What would make TES VI a great game and not simply an okay game surrounded by crappy competitors and backed up by an army of modders who do it for free?
What would make TES VI a great game and not simply an okay game surrounded by crappy competitors and backed up by an...
Limiting the engine to do exactly what they want instead of that papyrus shit. That#s literally the reason everything is so wonky and not scaleable in their games.
Send a beta invite and tool kit to the top modding teams and then purchase the best mods to add to the game.
Add the rest as mods on launch.
You could have easily taken Skyrim from 70% to 85% in this one very easy little effort move,
Sticking to the lore would help, also bring back rpg stats and remove easy modifiers like 20% more damage 10% less damage etc.
Let's talk about how the Thalmor are shit.
>doing In My Time of Need the other day
>venture out to a keep on the outskirts of the fucking map
>"Find a way to release Manbearpig McGruffknees from Thalmor custody"
>sneak up and kill a guard at the side entrance
So what, killing all of the Thalmor at the keep and rescuing the guy was wrong? I didn't want to use my Imperial contacts to get him out and I didn't feel like negotiating with the Mustard Elves.
Why does Bethesda think these shit elves don't deserve to die?
>So what, killing all of the Thalmor at the keep and rescuing the guy was wrong?
No, you can complete the quest by doing that regardless of you failing an objective.
There are other quests in the game like this such as the Dark Brotherhood and the Daedric prince Namira's quest.
I'd like this rpg to be a rpg
Take it back to it's clunky pen and paper roots.
Bring back Kirkbride and give him an unlimited cocaine budget.
A warm locale please, Skyrim always gave me chills.
Instead of focusing on one province, have it set in Tamriel altogether with each race starting in their own provinces and having their own reasons for being compelled into the overall storyline.
Stop talking about Elder Scrolls Sup Forums I don't want to be tempted into buying it for PS4.
I'm already pissed that they're making me buy it again even though I put in 180+ hours in ps3 skyrim
Fucking Todd
Skyrim 2
Keep Kirkbride as far away as possible, that guy is a fucking hack
Being able to make a Rogue/their build that actually works would be great.
As it works right now, it's just "stealth until you get caught, followed by normal combat"
No thanks, ESO already exists.
apparently its gonna be set in Valenwood and Elsweyr, but those are only rumours
If Kirkbride is a hack, I wonder what word could adequately capture the average video game writer. But I sort of like him, because he seems to have a sense for what mythology is supposed to be like: that is, something where you take normal ontological biases and just run wild with them.
So arena then? That shit was boring as fuck and everything was the same anyway.
Have you seen some of the shit he has written in recent years?
Base it in hammerfell and make it about being culturally enriched by the poor dindu redgaurds
They need to spend more than 5 minutes on the first area you see in the game on world design.
They need to write a satisfying and interesting story with a good ending.
They need characters that aren't stuck in time with literally no development and more than 5 lines of meaningful dialoge.
They need a loot and level up system that rewards the player for getting more powerful rather than punishing.
They need to make an rpg with actual effort rather than waiting for a 1000 mods to fix every massive gaping problem with the engine and game itself.