Marvel vs Capcom 4 will be a soft reboot, will be announced Saturday

Marvel vs Capcom (no 4 in the title) will be announced at the PSX Keynote Saturday afternoon, before Capcom Cup SFV Top 8.

It will have a huge MCU focus, use MCU celebrities for VAs, and it will be teams of 2 versus 2. Assist characters will be back, it plays more like MvC1 and TvC than Marvel 2 and 3. It will be slower too.

Capcom and Marvel are treating it like a soft reboot for the MvC series with a heavier focus on story. There will be no X-Men or Fantastic Four Characters.

The initial roster will only be 24 characters, 12 characters for both sides Capcom and Marvel.



Sounds like a party senpai.

>More like TvC
Muh dick.

If it plays anything like TvC I will pick it up.

TvC is the best versus game.

>it plays more like MvC1 and TvC than Marvel 2 and 3. It will be slower too.
>It will be slower too.

>Source: my ass

>soft reboot
of course, they have to introduce their fresh new take on the characters after all

Don't believe shit until you see a trailer.

Captain America
Spider Man
Iron Man
Black Widow

Chun Li
Dante (DmC)
Leon S Kennedy
Viewtiful Joe
Frank West


I was believing you until
>use MCU celebrities for VAs
>Hollywood's actors making VA without charging a lot of money.
>Capcom with that money

>no guest from SFV

Don't think capcom is that stupid

>Dante (DmC)
Why do people honestly think this?
The last few years have shown that Capcom, while they would never admit it, knows they fucked up hard and have been in damage control mode for a while.

Annnnnnd dead on arrival if it's true. Why do they have to directly follow the garbage MCU?

That's gotta be a joke.

>Chun li


I haven't played V so I'm not sure who would be a good pick and considering the rumored roster is 12v12 I figured two classics had a better chance.

Name 1 versus game Chun Li wasn't in.

>Dante (DmC)

I hope he returns.

Well Sup Forums?

I can't and it's infuriating.

reboot of what?
iron man punching wolverine?
will it be the other way around this time?

If Capcom is going to make a new MvC (which I doubt but anyway let's pretend they do), they'll obviously use the chance to promote SFV, and the most popular newcomer from SFV is Necalli so I assume he'll be in the new game (again, assuming a new MvC will even happen).

>24 characters
>celebrities and story
But why though

Jackpot x2

I'm pretty interested to see whether they put in a new character like RASHIDO or maybe someone like Alex/Urien/Karin/Mika since they made their comeback recently.


Just make Disney: The Fight Battles Conflict already

She's as iconic as Ryu at this point, like it you or not but Ryu and Chun Li are the faces of Street Fighter.

If it ain't broke don't fix it. Wtf.
>no 3v3
What's the point Capcom

>no F4 and X-Men

Well, you can suck my dick then. I hope it flops.

It is broke.

And everyone thought mvc2 was going to be an abomination when it came out.

>No Kelloggs vs Capcom

Alex was already in both TvC and Capcom Fighters Evolution so you can rule him out, Karin and Mika styles wouldn't fit a MvC game at all, well maybe Urien I guess but I find that hard to believe.

>It will be slower

Wouldn't be surprised to see this guy since RE2make is in the works.

So, what's your dreamlist Sup Forums ?

36 characters, no slot for the boss(es), you can put whatever you want in it, including Xmen and F4 (fuck the rumors)

Needs more villians.

>Alex was already in both TvC and Capcom Fighters Evolution so you can rule him out
Seems like a weird reason to rule someone out.




>before Capcom Cup SFV Top 8
Capcom alwasy announce shit after the grand finals

Soft reboot of what?

He's dead.
Via shitty comic event

That's the problem if they're going with the MCU all the villains are trash.

As far as the Capcom side goes the limited roster narrows whose gonna get included.

well, the playerbase has grown old and lost their reflexes



You can bet it's Rocket&Groot as one single character

What the fuck is an MCU?

Do comic events matter in non-cannon fighting games?

Why people hate MCU? They are far more interesting than Xmen. Xmen stories has been retold many times already.

Not in the MCU his hype is higher than ever.

>He's dead.

>marvel isnt pushing Guardians like crazy right now
they will all be there

>playerbase has grown old

MVC3 was literally only 5 years ago

>no Black Phanter
>no Winter Soldier

You literally forgot to include the only two interesting characters from the MCU, your list a shit.

I think Black Panther, Rocket Raccoon, and the Winter Soldier have higher chances than Drax.


A slow mvc that's unreal

People hating MCU has nothing to do with X-Men.

Insider here, you don't have to believe me.

There won't be any Capcom characters.

yeah and the people who played were 25

That sounds better actually.

Honestly I'd prefer Starlord as a distance gun using character.

as long as Capcom's real Blue Mascot gets in, i don't give a fuck

The Marvel Cinematic Universe. a.k.a non-canon shit.

I think, the hates from The synergy

The non-movie villains are pretty good, like Kingpin and Ward/Hive. Not sure if they bring anything new to the table though, former is just a big guy and latter would play like Wesker

Drax is pretty cool though, he killed Thanos by ripping out his hearth with his bare hands, how is that not cool?

