Its been confirmed that he wont be getting sued now, what are your thoughts?
He won
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Is he, dare I say, our guy Sup Forums?
>People on Sup Forums were stupid enough to be conned by this man
Its worth noting that Sean murray is Irish
Too little too late
We're not talking about the fucking patch you stupid fucking moron kill yourself.
Just let it go dude, believe me Sup Forums is far worse for this problem
He released a single game and is now considered to be a worse liar than Todd or even Molyneaux
Thats something that as a developer/vidya company thats starting out that you do not want
The next game they make will never sell as much as No Man's Sky, no matter how much they do to repent for the Seans lies
That's fucking retarded, it wasn't the complain that we didn't see the exact same creatures or ships, the complain is that gameplay features that are still advertised are completely missing, and no amout of procedural generating will change that. Procedural generation seems to be the get out of jail card.
He'll never work in the industry again
>rich Californian tech hipster that was backed by even richer Californian tech hipsters
>people actually believed he'd face any consequences for his actions
What world are most of you naive idiots living in?
Nothing new, I mean, someone really expected some kind of consequence?
Videogames industry sells shit since the begining.
>Nothing new, I mean, someone really expected some kind of consequence?
Apple lost 13 billion dollary doos for its offshore tax haven in Ireland
breathe, and say it with me Sup Forums
have you at least seen an interview with the guy?
are you fucking retarded?
>A liar
That's a meme here, now one outside Sup Forums has ever considered Todd a liar. Peter Molyneux is not known as a liar but about being too enthusiastic about features that he wants to make.
Get out of your bubble you memeloving fucktard
This guy is in charge of development of your next anticipated favorite game Sup Forums. How do you fare?
Shut up Todd
Redditors showed up outside the offices of Hello Games. It's located in Guildford, England.
>Molyneuax gets asked in an interview if he's a pathological liar
>N-nobody considers him a liar!
>comparing tax evasion to not fulfilling your promise
Yeah user. A+ comparison.
Didn't care, never will.
>Tax evasion is worse
Please be bait.
>Gravity Rush 2
please god no, I can't deal with procedural generated monsters or any other such bullshit Sean
We live in a world where nothing makes sense. Where individual agency and selfish desire trump all forms of reason and distort our perception of reality.
Where a known conman and self-admitted liar can sell a million copies of a half-finished tech demo at AAA prices through blatantly false advertising and disingenuous interviews with a fully complicit media, fail to respond to any criticism or concern by his customers, and have the audacity to ask for sympathy from the customers he swindled.
No Man's Sky was a mistake.
what about Gabe" you don't own shit" Newell?
It is, and filtered.
Don't really care since I didn't buy his game.
what is chris roberts gonna do tho
Once and the interviewer was being intentionally rude and disrespectful as fuck. Every other question he asked was mired in hostility.
The update is great tho
Yes it fucking is you mingoloid.
>Peter Molyneux is not known as a liar but about being too enthusiastic about features that he wants to make
I've seen normies on FB refer to Molyneux as a liar.
I'll give you Todd, though. Regular people think that Skyrim delivered in spades. They aren't aware of his E3 promises at all.
The rest of the interview was pretty good, but straight up asking "Are you a pathological liar?" is just stupid. As if Molyneux's going to say "Yes, you've caught me out, nobody ever thought to ask before, but yes I am"
Name 1 E3 promise that Todd didn't deliver. 1.
Todd isn't a liar, that's only a meme. Everything they said was going to be in the game was in the game in one form or another. Yes it might not be what you imagined, but it's most certainly there.
its only steam store page and what was there.
how pathetic of a person do you have to be to try to justify that sort of thing, user
i dont even give a shit about the elder scrolls series but the whole 'b-b-b-but technically that feature is included' argument is just sad.
>filtering on Sup Forums
>for any reason
Jesus fuck, why not just go on Reddit or Tumblr then?
>Everything they said was going to be in the game was in the game in one form or another. Yes it might not be what you imagined, but it's most certainly there.
It's true. On paper, he has never lied, but can you honestly say he doesn't know what he's doing? He has stood on stage and proclaimed bold promises to cheering fans. Can Todd really expect people not to take those promises seriously?
Was multiplayer ever patched?
Surviving is not the same is winning
He and his company have taken a permanent hit to their reputation, one that won't easily be forgiven
any other big AAA company like EA or Ubisoft could survive releasing No Man's Sky, they can take that hit, since most people don't like them and they just go "Yeah whatever, you'll still buy Battlefield/Ass Creed 15"
Hello Games is a new company, having something like this on you is definitely not good and it doesn't help that the "Sean's a liar" meme is still being pushed
This entire fiasco is all they will be known for if they ever survive to make another game
>No Man's Sky is so hated that filtering a tripfag who doesn't know what he's talking about is now a bad thing simply because he's shitting on Sean Murray
Gabe is a hero and our Lord and Saviour.
Don't talk shit about Gabe.
>Game is about unending exploration
>Make a update where you have to build a base and stay in a single location
>The update is great tho
How is it justifying it? Do you not know how business works? Or development?
I hate that people assume devs are liars because they want to do something in a game, and it's being implemented so they talk about and then during the final phases they discover some sort of problem that prevents that feature. It sucks, you promised it, but you don't have the time/budget anymore so you end up either cutting it or integrating a more conservative version of it.
On the side if business I assure you that everything you've ever bought uses technicalities such as those to tout them as a feature. Like when a phone has a battery life of 20 hours, but not really unless you never use it.
