Best game developer on the market today?

My vote goes to Rockstar Games. Even their "shittier" titles are still masterpieces. Despite the ultra-greedy mindset that they've taken up after GTA:V become a massive success (70+ million copies sold and still a top seller on Steam), I bet that GTA:VI is going to be fucking incredible.

So, who you niggas think is the best?

R* is dog shit. I just saved your thread from the archive, btw.


I had to post fast. To elaborate, they're too pussy to make Manhunt 3. I won't buy a R* title until that shit gets announced. Fuck R*.

My vote goes to CI Games because I like them.

>ghost warrior devs

they only rocked the gaming industry its ok tho right

Agree, Rockstar is the only dev that can still make me excited for vidya

I'm preordering Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 just to support them.

Rockstar can go fuck right off with their microtransactions and shitty online experience. Load times anyone?

Search your heart, you know it's true.

CPR, FROM (A-Team)

GTA IV and V were mediocre

Rockstar are fucking shite.

The last living dev I liked was Remedy, but they may as well be dead.

So you liked Alan Wake? That POS is worse than anything Rockstar ever made.

I noticed after this whole GTA madness and games like it, that Rockstar also did the old Max Payne titles....

...and the new one which completely lacks the same atmosphere.
Lemme grab that first game.

>Rockstar Games
>"Best game developer"
ahahaha... NO!

>Rockstar also did the old Max Payne titles
They didn't.

Name it then pussy

All they create is DLC nowadays. GTA 5 wasn't even better than GTA 4

Remedy made the old Max Payne games. Rockstar only made the piece of shit we know as Max Payne 3.

Nintendo :^)

Not an argument

Non-Americans are less than human and thus their opinions are null and void.


I liked Alan Wake and also kinda liked Quantum Break, but I absolutely LOVED Max Payne and Max Payne 2 back in the day.

Non-Texans are less than human and should be shot in the head.

This is true. Id rather be Texan than American any day

How many other AAA games and devs throw free dlc at you?

R*s Games are now casualisated for mass market
Greedy (60€ for a HD Upgrade? HEH)

Is GTA 5 any good? I'll let you know when it finishes loading?

Their gameplays are pretty stale.
And their stories feel a little too "normal".

>actually saying something so stupid

Surely you jest?

Rockstar just published those games? Guess Remedy was out of the picture completely for number 3.

>Killed off FiveM
>Turned gtao into a no fun allowed grind with shark cards and level locked content (so much for """""free"""""roam)
Why didn't they just rip off SA:MP? A fucking dead mp mod from 10 years ago is better than gtao. Expect them to ruin online red dead 2, Cockstar sold out to micro transactions

yakuza games are the only games worth playing nowadays

Muh Texan niggas

gas yourself fucking nigger, worst company ever god damn kikes

Yeah buddy. Just don't forget.... the alamo


Every game they make ends up being the most successful game in that segment.

How can you ignore all the free content gtao has gotten? Really tell me how it's bad, all the FREE shit they give out.

fuck you sega is based as fuck dumb faggot

>Lake returned to the Max Payne franchise by co-writing the Max Payne 3 comics with Dan Houser and, along with the whole Remedy team, giving design pointers to Rockstar while playtesting Max Payne 3.

Just cuck my shit up

I've lived in San Antonio my whole life and haven't been there

CDPR, Remedy and Arkane are all better than R*.

R* games are only a smidgen above Ubisoft (Far Cry series) ones, and that's only because they haven't gone full SJW. Rather, they've gone just as far in the other direction into dudebro territory.

>CDPR, Remedy and Arkane
Shit taste: The Post


Remedy hasn't made a good game since Max Payne 2.

CDPR has never made a good game period.

Wrong and wronger.

+ Arkane hasn't made a good game since Dark Messiah

old R* is worthy of the nomination. if you genuinely like GTA V you are everything that's wrong with the industry.

R* hasn't made a good game since either of those games (or ever). Checkmate.

Why is movement and gunplay so fucking shit in GTAV?

From Software for me. Yeah, they make a lot of mistakes and none of their recent games have actually been completely finished. However they really do have passion for their games and deliver something good.


kill yourself.

I'm a fan of Rockstar since GTA 2 and GTAV was great. The singleplayer, at least. GTAO is irrelevant as GTA was never about online.

Character's carry too much weight. It makes them move very slow/clunky unlike true FPS games.

>Stephen F. Austin orders that the Alamo be abandoned and destroyed before the Mexican army can get to it
>Some politician from Tennessee wearing a coon hat, a crazy fuck with a big knife, and a bunch of guys with guns decide to ignore those orders and defend the Alamo
>Mexican army outnumbers them and kills everyone

He said GTAV not GTAIV

Nah, what I said is right. Remedy hasn't been able to recaptivate their fans since dropping Max Payne. Alan Wake and Quantum break both suffer from terrible pacing, lack of replayability, and zero gameplay variety. I still feel like they're forcing out mediocre games to keep themselves relevant in an industry that has long since left them behind. I hope that their next game is good, but as of now Remedy is full on hacks.

The Witcher 2/3 have neither the complexity of CRPGs nor the engaging gameplay elements seen in literally any Japanese ARPG. It tried to to be both but succeeds at none. The first Witcher is the only one worth mentioning, but the faux complexity and atrocious combat can only keep you interested for so long. Sure, the graphics are nice but I don't play games to stare at the graphics. Funnily enough, while The Witcher 1 isn't as technically impressive, it still completely BTFOs the other two games through sheer artstyle alone.

The only people who hate rockstar are fucking weebs.

rockstar have become jewish, getting into the "remaster" and multiplayer microtransaction meme.
OK GTAV was well made, as all of R*'s games are, but do you really think they could release a remaster for the next gen consoles only a year later, but couldn't finish a PC version on release.
They had that shit planned.
Just as they keep making this stuff for GTAO but don't put it in the single player game.
what about loyal GTA fans like myself, who play GTA for single player.

tl:dr rockstar are jews

my fav at the min is based techland breaking away from making contracted shit and smashing it with a top competitor in the genre.
also releasing free the following which is god tier DLC.

Are they really that greedy with GTA V? Just ignore the multiplayer shit and you're fine.

Rockstar have done delayed PC releases for years now. This isn't a new thing.

Plus it was a good port, whereas GTA IV is notoriously one of the worst PC ports of all time.

There are so many new vehicles and weapons (+ other cool content) that is exclusive to GTAO for some weird reason. My assumption is that they're trying to milk cashcards as much as they can since by December 2015, they had already made $500 million (!!) just off of cash cards alone.

They could easily add all the new cars and weapons to single player, but they're being greedy shitbags and purposely not doing it. At least on PC you can just use a trainer to spawn stuff, but it's still shitty that R* has become this sort of company. Up until IV, I thought they were the greatest.

I know, they don't like to release on PC as piracy is rife and that isn't traditionally where the money is.
What I mean is, do you really think, in one year after GTAV was released, they had enough time to "remaster" the game for 2 brand new consoles, but didn't have enough time to bring it to PC.

no way they wouldn't have had enough time to remaster the game properly.
They planned it from the start, get people hooked on GTAO, release on both gens.
I bet they even had a dev kit before developing GTAV. release on old and new consoles, then PC when the money for the game has been made.

I don't even really like most Rockstar games, but they are exceedingly well-made. My own taste aside, I think Rockstar deserves credit not just for their sales figures and shock value but for the quality of their work.

When I first played GTA, I had heard and seen all about it. This was Jack Thompson's time. I was very surprised to find that the games best-loved by the dumbest fucks were apparently made by very clever, thoughtful people.