>use MCU celebrities for VAs

fake as fuck

Winter Solider and Panther seem like assists to me.

Guardians is gonna get a rep that movie was huge money.

Only had 24 spots guys people had to get cut.

yeah but normies love Wolverine and Deadpool so their exclusion would piss casuals off.

I think Female Roman Reigns, will make the cut.

>Assist characters

I hadn't thought about the TV stuff really I might have given a spot to Daredevil then

Is not hate for the MCU per se, but for what we have to suffer just for the movies rights with X-Men and F4.
And Marvel trying to kill both for the sake of not promoting Fox's movies.

>It will have a huge MCU focus, use MCU celebrities for VAs
The part that just doesn't make it credible.

Why overblow a budget with AAA actors to do voice work, Robert John Downey, Jr. alone would rape with his high fee. AAA actors doing voiceovers is for a Disney animated movie, not a fighter.

If I wanted a slow boring fighting game, I'd fucking play SFV you retarded fucks at Capcom.

marvel side

What about Ultron? I can see War Machine, Falcon, Vision, and Scarlet Witch as assists though.

Fox is the villain in the story though, not Marvel, I mean sure Marvel is dumb to have sold the rights in the first place but Fox's movies are shit and they still refuse to sell the rights to Marvel so they can make better movies, look at the travesty that was the F4 movie, F4 is one of the best, if not the best, comic book series Marvel has ever release, they don't deserve to be in Fox's hands.

>and it will have no X-men characters
>so no
>Optic Blast
>No Magfuckingneto
>No Rocket lawn chairs from sentinel
>No Bubs
>No Southern Belle Rogue

Why are people hyped for this again?

God I hope not, what an awful character.

Because it's putrid, quippy garbage and they constantly "re-imagine" characters for no goddamn reason. There's no emotion, no character, it's just there for cool and flashy fight scenes. It's the literal equivalent of "le nerdy girl" attention whoring and pretending to know comics. That's what the MCU is: An attention whore.

>It will have a huge MCU focus, use MCU celebrities for VAs
You should remove this to make it a better fake leak.

Robert and Chris' payment alone would cost more than the entire budget for MvC3 several times over.

Why in God's name did Marvel sell some of their IPs?
Who would fucking do that? Why wouldnt you rent them out for timed exclusivity?

- Will be a Reboot. Not MvC4.
- Title is "Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinity Wars"
- Marvel will be using MCU characters with some comic characters they are pushing like Kamala Kahn.
- Capcom will be mostly relying on classics, but with some "Fresh takes" on classic characters like Akuma with designs by MCU art departments
- Heavy involvement from MCU Actors on TV/Netflix/Screen for voice acting with plans for updated voice acting and casting for newer characters
- No X-Men or Fantastic Four characters yet. Hoping to add in the future when expected MCU deal with Fox comes through
- PS4 primary platform. Coming to Switch/Xbone and PC. All season DLC and public betas will be on PS4 first
- Two PS4 exclusive guest characters. Old Kratos and Delsin Rowe.
- Seasonal model. Can be updated as MCU builds. Launches with 24 characters. 12 for each side
- Published by Marvel and not Capcom. Will be offered digital first with a retail release later in the year
- UMvC3 port coming first to PS4 week after Capcom Cup. PC and Xbone in 2017. Co-Developed by QLOC and Iron Galaxy Chicago and include rollback netcode.
- MvC Origins and MvC2 will be made back compat on Xbone and offered on PSNOW.
- 3D Fighter somewhat like Dissidia and that old EA prototype from years back. Lots of emphasis on set pieces and destructive scenery. Very interactive stages that are also used as Single player levels where players fight Hydra and Shadaloo goons.
- Co-Developed by Team Ninja, Omega Force and Capcom
- Uses Unreal Engine 4
- No Koei-Tecmo guests planned as KT's involvement is only development and testing out their capabilities with Unreal 4. KT All-Stars will scratch that itch for traditional Musou.
- Very few MvC3 staff involved
- Will reveal at Capcom Cup, not PSX conference.

Screencap this

If they're gonna do this don't even make the fucking game. You can dial back the craziness that is Marvel. That is part of the fun it.

I'll be heated beyond belief if it really is set up like this. Might pass on it altogether.

>Iron Man
>Captain Murica
>Iron Fist
>Jessica Jones

>Necali or Juri
>Monster Hunter
>Frank West
>Nero or Vergil

r8 this realistic list

You Bet, she will in time for her 5th relaunch and upcoming movie.

Ya maybe swap him with Ant-Man he'd be better as an assist.

Miss TOLERANCE AND PROGRESSIVE will replace X-23. Calling it.


That was retconned

Even if this shit was true and there were X-Men characters, Cyclops and Rogue wouldn't make it, they lost their thunder in the comics years ago.




I don't give a fuck, Drax will never not be cool in my eyes.

Like it or not, she's basically a staple.

you forgot


no footdive no buy

>they're gonna remove the ultimate meter and replace it with a quip bar

I think reading this made my crohn's fuck up because I have a stomach ache now.

y cap so hap?
how I become hap like cap?

Star-Lord would be more likely I think. Plus he can use his element gun and cover for Frank by using his Earth weapons from Annihilation Conquest.