Post video game autism

post video game autism

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I was about to reply that this video was clearly a joke, proably poking fun at fartfags, what with the almost humorous editing.

Then I saw the rest of his channel, now I'm not so sure.

the comments


141 subscribers

Sad thing is my nephews enjoy watching this type of shit. I hope they grow out of it soon.

Great now im horny


I'm scared that I could be crossing these people on the street without knowing.

Truly, God's purging of this land cannot come soon enough.

what vid


his newest vid with jigglypuff. 2.7k views


try slapping them in the head really hard multiple times, it made my brother's kid stop watching minecraft videos/playing minecraft altogether when he realized he would be punished for it

That's nothing

>hates able-bodied people and blacks

What's up with dragons and farting?

simple: Furfags.

what do all furfags have? Autism.

Yeah but it seems like all the autistic fart porn stars dragons as opposed to every other animal.

Dragons are huge. That means they have huge guts.

you're right, and it reminds me of all that porn of dragons fucking the tailpipes of cars

why is it always dragons?

Dragon autism is the most refined type of autism. They're the only furry creature that's 100% imaginary, and the most potent autism is imaginary autism.

Autism is a mystical thing. Like dragons.

>Agumon's Air Biscuits


>all those kazooie videos
He's literally ruining her for me.


i'm really sure this is a sex thing

>mfw my recommendations will be corrupted thanks to op


>mfw feeling kinda funny
I won't allow it this time

I have never understood farting as a fetish, what is it that makes people pop boners?

Starts with interest in anal
then anal creampies
then cumfarts
then farts

but y

>all those related vids
This is a side of Youtube I was better off not knowing about.

How old are they? When I think back on some of the shit I liked when Iwas a kid... Well, let's just say I really mellowed with age.

That's not how it went for me. I skipped straight to farts.I blame cartoons.

>hates: able bodied people and blacks


Feels good to be almost normal. I can't even watch porn made by Dogfart since the name alone kills my boner.


Haircut is not a hereditary trait.

>and blacks
Haven't laughed that hard in a while

This guy has issues I'm surprised that kiwi farms or this place hasn't jumped all over him

>Literally gave him lines from SAW
I can't tell if it's brilliant or awful.

He calls this dude autistic yet has a very notable autistic lisp

>recording his tv
>reviewing YT channels on his Wii

Im checking out this faggot, and he has some videos of him recording his 3DS

He sounds like your average Sup Forums poster

>tfw you don't even like anal because sticking your dick in a literal shit canal

new meme

You're entering a world between light and shadow

Usain Bolt must really trigger his shit

Kill me

Now I have a voice to put behind posts on Sup Forums

I thought i was the only one. I never understood why you would choose a girl's asshole, when her vagina is literally designed to take dick

People prefer to stick their dick in the hole they came out of.

The "foreverial delitized" shit ruined these things for me. I no longer find them funny nor cringe-worthy, that's the pinnacle, there's nowhere to go from there.

i dont even

All these years later and it's literally the only thing I've never understood on Sup Forums.

I've read it/them so many times and it just doesn't make the slightest bit of sense to me.

Either some obscure fetish or some autistic dude's way of coping with a serious problem with somebody he knows like that crystal treatment guy.

I only have a vague awareness of that phenomena. Something to do with someone having a fetish for people getting irreversibly transformed into cured meats or some really weird niche shit?

I think you're confusing autism with fart-faggotry, OP.

Oh fuck. How many years has it been?


I have some ones as well

>Like big tits
>Thicc milfs have big tits
>Thicc milf hentai is mostly /ss/
>Develop /ss/ fetish

>Like rape
>Like girl slowly accepting it and becoming a slut
>Most brutal rape videos have the husband find out about it
>Develop NTR fetish

>Like rape+NTR
>Most rape+NTR have impregnation
>Impregnation ends with the NTR raped women giving borth
>Develop birthing fetish.

Now I have to watch fucking /ss/ bullies rape and impregnate the thicc mother of the protagonist and she has to give birth to the baby for me to cum.

That's how fucked up I am now.

Just take a brief fap holiday user, you'll be jerking it to heartwarming consensual love with lots of handholding in no time.

People like this are proof of why mankind should never obtain the power of a god.

Oh, fuck no. NO.
This shit is the worst. Reading those fucking images was like descending into madness. Even thinking about them is making me anxious and nauseous.
A game developer never needs to make an accurate simulation of what's it like to go fucking insane because this crazy bologna bullshit exists.

>not appreciating Mike Stoklasa's genius

I love it when something is so fucking bizzare that it even gets an unusual reception here.

>it's another parody with an edgy Mario
oh boy

jesus wept

>Like thicc girls
>thicc girls have big butts and boobs
>really big TNA
>bigger girls have bigger parts
>end up with SSBBW fetish

>like lesbians
>also like girls getting fucked
>watch lesbian strap-ons
>find out about strap-ons with cum
>graduate to shemales on females

>like sloppy sex vids
>watch oily sex
>graduate to lots of saliva and gaging
>we can get sloppier
>pissing on girls
>we can do better
>pissing in girls anuses
>almost there
>almost at the tippy-top
>blowjobs after poopdick
>about to climax
>full blown scat porn

Combine all three and I vomit though.

I found that keeping myself from fapping for a couple days will "reset" my "degeneracy meter" and I will be cumming to the most vanilla shit ever in no time.

After that, I will go back to my usual degenerate disgusting bullshit that I feel bad fapping to.

sexual degeneration is part of the scourge of modernity


When I don't jerk it for several days I just get an even bigger hardon for what I usually get off to. I rationalize not feeling bad about it though because it's 2D so no real animal cruelty is involved.

where's the sauce tho

shhh shit's getting interesting user

>Dad what was 2016 Youtube like?
>Well, son. I remember this one channel that had dozens of videos of video game characters farting

Well you used to love Egoraptor's Awesome series and Happy Tree Triends.

To think that I forgot about delitization