>tfw you wanna continue the franchise that you started to love but one of it sequels is a old ass game with no digital version and nobody in your fuckin country has good taste in games to still have it to trade or sell.
Tfw you wanna continue the franchise that you started to love but one of it sequels is a old ass game with no digital...
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also I put a dot on the greentext but whatever
Just buy it on ebay mate thats what I did
I bought it at GameStop for about $9 two years ago.
Ebay prices multiply by 3 because of brazilian monkey banana bucks, if it wasn't so expensive I would.
Care to ship it for me, I swear on me mum I will ship it back, I just wanna get through it so I can play 4 and 5 that I already own because of ps plus.
At least it's the worst game in the series.
>he doesn't own a cfw ps3
>"3 is the worst" meme again
I wish I had a cfw ps3
mod your ps3 if you are that poor
I nearly bought two copies just because they were cheap at toys r us years ago, I did buy one copy for myself there
yakuza 1 says hello
How long is Haruka's segment end in yak 5?
It was refreshing at first, but now I want to beat some heads in
It's a fuckin pain in the ass to downgrande the ps3 dude, you gotta fuckin open it fuckin jam shit inside.
>order yakuza 1-2-3 used
>yakuza 2 arrives first
fuck my life, been waiting 3 days now sitting on this useless copy of Yakuza 2 being bored to death.
really makes you think
>About having the rarest most expensive game in the series
You'll switch to Akiyama soonish.
Funny way to spell 4
it was only 13 bucks used german copy.
now there is only 1 copy left on amazon for 40 €s
guess i got pretty lucky and the game is now rare and PROPERLY expensive for a PS2 game.
i payed around 40 bucks including shipping for Yakuza 1,2,3 and i already got Yakuza 4 due to PS+.
will have to buy Yakuza 5 eventually i hope for a christmas PSN sale or something.
and Yakuza 0 next year ofcourse, wich looks really cool.
3 was the orphanage one right?
I liked it more than 4, that one had you switching characters too much for my liking.
serious question can i play 0 first? i dont feel like playing yakuza 1-5 especially 2 being so expensive.
Maybe you've trained your Haruka incorrectly
4 is unironically the best one, even if the LEGITIMATE SPOILER WARNING rubber bullets may be a bit silly if you really want to nitpick.
yes you can. it's a prequel.
That twist was the fucking worst. Every game seems to have that one retarded twist.
>About having the rarest most expensive game in the series
Wut, I got it second hand for 15 bucks at a local game store
Any chances of these games getting ported to PS4 for digital download? I'm seriously thinking of buying a ps3 just for Yakuza 3-5
It might have been retarded, but I fucking loved it. At least it's better than Daigo "Keikaku Doori" Dojima.
if the faggots at sega arent gonna port 1&2 over, i doubt 3-5 will get the same treatment
Welp, I guess I'll have to buy some cheap PS3 off craiglist and hope I don't get raped.
Or at least I get free rape and a ps3
I think I'm in the opposite situation where I have a copy of Yakuza 3 but no PS3 to play it on
You can fight Wesker in it
dang, too bad for you guys.
i hope there is nothing wrong with the german version of the game and that i made a good deal.
All the twists and backstabs near the end was pretty fucking stupid, but I'll forgive it all for this
You guys enjoying 6?
they both seem amused
Why does Kiryu look so ugly in 3 and 4?
Why did best bro Rikiya have to die?
Because Kiryu brings pain and suffering to those around him.
I hope he dies a glorious death in 6