Shadow of the Colossus

Just finished this masterpiece.
Can we talk about it?

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are we the baddies?

Only thing this thread is gonna be about is people saying how shit it is.

No. We're THE BABY!

Also finished it a few weeks ago. Had some awesome moments, but the sometimes goddamn awful controls and shitty camera were frustrating.

Were you playing the HD Collection? I noticed that they didn't really address any input lag for this version. Tried playing it on my CRT and it was a SIGNIFICANT improvement.
Of course, I'm not sure if you just hate the controls in general. I think they're great, especially for a PS2 game.

Did you figure out the metaphor?

Isn't it along the lines of what said or am I stupid?

No, we're naive minions.


No, wait. Disregard . I guess what makes more sense.

We know what we did was bad, and we know we were betrayed, but the real question is:
Did we know what we were doing was bad the whole time? Did we willingly do evil acts to resurrect our waifu or did we believe it was a good/okay thing to do?

You spend the entire game "holding on" and trying to avoid "letting go".

At the end, when you're getting sucked into the whirlpool (away from the dead girl) there's a snag in the floor that the game will let you hold onto indefinitely. The only end the suffering and see the happy ending is to go against your programming and voluntarily let go.

It's a shitty overrated game that plays like a demo than an actually fully fleshed out game.

There are only like 4 things you can do--shot an arrow, ride a horse, climb monster moss, and stab.

That's it.

>we know we were betrayed
Bitch, Dormin told you from the very start there would be consequences. Of all the bargaining demons Dormin is the most open and honest of them all. Hell, by that point he was even helping you not die instantly.

I mean, the place IS forbidden. Of course he knew.
>our waifu
Well good job. Now, she's your mom. Unless the baby is an entirely different person, that is.

did the MC know about colossi before he went to this area? were there other humans? what did they think of colossi? if the colossi were good then why was everything in ruins? why were there only a few of them? why did they never interact with each other? why did they just walk about by themselves? what did they eat?

Top pleb

Apparently everyone knew that in that land spooky shit happened, that it was forbidden land for some reason

>did the MC know about colossi before he went to this area
>were there other humans?
In the forbidden land? No.
>what did they think of colossi?
I don't know. I didn't ask them.
>if the colossi were good then why was everything in ruins?
It was probably like that before they were created.
>why were there only a few of them?
Because budget and time constraints.
>why did they never interact with each other?
Maybe they didn't want to.
>why did they just walk about by themselves?
For fun.
>what did they eat?
Either they don't eat or they probably ate the fruit from the trees that you can collect. Or lizards.

One hit wonder. Ico was boring and Last Guardian looks like it wants to be Ico. SotC stood on its own as one of the best boss rush action games ever. Didn't need to be a stupid escort quest when you're climbing and platforming to kick a giant boss's ass.

I like Ico, but I'll agree that it can be boring.
HOWEVER, I'm hopeful that TLG will mix the best of both worlds from both ICO and SotC.

if i eat the lizards, will they die?

Classic vidya. Great soundtrack too. I don't think the plot is worth reading too much into, I just enjoy the simple mechanics and atmosphere. Same reasons I liked Furi, actually. I only wish these games were longer but I love them for what they are, still.

Connecting the plot points isn't important. All you need to know is that holding R2 is about coping with loss.

No, that just zooms in on it.
I think you meant R1.

Fuck. Yeah, that one.

>Good Qualities:

Graphics still look great for how old it is

Atmosphere is immense in the forbidden land
Colossi feel huge and grand and also spooky too, my favourite fight and arena being the Hydrus fight because I love deep sea threads

The puzzles used to help find them are fun to figure out

Each Colossi design is great an memorable with maybe the exception of the two bull sized ones that charge you which seem interchangeable.

>Bad Qualities
Big empty world with nothing to do between fights (understandable given the scale of it all)

Feel of the controls, like running feels incredibly floaty and trying to climb the horse without using jump R1 can be a pain

Agro is an arse to handle sometimes during fights where she's necessary

The fact that if a colossi so much as twitches then Wander is flung about like a wet rag (Second last colossi being a general pain in my arse because it never stopped moving)

Can be beaten in a very fast amount of time if you don't bother collecting lizards and fruit

Collecting lizards and fruit is not immediately obvious what they do (maybe Dormin giving us a riddle like hint would help matters)

>Debatable qualities:
The fact that everything is a mystery and not a whole lot is explained. I like games that allow players to come to their own conclusions or have vague stories like the dark souls approach but leaving the game I was struck with a lust to know more about the world, lore, story and how the colossi came to be and all that jazz. Though everyone may think differently

>Each Colossi design is great an memorable with maybe the exception of the two bull sized ones that charge you which seem interchangeable.

The bull and the tiger stick out because they're a break from the norm. The first time you meet the bull is surprising because it's not the giant you're expecting. On top of that, it's one of the few you directly interact with other than jump on, climb, and stab (scaring it off a ledge with fire).

The tiger is cool because the boss room itself is a puzzle, and you have to manipulate the colossi to solve it.

It's an amazing gmae.

Never noticed that. Nice catch user!
Wander's most important stat is his grip, the ability to never let go from something.
That quality is the one thing between him and his objective, ultimately.

It's an amazing game.

My ps2 crashed when i had only the last colossus left, didnt understand the story back in 2007 because i didnt speak english but the game itself was one of the most magical and amazing games i've played, just downloaded pcsx and seems it works fine so i might replay it


On some days I prefer ICO to SotC.

My favourite song in the game.

It would be extremely painful

Read for context.
Also, R2 is used to zoom the game's camera and R1 is used to grab/let go.


I was inferring that they don't stick out through their design, objectively they're some of the more unique fights in the game.

Both are puzzles in the truest sense of the words where you realise the Tiger fears fire therefore having to manipulate fire Ico style to your advantage and also the Bull which you're unable to tackle head on and have to stay above it on ledges to avoid it's charges.



Greatest Soundtrack ever made for a video game.

Video game itself is neat while the novelty holds but it's a collection of puzzle boss fights where the game gives you the answer if you don't figure it out in less then a minute. I fucking hated that so much

I recognize all the game's merits but personally i did not enjoy it as much as people seem to, apart from the soundtrack of course. I think i played it at wrong time in my life

Nigga, you just blew my mind