What happened to the colorful, friendly, and cutsey genre of 3D platformers...

What happened to the colorful, friendly, and cutsey genre of 3D platformers? Mario is there and Ratchet and Clank tried and failed, bringing the genre down a bit.

What happened to this once beloved genre of games? Did the grimdark and shooter craze of the mid-00s kill it?

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What happened was bad games and shovelware gave the genre a bad reputation somewhere between 2005-2010.

Found a new pixiv to follow thanks op

I feel like this artist is the only one who can draw absolutely non-pornagraphic art, and still get me so fucking rock hard.

Too bad his actual hardcore stuff feels tame otherwise, and is always overly censored

I can agree somewhat but monkey rape and pee is pretty cool.


People stopped trying to sell mindless fun and moved onto stories, the games now look for actual writers, marketing is 70% of the budget and demographics look for the broadest possible audience with no idea what direction works. None of the previously mentioned communicates either so their all working independantly.

They went to mobile where it's cheaper to produce and quality barely exists

I don't see how Ape Escape isn't as popular as Pokemon. Sony really drops the fucking ball with all of their properties.

that's becuase you're a paedophile

>Ratchet and Clank tried and failed, bringing the genre down a bit.
What do you mean?

Ape Escape needs more art

>muh peedough

roasty is toasyy roasty is toasty

I think they should have gone less "crazy wacky japanese stuff" with where the series headed, that way it would have gotten better received in the west. The first game in the series wasn't as strongly themed and felt a lot more like typical late 90s game so you could have built into any direction with it.

It's possible he means that even though the games were critically renowned, they didn't sell especially well. Businesses can then infer that people just won't buy that type of game anymore.

It was more to do with the series having an identity crisis where they couldn't tell if it's platforming or party game spin offs

>Ratchet and Clank tried and failed, bringing the genre down a bit.
What? No it didn't. Yeah, it had FFA and A4O, but all the other titles have been solid even if the focus has shifted more towards the weapons.

Yeah, I guess that's the reason. The first game was really good, I replayed it recently and it was better than I remembered.

It's strange to me that they didn't put Yumi into PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale as like a skin or something.

>yet another thinly veiled pedophile thread
I like it.

That game was for westerners. Japs didn't give a shit about it.

I wish they also added Carmelita and Lammy, so you have 4 girls that aren't Nariko or FP

Pretty much this.

At least they added Kat with DLC


Reminder aceman is a ban evading spammer and should be treated as such.

i like this pairing, it's cute

fuck off, leddit.

It's just a script. I think. They'll get bored.


>spamming every thread with off topic shit

Fuck off.

Nothing wrong with that.


What's off-topic is OP, with that Yumi picture. If he had posted this image: , we'd probably be having a discussion right now.

Instead it's on Ape Escape

Remember how 3D platformers were big and the grimdark shooters were fairly niche outside of Doom and Duke Nukem? Those guys got in the industry, and no one took their place. Also, with graphics being more and more detailed and realistic, there was a push for photo-realism and the cutesy platformers were the anti-thesis for them.

Well ok then, back on-topic

Yooka laylee looks to be exactly what this thread has been missing

I hope YL doesn't flop

With the amount of care they're taking, it should be safe

I hate when artists draw characters like that, it just makes me want to smell her ass and feet

they're still around, but they're not that great (3D Land, Knack...).

I get my dose of colorful and cute in 2D games now.

If there's one thing I hope the Old Rare people have learned over the years is not to have too much shit to collect.

post more loli

I don't think you belong here, buddy.

Speaking of Knack, what exactly was the problem with it? All I can remember reading was that the enemies hit way too hard and that it gets very repetitive since you can't stray off the beaten path.

Knack's issue was that it was less a platformer then it was a 3D beam-em-up with jumping.

I think the idea is having a balance.
Having to collect every single thing to progress isn't nice. Adversely the player is going to want to explore the levels so having something in the hidden areas to say "well done you found somewhere special" is nice.
If you're guided all the way to the secret place with 20 standard collectibles then its less rewarding despite collecting more things.

Is this one new?



The problem wasn't amount of shit to collect, but that the genre became almost exclusively focused on collecting, to a fault.

So much of DK64's collectibles involve no real challenge or thought or effort and boil down to "be in this place with the correct Kong who is allowed to interact with this object".
Seeing a trombone pad on the ground, backtracking to a barrel, backtracking to the trombone pad with Lanky, pressing a button on the trombone pad to get a collectible, and then seeing a peanut switch... is just fucking filler.
It's almost like a parody of the genre.

In SM64, stars are a measure of progress and method of staggering content (mostly in the early game).

In DK64, the collectibles are a substitution for actual content much of the time, and there are gates everywhere for amount of bananas, amount of golden bananas, amount of tokens, amount of blueprints, whether you have such and such ability unlocked with such and such Kong, etc. etc.
The gameplay is largely just interacting with a bunch of locks and keys, for its own sake.


I miss the amount of personality mascots had

that was one of the best parts you millenial child

only people who really wanted that 100% could get it

thanks for killing the genre with your shit taste, champ.

man i loved gex 3, the chinese tv level was comfy for me for whatever reason, color scheme and remindan me of my favorite low mien probably

Gex 3 had a great hubworld

>killing the genre

you ADHD queers who get upset at collecting things in a platformer is why the genre is dead

Gex doesn't really have personality so much as make a bunch of one liners relevant to the theme of the level.
Sonic or Banjo & Kazooie would be much better examples.

Even then OP doesn't make much sense. The remaster did silly levels of sales, if a new one came out next year I'd be shocked if it was a flop.

>He didnt read the manuals
>He didnt read the book

It started to reach a glut and have a lot of mediocre games, then receded. If the Ratchet reboot, Yooka Laylee, and Grow Home are anything to go by though, devs have realized this and they've realized there's an audience for it, so i'd say give it a few years and we'll see more of a push for them. I could even see an Ape Escape reboot honestly.

>Ratchet reboot, Yooka Laylee, and Grow Home
What about Unbox? Everyone loved it r-right?

I'm not upset at collecting things. I'm upset the genre was devolving into NOTHING BUT collecting things. I prefer collectibles be a reward for completing a gameplay task, not the task itself.

name 1 (ONE) pure collecting agency platformer

>you were supposed to read the Gex novelization

mario sunshine blue coins?

the game manual gives you his personality

Haha I wonder what this smells like

What I said is "the genre was devolving into nothing but collecting".
That's not the same as "the genre had devolved into nothing but collecting", which is what you are replying to.
It's the direction the genre was obviously headed. Thankfully it never reached that destination, but unfortunately that's only because the genre fucking died.

AE1 is just a brilliant game in general, AE2 and AE3 I also enjoyed but my nostalgia mixed in with the game just being solid in general just pushes me to favor 1 more.

The controls are better in the later games but AE1 still has the best levels of the three.



