygienic, fat, ugly, and creepy!
This is always an obnoxious creative decision. Regardless of whether you fit into this group or not, these aren't qualities that people generally want to relate themselves to.
>Looks like they hit the mark.
Not really. I'm 160 lbs, and I'm told that I look too skinny if I allow myself to get any skinnier than this.
Where's the lie? That's at least 75% of Sup Forums anyways.
I used to be 160. Then I started taking antipsychotics. Now I'm 220 lbs. It sucks. I gained it all in a few months and didn't even change my eating. It's all from the meds. I eat less now and it doesn't help.
Mods to make this guy playable when?
>tfw 117 pounds
Pills can fuck your metabolism. That doesn't mean that it's impossible to control your weight, though.
>I eat less now and it doesn't help.
Start counting calories. Also, boost your metabolism by counting calories.
You might also try reporting the weight gain to your doctor, just in case there's anything he can give you.
>*by exercising
Please tell me how they are not sold? They don't ship copies to stores for free. The stores buy them from the distribution center. Although the stores are allowed to send the unsold copies back if they wish
>tfw disabled and unable to exercise and on opioids which fuck with the way your body processes sugar
even on 1 meal a day I gained 40 pounds. It's ridiculous.
I get they're completely aware of their western audience for better and for worse
The worst part is that most of Sup Forums doesn't remotely look like that but like lanky ass teenagers nobodies instead.
>This is literally what japanese developers think of theirs Western audiences.
because it is their western audience
is the wreath smaller on the western kid, or is it just an optical illusion?
>the camera on the lanyard
>the backpack
>the shirt
It just looks like a generic nip otaku archetype except whiteified for the setting.
It's an homage to Hurley from Lost.
They're clearly also making fun of rabid FF7 fans who hated Lightning.
that's surprisingly accurate
I'd rather play a game as that guy really
>That Ending
What the fuck?
So wait your telling me that over the 10 fucking years they just did literally jack shit?
Also where the fuck did Cor go?
Where the fuck is that bitch that led a mercenary group?
Why the fuck is that Emperor and the old geezer general just fucking dead?
Wait why didn't Noctis just say hey to everyone that was still alive after he magically was back and was like "Hey follow me we can take back our world just fight with me maybe then all my friends won't die for literally no reason"
There are so many fucking problems with this game
I am literally having a fucking stroke right now
Someone fucking just help me to understand this awful fucking game
Also what kind of ending is that? Everyone just dies?
Who's the new king after Noctis?
Is there even a new king?
Why the fuck would you ever put a ending to this game that is supposed to bring back the series to life with everyone dying?
Like can anyone actually tell me right now that the ending is actually good in anyway?
This game has so many fucking problems with it
Someone just fucking shoot me already
>rabid FF7 fans who hated Lightning.
That's funny because EVERYONE hated her, rabid fandom or not. The only people who liked her are waifufags, further solidifying the need to gas them
>They don't like western people.
To be honest, who does?
Buy all the cut cont- I mean, DLC! :^)
In the english dub, this guy is voiced by the same guy who voiced Forrest Kaysen in D4.
That pretty cool, I guess.
Did japs like Lost?
Everyone liked LOST up until the later seasons
The whole thing with the numbers was a lot of fun before it ended up meaning nothing.
It sure was a lot of fun trying to figure stuff out before realizing they didn't know what the fuck they were doing.
Stupid writer strike...
No, Lightning is a huge fan favorite in Japan. Clearly you don't understand the difference between being in a small bubble in your perfect little world and the real world.
Even Shinji Hashimoto stated that Lightning remains to be very popular and will use her in future releases. She ain't going anywhere and there is nothing you FF7 fanboys can say about it to change it.
>This is literally what japanese developers think of theirs Western audiences.
Think? I'm pretty sure they KNOW it. It's not like they've not seen YOU.
>No, Lightning is a huge fan favorite in Japan.
Oh I'm sorry, I'm referring to America. You know, civilization.
Japan is where Final Fantasy comes from. They have a huge impact on what is sucessful or not. America is in the shotgun, but Japan drives the shit.
It's like the Big 3 of manga (Naruto, Bleach, One Piece), the vast majority of their sales come from Japan.
Why does he shave the top of his head
He's actually cosplaying as a South Park character, I'm pretty sure. From the WoW episode. He was balding.
Oh nice, Americans exist in the Final Fantasy uiniverse
>tfw 647 pounds
where did it all go wrong bros
The obesity rate of white Americans is close to the typical obesity rate in Europe.
The problem is that we have large black and Hispanic populations, who raise the obesity rate by quite a lot.
>647 lbs
>They don't like western people.
That's a blatant lie, if anything they hate westerners the least out of everyone else. The Japanese only love the Japanese.
I do, We're better than the alternative cuck.
This kills the weeb cuck who dreams of visiting or living in japan.