Do you consider Bloodborne a scary/eery game?

Do you consider Bloodborne a scary/eery game?

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>Hypogean Gaol
yes parts of it were spooky



The story in whole is creepy. The lullaby still gets me excited sometimes.


It scared me but I am easily scared. I lost on several attempts due to me being frozen in fear. It made the victories mean more.

Scary, not really, but eerie and unsettling, completely.
A big part of making games scary is taking away your options of dealing with threats, forcing you towards hiding or flight. When you're a badass hunter with a huge saw that ballerina steps around, you're not likely to feel terrified.
But bloodborne nails gothic horror's balance of realistic enough to feel inside tbe world, while fantastic and unfamiliar enough to feel unsettled.

It's action horror like RE4

It has its creepy moments, but its mostly about dat adrenaline

I don't know

it isnt scary usually

but those guys that run super fast in the chalice dungeons, fuck them to hell



that being said, I'd really like to see FromSoft try their hand at an honest-to-god survival horror game. I know about Echo Night and Kuon, but those are old and busted and no one cares about them. I wanna see the creative talents behind Bloodborne (i.e. creature/environment design and music) make a legit traditional horror game. Or hell I'd even be happy with one of those first-person Amnesia knock-offs that are so popular these days.

it had great potential for that, like when you get abducted at one point, but it ruins that moment when you find out 2 minutes later that you just can warp out with the lamp. Even Dark Souls 1 did that thing better.

some part of the game are scary, especially Upper Cathedral (= Resident evil), forbidden woods, etc.
The music and the atmosphere of the game is creepy as fuck too.

I plugged in my headphones because my roommate was fucking in the next room and i noticed loads of sounds i hadnt really paid attention to before.

I was doing chalice dungeons so i came back to the dream a lot. Always starts with crying messengers from a bloodstain. What im getting at is the sound design is excellent and gives a lot to the spooky atmosphere and im only now appreciating it.

That and Sages move in a most unsettling way.

>fucking someone with someone in the next room

no class

why do Hunters make a habit of covering their mouths and noses?


I'd guess that they don't want any blood in their nose/mouth

post yfw you explored the Research Hall for the first time

What do you think Yharnam smells like? Have you ever smelled burning hair? Have you noticed just how much blood Hunters get on themselves?

It majorly creeps me out, that's for sure. Just the thought of some parts gives me shivers.

Upper Cathedral Ward was the really spooky part.

The only part that 'got me' was seeing a spooky snek burst out of someones head for the first time and the spooky witch women bursting into the graveyard in red light.

chalices are pretty spooky when you do them the first time

The game is extremely tense the first time through any area, but generally the moment you learn an area, you're thinking about how to do it simply and fast.

It's not really ever horror, just surprising and at times intimidating. However just the first time through usually.

A good example is the scorpion flowertails. When you first encounter the one at Byrgenworth, you're like what the fuck is that.

The it turns out to be a pushover and you're annoyed by that one room that just has like a dozen of them in the Chalice dungeons.

There's also the issue is that by the end of the game, you realize the most threatening dawn enemies in the game are other hunters.

Like going Mensis and the Frontier, while the places were fucked up, the hunters you encountered were by far the most threatening enemies.

im fighting Gehrman and took the 3 cords.
should i just beat the game than start on NG+ or die on Moon and complete the chalice dungeons before i roll over?

Chalice dungeons aren't affected by NG cycle in any way so do whatever.

have you done the dlc and other optional stuff
chalices are the same on NG and NG+ so it doesnt really matter

That place was pretty much my favorite invasion spot.
Host and friends would be all caviler about chasing after me until the brain sucker appeared and then the chandler falling later.

It's more unsettling than most horror games since everything is going for jump scares now.

Play that shit with headphones in the dark and it gets bretty spooky

Not as good as Latria though

Of course it's not scary

Anyone who thinks it is probably considers Sleepy Hollow a horror movie


Why is Paarl such a bitch.

Because you're usually overleveled by the time you fight him.

Not really, but it has it's moments.

Slaughtering hordes of creepy dudes looks nice and spoopy, but it's not really scary. Walking quietly through a cleared area to turn the corner and have a doggo suddenly leap out woof borking at you is a good jump scare any night.

Not really. It was kinda tense since I would be afraid to die but I wasn't afraid of the environment or scenario or the creatures


The sound design in this game is masterful and scared me more than anything else about it

It's certainly unsettling but not really a scary game, it's not a horror
but it masterfully creates atmosphere of an utterly fucked up world where something dreadful and otherworldly collides with reality and they become inseparable.
Hypogean gaol and its revisit with mensis ritual, the very fist trip to the lecture building, horses that carried you into cainhurst suddenly being dead, moonside lake and everything that happens in Nightmares is just masterfully done and surreal.

