>africa and the middle east are shining examples of humanity, ingenuity, progress and technology in overwatch
How does this make you feel?
>africa and the middle east are shining examples of humanity, ingenuity, progress and technology in overwatch
How does this make you feel?
It's fiction.
Seems fine, they got rid of their sandnigger religion and picked up a new one which probably stopped infighting about the dumbest shit like a bunch of kids in a sandbox
Well Saudi Arabia does have nice architecture because they have oil money.
Doesn't a map like that represent a place like Dubai?
Its all fiction anyways.
>middle east
Never been to Dubai? Go travel some before you shittalk
To be hones go to Qatar or UAE.
They're amazing.
Just don't go into the slums or anywhere else.
Also don't speak to anyone because 90% of the people there aren't Arab but Indian or Indochinese.
I was shocked to discover how fucked up Qatar is.
From the Sky it looks like paradise. But get out on the wrong floor of the hotel and see Indians with no shoes playing some card game.
I want a game by third worlders, I think it would be a fresh experience from all of these AAA Games and japanese shit-tier games.
First thing to come to mind when I see this is a second part of Nubani somewhere and takes place later in the day
>the ONE diamond in the shitpile
Whatever you say.
didn't a bunch of robots invade and help everyone build all this advanced shit?
>Waifu Bartending was developed in venezuela
That's pretty likely though considering western civilization is poised to fall
it's a joke like mei the chinese environmentalist, or zarya the roided up russian athlete
Arab Gulf States in the Middle East are rich you idiot
Also in Overwatch lore, the African map was built by the Omnic refugees
Not that third world desu, I'm talking about middle-east and africa third world.
>or symmetra the indian tech support
Blizzard is trying to make the pooloos feel good. I don't really care.
Because Africans, Muslims & Latino's are pouring into them
Not only that but the President of Numbani is a Omnic and secretly gave Katya the technology she's using to fight the Omnics in Russia.
And Doomfist the Third may or may not be an Omnic superhero sponsored by the State to make Omnics look good.
Meanwhile Egypt is fucking Tatooine.
>Omnics genocide the arabs and negroes
>war ends, Africa and ME are practically empty
>white people move in and introduce civilization
Feels pretty good desu
>omnics move in and introduce civilization
Robot Revolution did nothing wrong, they were just following their prime directive to protect and serve humanity. They realized the best way to do this was Remove Kebab.
I don't understand your issue
>and then she turned out to be a racist ultranationalist working for a corrupt corporate mogul
Makes me laugh every time
Omnics are honorary aryans
>little kids can't be happy ever
Fuck you faggot
"If I can't be happy, No One Can" is Sup Forums's motto. Ironically the same Motto as Reddit and SJW's everywhere.
uhh no she isn't
she hates robots. she likes russia. at no point does she express any sort of 'racist' or 'nationalist' view
i'm really tired of this damage control meme. you're going to have to accept that this game was not made to appeal to you, it was made to appeal to them.
There's Aurion, which is made by Cameroonian developers.
Have you ever been outside? Do you know what real people look like? In what universe are those 'little kids'? Those are 20 year old college feminists.
>hates robots on the basis they are robots
>not racist
>likes russia
>not nationalist
GREAT point, my fellow non-SJW friend!
That whole Tracer butt thing was such a fake scandal, a Blizzard employee started that thread. The new pose they gave Tracer was even more sexualized than the original one, its literally traced pin-up art
She's completely nationalist.
Half of her character is taking pride in the accomplishments of her nation, and the other half is defending her nation from any perceived threat.
1) robot is not a race
2) she hates robots on the basis that they are waging war on her home country
zarya is designed from the bottom up to pander to radical feminists. from her retarded physique that only a severely roided-out male could achieve, to her problem hair, to even her russian heritage. feminists are big on russia, for two reasons: supporting russia is a fun counter-culture hipstery thing to do, something that flies in the face of the american standard, and russia is a country with ties to communism, something feminists are in love with
>globalism is an end-game civic in civ 6
really makes me think
>from her retarded physique that only a severely roided-out male could achieve
You're pushing reality onto a world where Germans have spawned a breed of humans that grow to be 8 foot tall titans.
Makes me laugh at cucks who play Overwatch
haha yeah man, there's something unrealistic in the game so that means that every unrealistic thing is totally just random design and not a calculated choice designed to pander to some specific demographic
totes my man
Are you implying the Overwatch maps don't represent a tiny part of the rest of the countries?
It's the future. No reason that wouldn't make sense. The Middle East was, at least at one point in the past, a bastion of science and reason. It only got fucked up when some retarded sand nigger manipulated Islam into the bastardized form we see today.
I really hope this isn't a modified copy of Goodrush from Wolfenstein Enemy Territory. It looks like it.
I'm higher ranked than all of you and Overwatch is a bad game, aesthetically and mechanically.
Get owned
That's how it would have looked if Obama/Hillary didn't kill Gaddafi and destabilize the middle east by arming ISIS.
>But get out on the wrong floor of the hotel and see Indians with no shoes playing some card game.
>designed to pander to some specific demographic
the waifufags?
Truly you are out of your mind on many levels but the one with Russia especially. Ever heard of Pussy Riot?
>robot is not a race
way to miss like the entire point of the minimal story that overwatch has
>grinding to level 290 in a game you don't like
literally why
Well the US is going to hell so I don't doubt other countries would surpass us in the future
>no time stamp
>there's something unrealistic
Only something? The game has a talking gorilla, a woman that's a time/space anomaly, multiple corpses, the ability to summon dragons, and the ability to physically enhance people with sound.
