I just installed Overwatch

I just installed Overwatch.
Why are the graphics so shit?
I mean for me personally.
The lettering and writing is really crisp, but the main stuff looks terrible.

Cause you're on low nigger

I should know that's the only way I can run it.

It says I'm on High.

Check your render scale you fucking brony

first time installing a PC game?

resolution scaling
settings are set automatically at the first launch, probably it detected a shit pc
disable or set it at 100% and itll look fine

fuck off entitled pcuck

Actually yes.

What makes you think I'm a brony?

I tried all the resolution options. Nothing changed.

post your settings

resolution scaling not resolution,

the one that says a number with %, change it to 100% to render at the resolution you picked

No most PC games aren't like this, usually Internal resolution (resolution scaling) is tied to window resolution

buttmad console shit detected

Just changed it to Medium.

Do this

I did that, and it fixed the problem of it looking shitty. But now the mouse is slow, and the movements are the opposite of smooth.

get a PC that isn't 10 years old

I have Razer for 1000$, so it enough

how about you dont limit your fps you mongoloid

>gt 610
pretty impressive. the game seems well optimized.

the fuck is that supposed to mean

The render scale default auto tries to hit 60fps with whatver specs you have, so you're probably better off playing at something like 1600 x 900 with 100% scale, and High to medium settings

hey man welcome to overwatch

despite all the COOL MEMES and waifu stories you hear, there's input lag tied to your framerate.

have fun.

uninstall the game
trash your computer
kill yourself user

is that easy to fix :^)

This isn't OP btw.

buy more lootboxes, goy

>3.42MB .png

Why do people do this?

>GT 610
you're right user, it's only five year old shit hardware!
post yfw you didn't fall for the prebuilt meme

>giving a shit about data

Let me guess, phone lurker? lmao

I wanted to get across how shitty the animations were compared to the lettering.

>gt 610
If you want your game to perform well, you're going to have to sacrifice visual fidelity. No way around it unless you upgrade your card. The minimum GPU for Overwatch is a gtx 460, which you can get for sixty bucks.

meant to reply to

You have resolution scaling set below 100%

The game has two res settings:
-Resolution determines the size of the image going to your monitor and determines UI elements
-Resolution Scaling determines the "internal res" of the renderer. If your resolution is 1920x1080 and your res scaling is 50% your "internal res" is 960x540 and then it's being upscaled to 1080p

The game was literally unplayable for me at 100%. Someone at blizzard has no idea how to program mouse inputs :^)
also don't play with fps capped to 30 you plebeian

turn off vsync/frame limiting

There's no point limiting your framerate to 30FPS if you can't break 60

Please stop falling for bait

>have vsync or frame-limiting on
>provide mouse input
>computer throws away the frames the input first registered on like I told it to

playing a console made game on PC

i don't know understand how people can think consoles were anything more than an afterthought for blizzard when 1/4 the heroes are completely useless when played with a controller.

Complete garbage on console

Have a PC that isn't total shit.

what chars?

the thing that makes the game incredibly difficult on ps4 is how slow aiming is. when you have played the shitty COD games at max speed(10) overwatch speed is like 5-6 by comparision
cant even turn around fast enough when being shot at from behind.

>V-sync off
>no frame limiter
>no triple buffering
>still lags as fuck
There's no excuse for shitty programming. Almost every other game handles mouse inputs fine even on toasters

>cant turn around fast enough when being shot from behind
M8 I play on Xbone and have the sensitivity on 70 and can turn 360 and blast people shooting me from behind before they even realised what happened.

Git gud.

>Why are the graphics so shit?
It's a Blizzard game. They always look like shit.

I imagine sniper girl, other sniper girl, cowboy, cod manand maybe original tumblr girl

stop lying microshill

Not him but I tried using Ana on my buddy's Xbone and it was a miserable experience. She only makes sense to use with mouse-aiming.

Works on my machine :3c

I've got a stable 120FPS at high 1080p and no visible input lag

Also triple buffering is a type of v-sync, if v-sync is off it does nothing

Because you have a shitty PC.

I own a Ps4 and and Xbone so how about you go suck a fat dick Sonygger.

Maybe if the PS4 controller wasn't a total hunk of junk you could have responsive aiming.

Source: I own both and the PS4 is a hunk of shit.

>GT 610
Oh wow.

You're better off playing TF2. On the orange map.

Enjoy those xbox exclusives cuckboi

turn off fps limit I think.

I had that problem and it was either that or something to do with vsync.

Well considering I have a PS4 and a PC I am pretty sure I can play all vidya exclusives.

So how about you go fuck yourself you literal poorfag retard shit stain.

Jesus Christ, that's literally the lowest Nvidia tier in existence and I actually thought they didn't go lower than x30.