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DoomRL is getting taken down thanks to Zenimax.

Fuck off retard, you could easily have googled doomrl and been informed in the space of a minute, 5 minutes if you didn't know what a roguelike was.

is "intellectual property" the worst meme of all time?

who cares lol


I heard the author of this was trying to convince Carmack to make it an official ID game.

This is why you're savvy about fanworks. If you're going to use the name of an established brand, only do it while you're under the radar.

Guy should have changed it to "DeimosRL" or something.

Guys get the game while it's still time.

Yes user let's make brands worthless and turn everything into Chinese knockoffs

What's the current rule? It's your intellectual property until 70 years after you die?

>Hasn't updated in three years

Who cares?

You can't be sued sitting on a website unless its libel/slander against the person/business

it can only be settled out of court

If this guy is smart he should ask for 2+ million settlement

You realize copyright law in its current form hasn't existed for that long, right?

Just imagine though if it didn't exist. There would be like 100 times more call of duty games because devs would be trying to cash in on activisions success.

not so much faith in the free market, huh?

Then why are you replying, fucktard.

the only reason cheap chinese knockoffs exist is because china is the only one that can get away with producing knock offs, since they're not bound by copyright laws

unbind good producers, and you get good product

>there is no middle ground between what China has (ie nothing) and corporate jews scouring every corner of the internet to screw individual citizens over for infringing their copyrights that will still be valid 100 years from now

Bad, bad, bad example, given chinks literally ignore carefully patented copyrights and lawsuits every single day of the year. If they can make a buck by ripping your ass off, they'll do it.

>some of the most famous trademarks in the video game industry
>the evil within

Fuck Zenimax. They're worse than EA, Activision, and Ubisoft combined.

So there would be 99 better games? Sounds good to me.

>They should have made a generic "doomlike" setting

That's what they're already doing, the kickstarter was on track to fail, but now it might well be funded by people feeling sorry for them or trying to fight da powar:

It's still

How convenient that he gets this letter the moment his kickstarter is failing. Hmmm not suspicious at all nope.

See the post above yours.

Or you could end up with Japanese doujin culture

>Chinese make better games; we win.
>Chinese make shitty games, but competition forces Bethesda to make good Doom games; we win.

Besides, the Doom brand is already meaningless -- the original, Doom 3, and DOOM are all vastly different experiences and DOOM isn't even made by the same company!

The "Doom made by Bethesda" brand, on the other hand, cannot be knocked off by China because they are not Bethesda, by definition. Only idiots would buy a game based off the Doom brand alone before checking who made it.

>meta tag, keyword, media, or other visible or concealed text
This is probably sent by a program that scrapes web pages and looks for IP words. I doubt any legal action would actually happen.

Unless there are lawyer AIs.


what a dumbass of course you aren't gonna get away making a fucking kickstarter for doom and then generating ad money for DOOM

he's not gonna walk away with anything.

>Jupiter Hell is a turn-based sci-fi roguelike/RPG with modern 3D graphics, by the creator of D**m, the Roguelike.
>by the creator of D**mRL

No. Have you seen the shitty shovelware that gets pushed to mobile?

The free market blows ass most of the time.

Yeah bros! Fuck Zenimax! lets all donate to his kickstarter now as a fuck you to Bethesda!

It'll get extended again because of Disney, like it has every time they stand to lose rights to their old material.

For all intents and purposes 150 years.

70 years + death.

Note that multiple studies show that IP laws that go past 7 years actually become harmful to society and that there is no justification for laws that go past 25 years.


I think we're up to ninety-something. Steamboat Willie was '28.

Press F to Doubt

This guy's Kikescammer is failing, this supposed C&D comes in at just the right moment to spur pity/spite backing

Oldest trick in the book.

Retweet this to Zenimax, see if they debunk his shit.

or don't, Jupiter Hell actually looks really cool, possible scummy behavior aside.

What ethnic minority could be responsible for the contents of this message?

