
How goes your campaign Sup Forums?


My screen is very blue, very often thanks to my glorious FX-8150, so it's not really going at all.

It doesn't because I didn't get it. Not since they fucked up battles by making them 5 minutes long.

Did your GPU implode user?

I've gotten to the final parts on all races, but I always end up starting a new one before I finish that last requirement for the long campaign.

>what are mods

There's several on the workshop that rebalance the duration of fights and shit.

Seriously, the workshop for total war:warhammer is probably the best one I've seen so far.
There's shit for everything.

>everyone's always mad at you
>AI is always able to fuck your shit up and run away from you, making your armies not be able to reach them by 1-2mm
Other than that I always get bored when I start to steamroll everything.

It's called CPU

Finished all the factions once and Empire twice to play as the grand theogonist. I've gotten to defeating chaos 2-3 other times each faction. Fuck beastmen and wood elves I'm waiting for a sale to get them and do the campaign on each.

I'm waiting for the Wood Elf DLC.

Favorite faction so far is definitely Beastmen.

I do this too. I get bored of a race when they get all powerful around 130-150.

Forced March needs to be gutted. Its a huge joke.

>home territory movement bonus mod

Yall niggas need to look at the workshop.

There's a mod for that my dudes. Makes so when you catch them you can steam roll them hard by making the penalty for being a coward higher.

So how will tomb lords play? I Can't imagine a skeleton having very much melee strength

>a skeleton

Is there base building?

I wish they actually made good AI instead of giving it cheap advantages. Destroying 3 enemy stacks and then see them get another full one in 3 turns isn't really exciting. Otherwise it's a great game. THE AXE OF DARGO DEMANDS BLOOD

>fucks over Chaos in a major way

Like the Vampires, Tomb Kings have more than just skellies.



>imblying player controlled chaos isn't already the easiest faction, because of kholkek and sheer autoresolve power
>can just turn the mod off for player campaigns

When they get a proper army book and actual units.

Never ever.

Finished the Long Campaign Victory conditions last night as Empire at Turn 251, felt good as shit seeing that I controlled so much. Skaven when?


I'll have to hav myself burned at the stake as it seems, so less then ideal

Hasn't been fracked yet.

It's bullshit as fuck that armies always seem to outrun you, I've even seen them be able to cross a river and still be able to move beyond that without their movement ending.

High/dark elves eventually?

kys elf boy


Already got my fav race in the game now. Just want more content and other then pic related I don't really see anything else coming out.

Just take the units from Shogun 2 and call it a new faction.

im improving, but i still get my shit pushed in in the late game
Elfs soon!
Tomb Kings when?

Why are dwarves always so angry?

because the grudge needs to be settled.

Will manlets ever learn?

Just finished a Dorf campaign with a buddy, early game always seems the most fun and challenging. When Chaos turned up at the end we trapped them in the mountains and between our armies and crushed them.

We're planning to start a Beastmen/Chaos one next.

because they are manlets

Manlet von Castein

Is that a dwarf vampire lord?

Waiting for CPY.

>yfw Mannfred is such a faggot that he caused Archaon to succeed in destroying the world

I hate Mannfred, he's the most unlikable fag