What is the absolute best game in the Final Fantasy franchise? Doesn't matter if its mainline or spinoff

What is the absolute best game in the Final Fantasy franchise? Doesn't matter if its mainline or spinoff.

its hard to say really. i think it depends on what you grew up playing.

ff7 or ff6 would probably be the go to universally acclaimed ones.

and 10 if you forgive the english dub.

>What is the absolute best game in the Final Fantasy franchise?
The one you like is your best. They are pretty different from each other and thus is your taste with it.

7 or tactics

This thread is going to derail due to everybody thinking their favorite is the best. Personally I believe Crystal Chronicles is the best. I can see some of the faults, but that's my opinion my dude

9 and this is the end of discussion

ff9 can only be fully appreciated if you have past knowledge of most of the preceeding games though


Final Fantasy Tactics or Crystal Chronicles.

This user is wrong. The answer is 5

4 or tatics, 7 is highly overrated.

6 was the only one I had the patience to sit through.

But I've only completed something like five or six jrpgs in my entire life, so my opinion is easily discarded.

It's obviously VIII.

XV, best graphics and combat mechanics

That depends on what you want it for. Story&plot, characters, lore, mechanical depth, aesthetics/music quality, replayability, straight up gameplay?
Overall I would say Tactics. 10/10 story and characters mostly Ramza, Delita, Algus and Wiegraf great lore, hundreds of skillset combinations and party compositions, the only real flaws being the translation was sloppy (PSX) or complete garbage (PSP) and the fact that srpgs are fairly niche so you either love the gameplay or you hate it.
If you don't like SRPG gameplay, I would have to go with Bravely Default

6, Tactics, or 7.

>Final Fantasy _____ is overrated!

thats how you know what the best games in the series are OP

XII for me, story was all but nonsense, but I liked the encounter system and gambits were neat.


I really like both of these. Tactics in particular would be my second pick.

If only the multiplayer didn't had fucked up requirements

4 > 6 > 1 > 2 > the rest

>Bravely Default

Fuck no. THAT certain segment brings the game down to "justifiably giving up" territory.

Final Fantasy XIV

It's an underdog story in terms of the games development and the best modern day Final Fantasy game. Anyone turned DF by the fact that it's a MMO is truly missing out.

15 is by far the best. get rekt

Alternatively you can just play 4, 5, and 6 one right after another and get almost the same experience in much less time than playing through 9.

Fuck all those cutscenes, lengthy battle transitions, and slow as fuck battles.

Storywise either FF6 or FF7

Best 2D game gameplay-wise FF5
Best 3D game gameplay-wise FF10

FF Tactics is the best Spin-off.

FF9 and FF12 are both well rounded titles too. If you plan on playing FF12 either emulate the "IZJS" version or wait for the re-release.

I've only played half of the games I've listed but I'm probably right anyways, prove me wrong


CC is one of the best party games, get your friends together, take turns holding the bucket, blast through the game.

It's highly debatable but we can all agree that the best character arc is Vivi right?

I literally dropped the game after getting to that part

>storywise 7
>pathetic autist kid wants to bang girl next door who constantly leads him on
>girl has a fuckton of beta orbiters that she's juggling
>entire town hates autist kid
>later on kid gets injected with cells of ancient evil alien who then takes advantage of kid's pathetic mental strength to force multiple mental breakdowns and delusions on him
>all because the ancient evil alien wanted to fully absorb the life stream

I mean, the story of FF7 sure was something, but that something wasn't "good"

That's some pretty hardcore oldfaggotry.

This is the first I hear of any such segment in that game.


you can oversimplify ANY plot in existance and make it sound stupid. Non argument

also the quality of a plot isn't wholly dependant on how interesting a synopsis sounds

Is 5 supposed to have funny moments? I like that

You've never heard of the fiasco that happens after chapter IV?

Are you talking about the segment where every single person in the entire game refuses to ever discuss anything and will just go "I see you have a different opinion than me, this means we must fight to the death" (aka every single segment), or the segment where you repeat the same fucking thing over and over again despite it being retarded so you can get the "true" ending?


the time loop my man. Literally having to defeat the same shit bosses 16 times in a row to get the true ending

7 or Tactics

Cloud's mental breakdowns and backstory is pretty much the largest plot thread in the game, alongside chasing "Sephiroth" who is actually Jenova. It also happens to be incredibly stupid.

hm ok

It has some pretty good "cocky guy going on adventures and being a bit of a dick" moments.

official top 5 rankings:

2) FF VI
4) FF IX
5) FF X

I hope the story and characters are good.

Either FFVII or VI.

Finding what is the best FF is debatable, lots of people have IX, VIII, X, IV as their favorites, it's just a matter of opinion.

If you say # FF game is the best, you'll always hear mixed opinions.

>IX and VIII that high