If you meet somebody, maybe at work, at the pub, or at the shop, and a conversation about video games comes about...

If you meet somebody, maybe at work, at the pub, or at the shop, and a conversation about video games comes about, how do you evaluate their taste and see if this is somebody who knows some shit or just a normie trying to fit in?

Hard mode: Do it without coming across as an asshole.

Wholly unrelated game logo as a picture.

For starters im not some autistic elitist neckbeard who judges others for liking something I don't

Get a fucking life you loser. Seriously.

Where do you draw the line of knowing some shit? Also we are all trying to fit in. FPBP as usual.

>Also we're all trying to fit in.

It's terrifying that this belief is becoming very common.

Why would I give a shit about any of this?

This thread how autistic most Sup Forums users are trying to justify there tastes.

You slip two (or more) questions into the conversation - one about a relatively well-known but underrated Japanese game and one about a relatively well-known but underrated Western game. Based on their responses, you can tell if they're weeaboo trash, hardcore Western/PC trash, or a based idort who plays games no matter their platform or developer.

Yeah just shut up you edgy non-conformist.
Your overly pretentious picture just shows, granted it's really a quote from Tesla, that you have no idea of the other man-made horrors that existed before the invention of machines and the harnessing of electricity

- So, have you seen the last football match?
- Oh, you don't like/like soccer? Do you like sports or only videogames?
- Videogames, that's cool! I like too. What games are you into?
- Angry Birds and Pokemon Go are cool, I played Pokemon Go for a while, about playing on a console like FIFA, Final Fantasy or Mario?
- Nice! I like too...X and Y.

It's easy to talk.

Easy. Well for me it is, anyway.

"So what do you play?"
>"Me? Oh, mostly Nintendo games where I find the time. How about you?":

>Mostly mobile
>Have you ever heard of Obscure Autist Fighting Game 3 Hyper Turbo '94: First Blood?
>MMO's, RPG's, everything like that. Skyrim.
>All PC, everything PC, I just paid out the ass for this awesome graphics card that went obsolete the moment I took it off the shelf, let me bore you with the details...
That's my cue to check out. But if it sounds like:

>Lots of things, I've been playing since I was a kid...
>Oh yeah, I hear that, [multiplayer game(s)] with my friends is the best!
>I LOVE [worthwhile game not part of the earlier garbage], and here's why:
>mention of franchises in the vein of Metroid, F-Zero, Mega Man, y'know, good but also dead
>active, not shit puzzle games
Then I get really invested.

Anyone else in the mood of not using this word every again? It had not much meaning to begin with but years after years of you faggot nerds using it made it unbearable to read.

I ask them what games they have been playing. If they answer with only one game (9/10 it will be LoL) they're plebs.

So you're poor and have shit taste? Gotcha.

If we're talking man-made horrors specifically they have absolutely gotten worst. Are you going to argue that anything before the atom bomb, chemical weapons, designer viruses and other superweapons even came close to their capacity to inflict pain and suffering on the world?

What man-made thing before nukes could wipe out an entire city of hundreds of thousands of people in a few seconds and condemn millions more to unimaginable suffering and a prolonged death by radiation poisoning, where their bodies just slowly shut down and fuck up on them with no real way to stop it.

No, he was right. We have advanced in all things, including our ability to spread cruelty suffering more quickly and efficiently than ever before.

Of course the counter-argument to that (that I agree with wholly) is the fact that for all the bad it can do technology has a much greater capacity to improve our lives and the world. Every death by modern weapons is matched and exceeded by lives saved and extended by modern medicine, improved by modern industry. enriched by modern entertainment and engaged by modern communications.


Yeah, look who's talking.

What do Microsoft and Sony even have? Remasters. Bad RPG's. And modern PC games are just THE MOST MINDLESS WASTES OF TIME that mankind has ever conceived. More egregious than mobile, which is supposed to just kill small amounts of time and still connect people despite being the worst kind of social marketing imaginable.

