>times Sup Forums was wrong
Times Sup Forums was wrong
>He still plays Hearthstone
>times when Sup Forums was right:
Hearthstone is a shit game
>I shitpost about a game I don't like
>/threading your own post
I mean you are right but you are still a huge faggot.
did you even read what OP wrote?
What has OP has to do with the fact that you /threaded your own post like a faggot?
That's me, faggot. Though that other guy's a faggot too.
Even if Hearthstone is shit, Sup Forums is fulled of rank 23 scrubs who have no business analyzing cards before they come out.
Why is it so hard to have a decent discussion on Sup Forums?
Pretty much american shitposters' fault. School is just over too.
Wrong in what? Did they think the card was shit and it was good or the other way around?
They thought it was the most broken shit ever, so many people claimed they'd be uninstalling after this expansion. Yet, the expansion was released today and not a single deck has included this card.
>implying schools don't have wifi with easy/no security and parents don't end up paying for unlimited data when they don't.
>Expansion came out today
tell me about fencer
why is she so smug
It's like you didn't even watch reynads 2.5 hour long card review. It'll get added to midrange because it's a good 5 drop and if you Barnes it out it's not shit
Cause it's turn 4 and she's about to evolve and violently rape your board presence with her two fuckbuddies
Even if it's a good card, every other card in Midrange Shaman is better.
nobody ever thought that it was decent, let alone broken
maybe you're talking about jade golems
>nobody ever thought that it was decent, let alone broken
Not him, but there was tons of shitposting about this card just last week. As expected though, it was just baddies and shitposters.
Jade golems were the only thing i had some hope for, and they're shit.
Let's talk about the expansion that matters, will dragoncraft be viable beyond current face shit?
It's a marginal card, a Meta call for replacing 1x thing from below, when facing slower decks, letting them cheat out more threats
so should I play N'zoth Shaman now?
Will shadow be viable at all?
You can play anything as long as it's shaman
dunno. There's a card that fetches Pluto now, but I doubt it will be enough.
Fencer isn't that good if you can't back her up with banner or other followers. Every deck has a million ways to get rid of her
Source on that?