>you save up ammo on your most powerful weapons
>game decides to wipe all your inventory
You save up ammo on your most powerful weapons
Name 10.5 games that do this
>Give party member good equipment
>Party member dies soon after and equipment lost forever
FUUCK games that do this.
>Save all elixirs
>Finish the game without using a single one
half life 2
>save rare items/one time weapons for when it gets hard
>never actually use them
>doesn't work on the last boss
>its one of those we steal all you shit and youll get it back at the end forced stealth segment
Fucking retarded.
You learn to use shit before you lose it as a babby gamer. Only autists hoard items.
Sup Forums never ceases to amaze me.
>save important health items for when you need them
>you don't know if the final boss has another phase
>you never use them
>Giving Alistair your DLC warden armor and then he leaves your party, basically robbing you of actual money
Dragon Age, man.
>spend hours, sometimes DAYS trying to make a certain character good, grind a lot
>they fucking leave and become the bad guy
This is actual cruelty, fuck devs who do this
As a babby gamer I learned to not waste consumables on scrubs and instead abuse renewables and/or savescum for perfect victories.
Killing your past in Enter the Gungeon
Fucking kill yourself.
Wait what the flip, did they patch this?
Doom 3.
>save up rare items for the final boss
>it was super effective
>using items
Fucking casual, real gamers do 0% item runs
San Andreas
>you save up a LOT of money for videogames
>decides to buy the shitty game that shits on your progress
>Thing is only available once, at one part of the game
>Save it
>It disappears because of a glitch
Is this that Undertale my grandkids are telling me about?
>when you get sent to prison as a mage or bareknuckle boxer
>tfw you have freed up space to loot all the corpses
Are you fucking serious?
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Reminds me of when I was playing Dragon's Dogma.
>no way this one show arrow fill kill the final boss
>mfw it does
Is that undertale? Looks indie like what they told me. Even hast he facebooks and the twitters links.
>use all your rare items
>it was a scripted battle you were supposed to lose
Fucking indie cucks are going for text based games now? They're really taking this retro gaming thing too far
Where in the game did this happen?
I recall at the wharf for a brief stint early game, and maybe after Dr. Tenenbaum's rescue?
It also stops the world from constantly raining ash
>save up loads of in-game money in JRPG
>USA nukes Tokyo
>all your hard-earned japanese yen is now nothing more than some worthless scraps of paper, you need demon money now
SMT I is pretty dated now but I've always thought this was pretty neat.
>USA nukes Tokyo
yes that is neat indeed
there is no such thing as "savescum"
its a term made up by old people who played games before quick save/checkpoints were a thing