Not him but you're making a huge leap there to assume that because he doesn't like the handful of franchises you listed he MUST be into Sony and Microsoft games.

I like most of the games you listed, but they're all pretty entry level. Who hasn't played at least a couple Mega Man games? Who hasn't played Super Metroid?

clearly it isnt, what a fucking mess of a post, user

It's the same thing but faster. The horrors haven't changed. There's no difference in 100 suffering brutally or 10,000, it simply does not make the horror greater. The man is the horror, his bombs and weapons are merely tools.

i pretend i don't play games because these plebs don't know shit about it anyway

That was really meant to be more of a rhetorical question, and I figured I fairly well covered all of the bases with PS/MS/PC/Mobile.

I'm more appalled at how we go from S3&K, FFVII, Time Crisis 2, and Guitar Hero 2 (all of which far outclass anything that Neo Nintendo currently makes), and get Sonic Boom, FFXIII, Time Crisis 3/4, and Guitar Hero: World Tour.
My understanding is gameplay mechanics and concept conflicts, interpersonal management and design conflicts, shoehorned weapons, and fanbase elitism after TTFAF in GH3, respectively, but I REALLY want to personally grill the dumbfucks responsible in one-on-one Post Mortems.

Oh, you play games? What sort of stuff do you play? Do you have a favorite?
>I like X game(s)
A: Don't think I've heard of that before, tell me a little about it
B: I've played a little of that, I thought it was ____

Talking to people about games is easy shit, you just have to have other hobbies or interests so if your tastes don't match up you're not stuck with nothing else to talk about.

This is so retarded it hurt to read.

>no difference in 100 suffering or 10,000

Are you fucking kidding me? 10,000 grieving families is not greater than 100? 10,000 displaced workers doesn't weaken an economy greater than 100? The impact and scale of 100x the number of people is 100x more.

Don't be one of those "A MILLIUN IS A STATISTC" faggots.

I'm guessing, from the fact that your writing makes you seem borderline illiterate, and your absolutely preposterous view of how human social interaction works, that you don't communicate with others very often.

I don't.

I just go with the flow, most of my friends play LoL,Fifa, Halo or some shit like that. So when I hang with them I play that and I play my weeb shit at home.

Actually other people have varied taste and will like whatever they like, meanwhile Sup Forumsirgins like yourself stick closely to some kind of top 15 list dictated by some neckbeard. So actually it is you who is the "normie" for confining yourself to some made up list to show you were your tastes should go.

It's more about how someone describes the stuff they like.

They can like whatever, but I want to talk to people who can articulate why they like stuff and have neat discussions about it from a position of experience.

I write the way that I'd speak.

Additionally, your assessment speaks volumes to your own ignorance. Your "guess" was completely incorrect seeing as I'm a successful manager of employees, host weekly get-togethers with close friends, attend social functions on behalf of my business, have excellent communication with my wife despite her reluctance to speak her mind (a Southern U.S. trait, attempted politeness actually becoming toxic), and so on.

You and both -- I would appreciate not being attacked. I already know that everyone's tastes and experiences vary (especially when we factor in nostalgia or games over which different people bonded with their best and closest friends and/or family). You don't seem to appreciate or understand this. Otherwise, you'd have given me some benefit of the doubt and not sounded so mad.

>I would appreciate not being attacked
>I already know that everyone's tastes and experiences vary

You should REALLY REALLY consider checking out Reddit. You're a bit too sensitive for the posting style here. On Reddit they'll be a lot gentler and they'll respect your varied snowflake taste and atrocious writing.

100 back then are what 10,000 are right now. 40 thousand people die per hour due to hunger. A thousand years back a higher percentage died of hunger but a lower total amount. Warfare had to become more efficient because more people had to be killed to win a war. Then some retards just HAD to invent the ultimate red button stalemate.

Fuck off low quality poster, if he wants to speak like a fag let him do it.

That hellhole? No worse than a gaming forum.

You are really not worth this effort to me. Good luck in life.