I wish Konami remastered Castlevania LoI and CoD for the pc. They were such good games but it gets tiring to play them on the PS2
I wish Konami remastered Castlevania LoI and CoD for the pc...
It's 1
It's 6
It's ?, they tell you right there retards
Check my 9
>457 posts and 135 image replies omitted
check my answer: 1
It's how about you use proper, universally accepted formatting for that mathematical expression instead of purposefully leaving it ambiguous.
It's 1.
These boys did their homework.
I'm not actually sure
Is it 9 or 1?
Do you divide first or multiply?
I genuinely wonder how many retards really dont know that its 1 and how many just pretend to be retarded
Lotta people today that don't know basic math.
How do you retards even come up with the answer of 1? And so many if you too.
>It's how about you use proper, universally accepted formatting for that mathematical expression instead of purposefully leaving it ambiguous.
>It's 1.
There's nothing ambiguous. Learn associativity is and what we default to for the % operator.
Look at this. Look at it. It's 1.
>read this so you don't have to reply to these shitty threads again
t's 9. Parentheses, then left to right.
This format is never used, due to this possible confusion. It's why division is always written as a fraction. Then it would be either (6/2)(1+2) or (6/(2)(1+2)) with the 1+2 on the bottom or on the right (technically top). Since it's not written, you assume it's on the right.
both answers are technically correct, the problem lies in the question itself
If that were the case it should be written as
6/[2 (2+1)]
You fucking imbecile
we aren't doing fractions, nigga
Look at this. Look at it. It's 9.
Nope. That would be 6/(2(1+2)).
When the operators have same precedence you go from left to right.
divide and multiply are on the same order level, at this point you read from left to right
Kill yourselves
Stop derailing dude
It isn't written like that, retard.
This isn't a fractions problem, it's order of operations, which so many people have once again shown to utterly fail at.
Division is always fractions.
multiply because
Beat me to it. This is the correct notation.
I hope you're baiting, otherwise kindly remove yourself from the gene pool.
Motherfucker this isn't variables you don't distribute first
What the fuck?
That's what I was thinking, i just wasn't sure if you multiplied the two with what's inside the parenthesis first or not
Thanks user
Don't thank that retard for being wrong.
How does the order of operations translate into real world scenarios?
god, I will never know if you people really are this retarded. I'm so glad I'm not one of you idiots. there's a reason you all did shit in school boys
5th grade answer is 9.
9th grade answer is 1.
13th grade answer is "OMG but why is math even real"
>this retard
I hate these kinds of threads because you guys make me feel stupid
I don't know who's right anymore
God-tier bait
both are right.
I'm not even joking.
How are all these retards getting 9? Do you not know how to do pemdas? 2(3) is NOT the same as 2x3.
It's 9, but I can see why people would say it's 1. If the equation was shown as
Rather than using the sign then 1 would be correct.
/ 6 * 2 + 1 2
Both are correct since it's not properly notated
You either thought about it this way, or that way. Both are correct
why do the furry girls have penises
because Sup Forums is actually this fucking retarded and I've decided to finally leave Sup Forums forever
they are, as there's different ways of interpreting the order of operations in math, but schools tend to not teach that for the sake of simplicity. Trust me, both can be correct, that's why it's such a great ruse image.
But 6/2(1+2) isn't how you notate that. You'd notate that with 6/(2(1+2))
Yes, it is.
Whoever taught you math was a shit teacher.
Why the fuck is everyone posting furry futa porn
Why not?
>this thread
The notation is perfectly fine. It could also have said
and it would have been the same. Now why would you switch the order of functions that have the same priority? The only right answer is 9.
>Castlevania LoI and CoD for the pc. They were such good games
They weren't Lords of Shadow bad, but by god were they far, far from good.
For it to be 9:
For it to be 1:
6/[2 (1+2)]
There. Fuck you all.
>common core learning at its finest
The answer is 1 because you cannot ignore the relation between the 2 and the parenthetical.
6 / 2 ( 1 + 2 )
6 / 2 + 4
3 + 4
Fucking order of operations, are you 9 years old or something? There's nothing ambiguous about this problem.
Best post ITT
Math teacher here, this is the only correct way to think about it. In PEMDAS 2(3) still counts as parenthesis, so it takes priority over all other actions.
It would only be 6/2 first if the equation was (6/2)(1+2)
it improves your math skills jus like crossdressing makes you a better programmer
Math checks out
90% of people fail this problem
both answers ARE right
depends on what you're evaluating with
when you have syntax like this, it's more than likely a line of computer operations.
News flash; computers don't evaluate equations through order of operations, the evaluate equations from left to right.
If you take the OP's equations and plop it into a computer, it'll evaluate it from left to right, and spit out 9.
If you do it by hand following order of operations, you'll get 1 because algebra handles division as a fraction of multiplied or grouped terms. Order of operations is an algebraic process, but this is just basic arithmetic.
I'm gonna need the source on this, professor.
the two top lines aren't even connected to the rest