Agreed. We can only trust the government to bring us classics like Half-Life and Super Mario Bros.

This is probably only happening because he launched a kickstarter and specifically marketed it as being for a game that was the spiritual successor to DoomRL.

I doubt Zenimax gave a fuck until they found out he was trying to make cash off the association.

Remember when Doom devs were cool?

If that was the case he wouldn't announce it minutes before the Game Awards show.

So what does this mean? Zenimax can do DMCA takedown on source port projects too?


Exactly if we didn't have copyright laws then everyone could just slap Ferrari on sedans and vans and shit and sell it as a Ferrari while the actual Ferrari suffers from having their brand watered down, devalued and tarnished.

China doesn't give a fuck that's why you see shitty knock offs that don't work or are something completely different from what it says it is. (See all those knock off consoles that look like Happy Meal toys) Copyright law prevents this from happening in countries that care.


Could he fight this by saying that Doom as a trademarked word is fucking retarded?

That's not what intellectual property law means. Please...stop commenting on this topic.

>Exactly if we didn't have copyright laws then everyone could just slap Ferrari on sedans and vans and shit and sell it as a Ferrari while the actual Ferrari suffers from having their brand watered down, devalued and tarnished.
You're confusing copyright laws with trademark laws.

It's a completely unrelated Doom-themed fan project. It's a bit too early to give the benefit of doubt to anyone at this point, what with the totally-unrelated-I-swear Kikestarter project.

Economists virtually universally agree that patents, which are a form of intellectual property, are a positive case of market distortion.


>IP owner offended by fanwork
>game kept alive for decades by fanwork
>fanwork kept the flame alive
>that fandom made Doom one of the only successful Denovu games

How can companies be this stupid about how they make their money.

I remember back in the day when modders were given jobs or made jobs and became the next talent on the scene...Happened to these two guys named John that used to mod Apple II games.

Selling something under a false name ("Ferrari" in this case) is completely separate from IP law, or rather, it falls under fraud as well as IP law. It would continue to be fraud even if IP law was abolished.

A more comparable example would be two companies selling a car called the "Beetle" which would mean, god forbid, you actually have to look up which manufacturer made the car (if it wasn't plastered on the back).

Of course the Chinese, being Chinese, will give no fucks whether we have IP law or not so I don't even know why you're bringing them up.

>Economists virtually universally agree

(((economists))) can suck my dick

Wait till TPP.

They're raising the timeframe.

>entire fanbase was railing on "NuDoom" until 2 months after release
>implying they're the reason it succeeded

China actually has pretty good copyright law, but only for domestic products. They don't give a fuck about anything foreign.

>Create an unlicensed game of a copyrighted series.
>Get surprised when the copyright holder demands you take it down.
Are people really this dumb?

It's not Zenimax's fault, if they don't act, they will lose the copyright because of how copyright law and precedent is.

Anyways, all he needs to do is rename it. And hope Zenimax are not vindictive cunts that sue him for every penny he's worth.

There's also a substantial number that argue in favour of placing restrictions on them to limit patent trolling and abuse in general.

I agree that patents are good, but they need reform.

Go back to your containment board

Yeah and without copyright laws the goyim wouldn't have to beg us, the chosen people, for entertainment media!

>virtually universally

What the fuck does that even mean, and are they referring to the 150+ year patents we currently have or the far more reasonable decade (under which Doom's IP would have expired)?

And yet you don't see everyone importing Chinese knockoffs because they recognize garbage when they see it
All it does is give people a choice, greater competition, and it reduces the number of trivial lawsuits and takedowns

Nudoom was getting ripped apart prior to release because the alphas/betas combined with the awful marketing were going out of their way to make the game look as bad as possible.

The final product ended up being okay but because of the above reasons, expectations were set so fucking low that everyone was blown away by what was otherwise just an above average game.

