Was Civ 6 made by redditors?

Was Civ 6 made by redditors?

>Was Civ 6 made by redditors?
Explain yourself.

Not op, but did you even see the picture?

Yes, I still don't understand.

No really, is this some sort of post modern shitposting?
I seriously do not understand what is supposed to be wrong.

Civ usually uses historical quotes, but that pic uses a quote from Adam Savage, one of the Mythbusters hosts.

History is written every day so that's still a historical quote pham :^)

Why does this mean it was made by Redditors?

You're getting b8ed lad

He's a big fan of Reddit. He once blew up their stupid alien mascot for the show due to fan request.

the wifi's coalburners wife's son likes pigs

I think we can all agree that the quotes were shit this game

Ok so he likes Reddit, why does it mean that Civ 6 was made by redditors?

>having a problem with Mythbusters
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Way too many modern hipster ones.

Lolbno wifi on killimanjaro xd so bored

I don't. I liked the show. I was just trying to explain the link to Reddit.

that was also the 2nd to last episode for the series.

Show existed way before reddit

I opened the thread to post this. What were they thinking?

Some were good, especially the ones about how shitty humanity is.

"If dogs don't go to heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went"

>"Men, like bullets, go farthest when they are smoothest."
–Jean Paul

Im still waiting for someone to edit the quote

Are you autistic?

Oh no, that thing everyone skips or turns off with mods is different now!?

I'm just trying to explain what I think OP's logic is.

I'm not a mentally retarded piece of subhuman shit.

Well Mythbusters is actually history now that it's off the air.

It was decent TV, and you're getting way too mad.

>I'm not a mentally retarded piece of subhuman shit
Could have fooled me.