Should I wait end game to do The Old Hunters or do it in NG+?

But he's whopping my ass.

I can barely hit his legs because he abuses the camera.

I got dragged into this shitty place by some sackmongers after I got to some shitty place after I defeated the blood-starved beast

>sound design

It's pretty spooky.
Had myself a little fighte when the werewolf jumped through the door.

In that case you're probably underleveled.

The thing about Paarl is that you're always either too high or too low when you fight it.

>the song in that area is called Soothing Hymm Posting the best boss track, don't mind me.

Is the sound synchronization messed up for anyone else? I use headphones and sounds always come from the wrong channels or feel generally scattered.

It's not even the best track in base game let alone entire OST.
Take this.

Maybe not "scary", just dreadful and unsettling

ive done the optional areas/bosses but have not gotten the DLC.

>Game won't let you save Iosefka
>Won't let you convince the suspicious beggar not to kill people

I like "fighting" the beggar, and by fighting I mean cheesing poison knives and serrated knives from the doorway near him. His attacks are fucking ridiculously strong. Why/How is he even such a beast?

>Can't romance Ariana or Iosefka
Into the trash it goes

Don't lock on.

What did he do to trigger the wolves?

host triggers them by walking on those stairs

I don't but he forces the camera to zoom out or stands in a weird way and I miss his shitty legs.

dark setting with all the gothic architecture but ultimately no, I wouldn't consider it even an action or survival horror game.

What's your weapon? Saw Cleaver/Spear makes quick work of him. Hit his foot, he goes down, then switch to the other foot and he'll go down again before he even does his AoE shock.

Maybe for the whole first hours.
Then it's all about the hunt

When you get literally drenched in bodily fluids on a daily basis you take measures to keep that shit from getting in your mouth and nose.

Get the DLC first, finish it then beat Gehrman

Dark souls 2 is scarier than bloodborne

>Not Annalise

Too uppity

desu id rather Adella, seems like top tier cuddles

Yeah what a dick move. Should have gone to one of the other fifty rooms in their expansive mansion

>the only sentient beast
I really want to know more about him

>gettin ready to play my gothic horror themed vidya
>PSYCHE it's a cosmic horror themed vidya

Actually true Iosefka shows interest in you if you take enough of her vials
>This night is long, but morning always comes. Someone of your caliber won’t fail us, I am certain. And once the night of the hunt ends, we can speak face-to-face. Then I can finally see what you look like. I shouldn’t be thinking this but I am rather looking forward to it. So please, be careful out there.
Shame she gets turned into ayy by this piece of ass.

its both desu

people tend to forget the beast/kin thing is a spectrum

My nigga Laurence all up in this bitch

I'm using the Saw Cleaver.

I just got him after trying out fire paper for the first time

It still hurts. Fucking imposter lmao needs to fuck off

I know, if he had any consideration he would have fucked the girl right in front of user.

I mean, he could ask his friend to take a walk or something

SOME consideration this how people who are not gettin laid think?

>wanting a literal whore

It's the scariest game I have played since probably RE3 on PS1.
Bloodborne is the only game that made me genuinely feel scared without resorting to jump scares.

Ariana seemed good for the bantz

a good quality during a beast infestation and all that

>plowing a girl with someone in the next room

we arent all white trash

A real friend won't fucking care

I mean the girl

regardless, some privacy is nice

A real friend would offer a blowjob from the slut while he's banging her

user, you ever smelled a room after two people just had sex in it?

I have smelled my room, yes

unless you are living with prudes this is not a issue.
hell my house mates are more likely to high five me after banging some slut than bitch about us fucking in the other room. unless it is like 4 AM on a weekday. than they bitch but because they have to work in a couple of hours and have not slept.

Die on moon and get that sweet burial blade before going to the dlc only to piss Maria even more.

yes, amygdalas make my skin crawl every fucking time.

"I am going to rip my arms off and beat you to death with them!"

I fucking hate the winter lanterns. Even in a 1v1 fight I can't beat them. I don't think I will ever get to Mergo's Wet Nurse.

I beat Orphan of Kos but can't beat the lanterns guarding the way to the rakuyo.

Hot gluing a Sailor Moon figure doesn't count.

>yfw the first time you heard it


Brainsuckers are my nightmare. I have a strong fear or parasites, worms and ticks and that tentacle sucking insight out of your heda made me sick

Winter lanterns are scary

and there's a lot of body horror

>winter lanterns
>brain of mensis
Play the game

keep trying user, you'll make it

Have you tried hitting them until they died? alternatively parry their grab and visceral them
Make sure to use the frenzy resist rune