Why does girl like Skyrim so much?

Why does girl like Skyrim so much?

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It's popular and not a difficult game, so it's easy for them to get attention by showing everyone how much they love it.

is baby okey?

>I want attention from the biggest losers on the planet

Because they will shower you with gifts and money while requiring the least amount of effort in return.

>mfw baby want milky from mommy

Is that kid alright?

Is is the RPG for "gamer" normalfags, like Overwatch is their FPS of choice. Fallout 4 was supposed to take over but even normalfags saw how unpolished it was.

It's not a hard game and doesn't require critical thinking skills. The quests tell you exactly where to go etc.

>mfw people tell me that babies are cute

Dude his to young to be lifting at that age...

Roidraging gymrats shouldn't reproduce. Poor kid.


Could be. But Skyrim is pretty complex to be honest. Doesn't look like the kind of game you can get attention by either.
If you're asking if he's physically suffering, no. However, his feels are covering him in emotional pain due to his parents being gymfags. He'll be fine, don't worry cute anime poster.

Delete this

I-I'm cute?!

How accurate is this?

>only two genders
whoa EA not cool

>Farming Sim


Controlling people who do manual work is their specialty.

That baby looks 80 years old.

Poor baby.

the veins on that wrist kinda form the outline of an evil-looking eye

Skyrim is a large, free roaming game with RPG mechanics that doesn't take a degree in autism to get into. It's easy to drop in and out of.

Babbys first Bethesda.

They make good games nigger.


>Life is Strange
Why do they even try to say which games are for girls. Can't just anyone play anything they want.

being a small high school girl and having fun with your girl friends is a male fantasy

Seeing cute anime girls makes me wanna watch anime a little bit but holy shit I do not want to turn into one of those people. My ex gf thought it was hilarious When I tried to watch cowboy bebop once and I can't imagine how normie girls would react.

All her normie BFs like it so she wants to fit in.

This the right answer and it's the only one.

What if I was a boy and that's how I spent my college years.

Just don't tell them and you're fine.

You should know that you're an insufferable cunt.

That's one fuzzy doggo.

>normie BFs
Not sure about this.

Even if a girl was capable of liking Skyrim (they can't) they wouldn't enjoy it on as deep as a level (however shallow the game is) as a guy would.
What they really like is the attention they get for playing it

>my ex gf
>i don't watch anime
Do you realize that (You) are a normalfag?
Kill yourself.
Also nice videogames thread faggots.


Looks like he has a little blood near his mouth. Must have had himself something to eat, eh? :^)

You spent your college years being a high school girl?

That's hot.

Why does reddit call them "doggo" ?

It's cute, I do it now too.

Well, you can always do it and don't tell them... Or you can actually tell them and figure who is a good person who won't judge and who isn't.

Oh, is this the Reddit thread?

>Cat fags mad as fuck all they have is "kot".

Skyrim is absolutely normie. I know because I failed at being one. The memes were too extreme and the normies got the FOMO so, in droves, they played it. Destiny too but to a lesser degree.

People don't need to know every little thing about you. And if someone's gonna make a big deal over what you like to watch, they're an insufferable tool that can't fathom somebody not towing the line.

Just fucking watch your cowboy bebop.

I thought they used pupper

I'm not mad though. I just know reddit calls them "doggo" and "pupper" and it doesn't make sense
Sup Forums has always been a cat website anyway

Sleep tight, dogger.

you're not me!

Because the can play as this beautiful specimen. You don't need any other reasons.

But Skyrim is literally the Dungeons and Dragons of videogames, just losers would play it and normies would always make fun of them

>Implying the internet is crazy about cats anymore
Its been replaced with being crazy with memes nowadays.

You both are cute.

I actually never saw it that way...
God damn it.

>Skyrim is literally the Dungeons and Dragons of videogames

There is no context in existence where this analogy works at all besides someone saying "Give me the dumbest analogy you've got".

Gives them an escape from the fact that they're not supporting themselves what so ever and their boyfriend is working his ass off to keep a roof over her head. Video games and cheating, a girls cure to boredom!

that's better...

You don't remember all that foos rah whatever bullshit memes being spouted all the time? Arrow in the knee shit.. It reached Minecraft levels of autism but normies were very much invested. Being a nerd is a trendy thing these days, muh dude.

How old do you think this baby is now?

Post cute stuff.

I wasnt planning on fapping today but...

Can I has more pls kind sir?


>normalfags that are too childish to accept that videogames can be fun use Skyrim as a gateway to the rest of what the medium can offer

>normalfags that are too scared to play games because they're embarrassed of their lack of skill play an easy game with no depth like Skyrim, but still feel like a "hero"

>normalfags are proud that they can finally be a part of a hobby that they felt left out of

Why is this bad?

>But Skyrim is literally the Dungeons and Dragons of videogames
Nnnnnope. Skyrim is the Starbucks of video games.

This is the Dungeons and Dragons of video games.


>All those nerds talking about classes and magic and dragons and skills and stats and roleplay in general
>No contex in existence
Sorry Dungeon Master, but no one in the real world will see the difference.

>peeking pubic tuft


Question: Who is coming into your home to shower you with gifts and money, user?

Off topic, but is there a decent rip of this movie out yet?

I caught it in theaters, but I really want to watch that scene in it's entirety (and the rest of the film of course) again.


Because Skyrim is the candy crush of RPGs

It's basically impossible to lose and it's simple enough for a 4 year old to beat.

>Starbucks of video games.
But Stacy and Chad don't even play it.

Why does reddit call people "normalfags" ?



It is a sad state indeed. Black people or females, which is the greater evil?

My vote goes to women. Black people around other black people are terrible but talk to them one-on-one and they're not that bad. I like the ones that play fightan.


Wrong game, bud.



They did play it.
But now they've moved on to League of Legends and Overwatch.


>he plays games for girls

You don't have to these days, grandpa. We're all digital.

So you're telling me Skyrim has none of that? Have you played it?

cause they can pretend theyre playing a real game, when in actual fact its just a crafting simulator with 1 button fight mechanics

Dungeons and Dragons is a modular game, newfag

why is there shit along the baby's waist


Skyrim is barely an RPG, it's more like a grindy exploration game.

ayy lmao's invading through human wombs

I think your autism is precluding you from understanding the analogy.

All my brother does is farm, then he comes home and plays farming sim.

You're not charismatic or talented enough for that, user. Otherwise you'd be doing it too. If you are, show me your streams.


Sauce plox

I'm givin it all she's got captain!

Try non-broken analogies. D&D isn't exclusively
Just as much as it isn't
>exploring a fantasy world
Your example is just as one-dimensional as Skyrim

damn, this little lady doesn't have any tits!