Do you plan to buy my (based) game?
Do you plan to buy my (based) game?
Other urls found in this thread:
Based on what?
>nu male beard
>nu male haircut
No fuck off you dumb shill
Oh sweet a cringe thread
Already backed it. Now hurry the fuck up.
On history. It is authentic game set in medievel middle Europe. Kingdom Come Deliverance - check it out.
I think he had this haircut even before that numale meme.
Someone post the embarrassing as fuck photo of him in the tshirt. You know the one I mean.
I respect the vision but it's not my cup of tea.
Still rad though.
Of course the haircut came before the meme, where else would the meme come from?
Meme magic isn't real user
dear lord. I'd expect a high schooler at a trump rally to wear that
Gave to the kickstarter because it looked promising
After playing the beta I honestly think it doesn't seem all that great. Hopefully the release version is better
Take your normie lingo and go.
I miss when we'd call someone like this a tryhard
But I guess now that would make retards cry about a SJW invasion or whatever
But seriously that is the most tryhard shit I have seen in years, I can't imagine anyone over the age of 18 being impressed by it, unless they really are manchildren
I remember more positive reaction about this picture from this community. What happened?
Sup Forums hates everything in time
We grew up.
It loses value when you don't post the screencap of him telling people that blacks weren't in whereverthefuck, Europe in the 15th century or something.
cringed my friggen guts off buddy holy heck
drumphkins will defend this
Can i please get a (You)? I really want one...
What's that? You're not offended?
But thats common sense. This guy wearing twitter hashtags on his shirt like a badge do not make me want to buy his game.
the latest generation of autistic gay kids is going through their avant teen phase
if he was wearing an "I would prefer not to" shirt they'd be doing gospel church backflips around their bedrooms right now
No it looks like shit desu mate. Sorry.
Next time try use less buzzwords and focus on making your post make sense, it might just save your life.
Is that the memebeard guy who keeps telling me to do things?
no dads barg bikerknees :DDDDDD
uh oh guess I was a little too on the nose there
why don't you go listen to some opn on the patio and cool off
Welcome to Sup Forumseogaf, home of the proud cuck
Here (You) go
>using a single exchange on twitter with a liberal who disagreed with you as an opportunistic springboard to pander to gamergate antiSJWs in order to get your garbage game funded
Stop posting spurdo.
>But thats common sense.
Apparently not.
Someday you'll have to go into the real world and talk with real people and using memes instead of making points during exchanges or discussions won't be enough and you will look and feel like a fucking moron.
You'd be surprised at the amount of Reddit users and SJWs that browse this board.
you too
If it's on steam sure
Fuck off tumblr
Or just people who disagree with you. Must be hard to deal with.
what game?
Great point user, you changed my mind. I now think that tshirt is really cool even though I'm over 18.
I like it when devs make it very clear that their political stances are the same as mine. We need more of this!
yes I clearly made a serious post there wow you sure are perceptive
jill stein 2020 baybee you got my vote
then why is the Donald our president. Meme magic
Ricky was never this in shape
/fa/ here. Nu males are skinny, if you're swoll it's still good
Comprehensive argument I like your post and hope you keep making more
Gamergate happened and moot cucked Sup Forums forever.
you type like an aspie dude real talk
also /fa/ here manbuns or other cossack/mongol haircuts are for tools
I was only wondering that I remember better reaction from /v about that shirt, user. I really didn't even try to change your opinion and honestly I can't see how my question would imply that.
>thin skinned faggots get offended if user says something mean about a devs t-shirt
Jesus fucking christ. I'm sure you all flood Wu and Zoe threads to tell everyone to stop making fun of them too, right?
how many times you going to samefag?
faGGots gave up or went to Sup Forums to talk about trump instead of literal who devs on kickstarter
Its honestly impressive how much people can lack self awareness here.
could you go be a grumpy dyke somewhere else?
i'm sure you do
>Dumb 14 year old level meme humor is considered "based"
Jesus, Sup Forums really is made up of underage faggots.
At least with something like /r9k/ and Sup Forums trying to "take back" Pepe and "Meme Magic" it evolved into such insane lengths that the ridiculousness and absurdity of what is happening makes it funny.
Wearing a shirt that says "Fuck SJW" is about as witty or cool as people who wear Che Guevara shirts.
The only people I can imagine liking this shit is the same people who never grow out of their teen metal phase like BetaOmegaSin
Man, the election did a number on this board. I remember when this dude was celebrated when he shit talked SJWs on twitter. Now I dont even know what this thread is. Such a turn around for no ther reason than he seemingly similar to trump supporters. Though i dont know if he is. Is this just tumblr scouring the board to shit up threads?
>that face when goober guys are still saying swearwords at girls on twitter
shaking my darn head I bet they eat mayonnaise in 2016 too heh
white guys am I right folks
Are antiSJWs the most easily prone to triggering people on the internet?
I literally do not fucking care about what a dev does on twitter or what shirt he wears. That does not make him based. Making a good game makes him based. Why is that so hard to comprehend for you fucking mongs
no, you are
no, yo're
it's literally just contrarian twinks who want to talk smack about counter-counter-counter-counter-counter culture for up(you)s
guys im mad smart dude i listen to dean blunt when my transboyfriend fists my asshole
Nobody in the thread is saying he was wrong when he argued with Arther Gies. Not one person.
People are just rightfully saying that the tshirt is tryhard and pretty embarrassing, and a bunch of faggots are crying about a tumblr/neogaf/reddit/SJW invasion.
67 posts, 28 posters and poster count hasnt budged. It's literal samefagging
You alright buddy. You seem mad about some random dude.
Depends on what's trending in your area m8, thinking style is universal across the globe is one of the bigger falacys among new /fa/ kiddies
>Years behind promised kickstarter schedule
>We want to be like Skyrim but smaller
>We want to be on consoles
>Episodic releases
>Known Sup Forums marketeers
>u le mad?
Feel free to not reply to my posts anymore unless you actually manage to develop an argument
Almost everyone is easy to trigger on the internet. All you need to do is say something fucking stupid.
Listen to how mad you are.
And you can tell from the edge that you're a retard who really does this that t-shirt is BASED xD
but dude have you seen his SHIRT? how he argued with someone on twitter? god hes so fucking based only cuck redditors think otherwise
Fuck off
>serious discussions on $chan
If you don't support his based game you are a SJW get out rreee
This. The man has the god given right to make his game however he wants and I even applaud him for standing up to HIS rights. I like that part.
But if you unironically think that shirt he wore was cool you are probably 13 years old.
>Cry Engine
>16 km2 world
'graphic tees' are a blight irregardless of what's printed on them
Holy fuck is he /our/guy?
100% pure ourguy
Sure, mate. It's on me.
>we just want to keep this politics shit out of games
>unless we like the politics ;^)
bigger than my town desu
I find it funny that the gender war is between people that could never attract a person of the opposite sex.
It's like a homeless person bitching about rich people problems.
no shit, cuck. welcome to the real world where people are hippocrits. pointing out counterdictions in belief does not make you inlightened, dont act like you arent guilty yourself of doublethink.
>medieval game
>boots have soles
might as well put in gunblades
It's normalfag, you fucking normalfag.
might as well put in gunboots
Gamergate is a bad memory
>being arrogant when your game is shit
Kamiya can be a cunt because he makes great games. This guy is just another faggot enjoying 15 minutes of fame by pandering. Everyone who donated money to him because he is so BASED for disagreeing with a SJW is going to be burned, just like every other retard, left or right wing, who backs or buys a game for ideology reasons.