Go ahead, explain how tax dodging affects the product in anyway, I'll wait
Please go back to redd*t
It affects society you inbred basement dweller.
>I hate California so much that they must be from there
Hello, reddit.
no, the people who bought it made a mistake.
for the discerning customer it was apparent that no mans sky was going to be a flaming piece of shit all along.
And people rag on twitter, facebook, tumblr and reddit for being able to block people
Its okay when Sup Forums does it
>he's not getting sued so suddenly he won
More like no one will ever touch a game that's been branded with this fucktard's presence again
Get the h*ck out of here you dweeb
Sup Forums is a steam friendly board.
fuck off you cock sucking retard
He is a jew with an amazing PR team capable of creating a cult of personality around him by fooling retards like you with memes.
Except he hasn't won.
He'll be made fun of for years to come
Do you really need to be explained tripcodes?
>Nothing more than a few words and numbers in a blue box
>This actually pisses people off on this site
You have autism
What game he launched that was nothing like it was proposed?
I asked how does it affect the product
>PR team
Valve has everything but PR team.
What if the products he launched eventually turned into unplayable shit?
I remember when Sup Forums would suck Gabe's cock at every opportunity. I mean I don't care about the guy personally but it's something from old Sup Forums that I miss.
But you were saying that tax evasion isn't worst than "lying" to costumers. It's inconsequential whether it affects the product or not because lying doesn't affect the product either. The product is what it is, what they tell you to sell it to you is quite different.
I never bought into the hype. I just got it when it came out and been enjoying it so far. The new update is pretty nice. Still searching for my earth-like planet to call home though.
It depends on the country you are evading the taxes. If it is a good country that uses the taxes for actual things that helps keep the society safe, wealthy and evolving, evading taxes is a horrible thing. But if is a country where taxes is just used to make another people rich, then fuck it and put it all in a swiss account. Later when you get enough money create some foundation to help blind people, they will not see anything wrong that you would end up doing.
which is why i respect him. he came up with a novel idea and his idea turned into something big. Steam is something that makes a lot of peoples' lives better.
It makes my life better by giving me an easy way to buy games from the comfort of my home.
Steam continues to develop and empowers a lot of people. eg giving indie developers a platform from which to sell their games and for content creators to earn a living.
A lot of people even praise Gabe as having singlehandedly saved PC gaming and this idea certainly has a lot of merit since PC gaming was in a decline prior to stream with the Playstation and XBox consoles having just been released and pirating of PC games running rampant at the time.
So yes you can call Gabe a Jew all you want but you can't deny the good that Valve and steam has done and are still doing.
Are people still mad at a fucking video game that came out 3 months ago
If you going to complain about the playerbase, valve has no responsibility on the behavior of unkown beings that has access to their servers.
They're even more mad that there's something to look forward to rather than the devs dropping support for it entirely.
Yeah, he's such a winner that every other project he touches will be tainted with his reputation.
>Redditors showed up outside the offices of Hello Games
God I'd fucking pay to see that
I got hyped but one thing you never ever does is pre order (fuck you dark souls 2)
reminder NMS is again a top seller on steam
You don't get "promises" in business. You get contracts or ads or nothing.
old Sup Forums was so cringworthy, all those rage memes and "epic threads" everyone cared way too much
New Sup Forums is much better where we are ironically making fun of memes and video games
yeah, you're exactly right. marketers are fucking liars, and nobody should ever believe anything they say
just like todd and co.
>The playerbase singlehandedly killed TF2
We didint play the same TF2 then
Get out you socialist piece of shit.
Caveat emptor, a fool and his money are soon parted etc etc.
>defending video game developers
they're a bunch of losers
How to miss a point.
Everything they showed wasn't in the game. They lied and lied and kept lying.
This is now acceptable.
I like the game.
If by won, you mean that nonone in their right mind will buy a game with his name in the criedts ever again effectively ending his career in the video game industry...
Then yeah, I guess he won.
How new are you?
I'm still mad about games that came out like a decade ago.
Only fucking casuals don't hold grudges.
Unironically I am actually enjoying teh game desu senpai
And what about the multiplayer?
Not about defending the devs it's about people always shifting the blame away from the consumer. Like in the 2008 crisis everyone blames the banks, but no one ever mentions the retards that took out 300,000k mortgages with a salary of $20,000.
The consumer has the obligation to research what he's going to buy, or accept the fact that what he will receive might not be what he thought it would be. Especially in the case of NMS where most of the hype was created by the people following the game and not the devs or their marketing department.
You do realize that it defeats the purpose of an anonymous image board.
>He won
No he didn't. Sure he managed to scam some and he likely got loads of money but if he stays in industry he'll for the rest of his life meet with contempt and doubts.
>Its been confirmed that he wont be getting sued now
Because retards involving authorities instead of build a solid case and showing properly the lies pointed at STEAM page instead, which left enough weasel space.
Shut the hell up frogposter. We're much worse off than we were before and you know it.
>Wheres muh 0.000001% chance of just simply looking at another player
Seans game went from overwhelmingly negative to mostly negative after the later patch, whats your excuse for not buying NMS?
Is that what you truly believe, virgin? Imagine old Sup Forums trying to post in new Sup Forums right now.
They'd be laughed off the board
>anonymous imageboard filled with 'anons'
>creating a name/label for yourself to "stand out" or whatever your reasoning could be
>"lol why r u guys so mad its only letters and numbebrs"
jesus christ buddy just get rid of it
I'm not a gullible fool. I mean not that much.
You kids would lose your minds if Spore was released nowadays.