How are you this dumb
>lost the first 3 placement matches
>had 3 premades (a 4, 3, and 5 premades) who got completely steam rolled even when I managed to kill 3 or 4 of the enemy team by myself
I fucking hate placement matches. Now I have to wait a week or two for all the bronze tier faggots to get put where they belong so I can have a decent chance at my placement matches.
>Robot is not a race
That in and of itself is racist, and the backbone of the Omnic revolution. Check yourself.
He's here.
Like they're based on an alternate reality where non-islamist leaders weren't mysteriously replaced by clerical fascists
It makes me laugh.
Wouldn't be the first time.
is anyone in overwatch canoically gay? post proof
Here you go, sport
So you can claim their deeds as your own?
Thanks, I'll look it up.
Pyro should be compared with Mei
>kills people in an extremely painful/sadistic way
>everything going on is cheery and pleasant in their mind
>doesn't seem to realize that they're fighting and killing people
Ha! Ur ghey!
>Numbani is a beacon of multiculturalism and accepting the omnics as citizens
>is a shining paradise
>King's Row is full of people rejecting the omnics and refusing to live with them
>is a run-down shithole
What did Blizzard mean by this?
Blizzard announced someone is and they will reveal who soon.
My money is on tracer or lucio because positive rolemodels
Reinhardt is Justice Sexual
Soldier 76 could be old fuckbuddies with Reaper, OR half the female cast.
Reaper could be old fuckbuddies with 76 or edgesexual
Mei can't be gay because China would lose it's shit
Zarya ditto for Russia
Symmetra ditto for India
D.va ditto? for Korea
Genji is being pushed into Mercy ship by wapanese dev
Hanzo is a possibility, he certainly is a faggot
Widowmaker had a husband who she still loves
Junkrat and Roadhog as possible, but too obvious and negative representation
Mcreeeeeee possible, but really a gay cowboy?
Ana has a daughter so presumably fucked a man at some point
Pharah clearly wants Reinhardts GILFHammer
Chologirl maybe
Zenyatta is a fucking robot, as is Bastion
Torbjorn maybe
Winston maybe, but he's a fucking gorilla
So your most likely suspects are Lucio, Tracer, Soldier, Reaper, Cholo, Torbjorn, and Mcree
you fucking at like everywhere in Africa they're only mud huts in shit
Britfag here. England is a run down shithole
>new pose still shows off her as with Tracer giving a cheeky look at the camera
>all the female characters dressed in form-fitting spandex, skimpy outfits, or other things meant to accentuate their physical attractiveness
>all of them represent some kind of 'archetype' that appeals to men, even Zarya
I mean clearly Blizzard is trying to pander a lot with this game but trying to act like it all goes one way is silly.
Blizzard has a policy of token-pandering, yet doing it in the least disruptive way they can.
For example: they include a nigger character, Lucio, but they have an optionak skin which completely covers him up so you can't tell he's a nigger.
Same with Ana, same with Pharah, both shitskins with 'full body cover-up' skin options. Zarya has a skin that turns her Tumblr hair into a normal blonde ponytail. Symmetra has a skin that makes her white.
Following this guideline I think the faggot characters will be ones that straight people already don't care about. Like Lucio and Zarya.
'pandering' to natural, healthy sex instincts isn't a bad thing. sex appeal improves any form of entertainment. humans like to look at attractive humans
pandering to politics on the other hand is awful and lowers the quality of game
Honestly i think this is only because we haven't seen some other parts of the world. I can understand china and japan wanting to stay somewhat traditional. And all of the US we've seen is a hollywood set and in the middle a historic highway so I'm sure once we see some other big locations we will also see more futuristic touches there as well.
>4 hours
>10 wins
>31 kills
I'd be fucking depressed if I was that shitty
My five year old is better than that when she plays Splatoon against Japanese teenagers and American NEETs.
>Fictional game
>Set hundreds of years in the future
Wow, who would have thought.
A team of Africans made a pretty neat brawler/platformer.
Any grandmaster DPS player could wipe the floor with you and it wouldn't be remotely difficult.
Is that Chris-chan jizzing through his UnPussy
uh huh. Still I'm sure I could get at least more than ONE KILL EVERY SIX MINUTES
>Numbani is a mediocre at best map
>King's Row is the best map in the game
Checkmate multiculturalfags
Well even hundreds of years in the future they will probably be broken down shitholes were fanatics kill each other daily
you're too retarded to read the stat page? no wonder you're bronze
still no time stamp in the webm :^)
Oh shit, an MS paint comic!
You sure showed me!
wheres that timestamp?
with the mental age of a child
>caring about overwatch
Huh, really makes you think...
Middle east could've been if not for pislam, Baghdad in particular. You know, Al-Ghazali and what he did to intellectuals
You're forgetting about Khan.
inb4 asshurt slavs that don't realize they actually do live in a third world country
Why does he have a Boston accent
They are. See Syria before 2011. Bretty comfy Hammerfell if you ask me.
I don't think so. I'm pretty sure it was one employee trying to do the right thing and buy brownie points with teh "progressive" crowd except they didn't realize that it had become a sore issue for a lot of people playing video games. I almost guarantee the absurd backlash is why they went on to make the new pose more sexualized. To say "We're not being SJWs but we can't just say that".
That's 2nd world m8