Was my first FPS and has consistently been on my computer since its release in the 90s. Fucking loved it, so maybe not use Sup Forums as your bases of reality. Also doesn't matter if they bought it, but more so the vocal minority of nostalgia fucks will scream the loudest, the rest will be busy playing the game.

Is that only USA's laws? Because indie japs devs are ok for the most part, Type-Moon didn't lost the Fate license because some faggot sold an arena fighter some of their characters.

>assblasted retard incapable of thinking for himself gets anally triggered by the mere suggestion that his hero paul krugman is in fact a fucking dumbass

have you ever had a single unique thought of your own, or do you only regurgitate what "professionals" tell you to believe? of course you haven't, hance the canned half-assed response. i just blew you the fuck out kid. shrimp.

Remember when the people who made DOOM actually owned DOOM?

Shoehorning shitty multiplayer into the game left a bad taste in many peoples mouths pre release.

Not an argument

TPP's dead. One of Trump's goals was to kill that thing if he became president.

>muh krugman

Brainless Sup Forumscuck confirmed

Losing copyright because you didnt defend it rarely happens and thats only after a period of years, there was no danger the notice was entirely unnecessary and only serves to highlight how shitty a company zenimax is going after years old ancillary fangames.

tell that to hayek, friedman or mises you cuck

Could you cite the copyright law and precedent?

>lets outsourced our MP mode to some literally who developer who's credentials mostly include COD map packs
>lets make this the entire focus of our marketing campaign
To this day I hope whoever thought that was a good idea got fired.

neither is "muh (((professionals))) told me 2+2=5 so it must be true"

you are gay

adorable :3

t. Austrian cultist

>getting triggered by polacks
back to neogaf, braindead autistmo


Intellectual property, specifically copyrights and patents, are positive if limited. They're supposed to put the work in the public domain in exchange for a limited monopoly on production, that way they inventor gets plenty of time to make a profit and the work is now public which means everyone else can improve upon it later. "Forever less a day" intellectual property extensions are always bad because they get rid of the potential for the public to improve upon something.

The rationale behind patents is well known to anyone with basic economics education.

Patents provide an incentive for private R&D, as companies can recover their investment. Without patents, there would be a lot less R&D.

You would know this if you got your understanding of economics outside of Sup Forums

So they c&d DoomRL, but are fine with Brutal Doom being nominated on The Game Awards 2016? What are the chances of this being a scam?

Self correction: What I meant was Trademark, which is what is referenced in their e-mail.
And what happens is that it will turn generic if not defended. (Google it)

>it rarely happens
Here is a list of trademarks that's turned generic:

Doom is especially vulnerable to this because of how FPS games were called "Doom-clones" in the 90s, before the term FPS was coined.

had your first day of freshman marketing recently, did you?

wrong, dumbass


Not an argument btw


Doom isn't vulnerable to this at all most of those things were generalized in the 80's or earlier except the word app and trust me when people hear FPS these days they don't think doom more like CoD.

Even Obama admitted TPP was dead and buried at this point, its over.

here's your (((you)))

For most of American history, intellectual property terms were 14 years with an optional 14 year extension. If you can't make a profit on something when you have a 28 year monopoly then it's simply a failure in business sense that should not be subsidized by the government. Further increases to intellectual property terms didn't happen until big businesses, mainly Disney, kept lobbying for them. They don't provide additional incentives, they just keep things in the hands of corporations that are already rich and effectively put a tax on future innovation.

The overall TPP might be dead but parts will most certainly make it into other agreements and the repubs are going to murder net neutrality anyway so whats the point.

Or they just both make shit games

That's true in theory, and sometimes it helps, but in practice the US Patent Office just rubberstamps all kinds of bullshit through the system because they aren't experts in every possible field and they're drastically overworked. Then it's just a matter of time before some retard springs his unused patent on a real company, costing them millions of dollars in fees to invalidate a patent that never should've been issued in the first place.

But that's completely separate from what's happening in , which is jews being jews.