Diversity is the only important quality in a videogame

Diversity is the only important quality in a videogame.

In order to be a good video game all you need is a large array of skin colors (brown) and gender identities and the gameplay and story make themselves.

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>mfw not a single brown love live
Brown is so ugly.

Diversity just means less white people.


Why does Sup Forums cherrypick retarded literal who tumblrinas and pretend that this is some sort of epidemic?

At least they sort of got the same face right. Both art styles are bottom of the barrel garbage though.

>diversity now means everyone is fat, with brown skin, brown hair, and brown eyes


>Changing Japanese people into generic brown people

That doesn't even make any sense.

Because it allows them to continue the circlejerk about how terrible Tumblr is and the SJW boogeyman is gonna take their toys away.

maki is great

Welp. That's according to your opinion. I rather like japanese cartoons art.


I plan on making videogames soon (tm).

I refuse to add a bunch of niggers, spics, LGBT people like myself or other SJW garbage to the things I make.

I already make video games and people despise them for supposedly being misogynistic and degrading to woman.

There are plenty of delicious brown girls, however.

This has to be bait, no one could be this delusional.

Sorry to break it to you user, but japs don't look anything like the characters they draw. Most of them are actually hideous

Some do look like that.

>Most of them are actually hideous

Says who? Have you ever been in Japan or met japanese people?

>skin color
>gender identities

Fuck off with your hentai shit, the most important fucking aspect of the fucking game is the fucking character design

>let's ugly everything up!

>brown nipples

Shut up, they're pink.

Not him, but it really is not bait.

Sup Forumsirgins are the ones that kick and scream and bitch when they get a whiff of any video game that has prominent nonwhite characters. Never mind that a game could have 99% white characters and one important brown one - SJWs are taking over the industry! Literally all a game needs to do to send you manchildren into a bitch fit is feature prominent minority characters. Remember Indivisible? Remember how Sup Forums dug up months-old redrawings of pantyshots - FIVE FRAMES in a game with hundreds of pantyshots animated art 60 FPS - and blew it over proportion pretending that LZ was a bunch of evil SJWs that promoted ""censorship""? All because they didn't like that Indivisible was going to be about brown people? Heaven forbid a game set in a region inspired by Southeast Asia features brown people.

There are too many people who associate LZ with censorship. Because they had the audacity to make extremely minor adjustments to five frames in a game that won the Guinness World Record for most hand-drawn frames in a video game. I am platinum mad over this.

Get a grip. Get rid of the mindset that SJWs are lurking every corner. Get rid of the mentality that video games can only appeal to your demographic. Get back to your containment board, Sup Forums.

This has to be bait

My chicken-chan is delicious brown.

Niggers could be dead sexy and an amazing inclusion to any game if it wasn't for the whole being chimps thing.

And since in video games you can make any character sentient, capable of abstract reasoning, intuitively aware of things outside of their field-of-view, and able to use logic,
then videogames removes the downside of being black!

This is some uggo shit.
Well drawn hands, but horrible faces, and bodies built for riveting rather than "railing".

Does anyone have that picture of the full cast of the Love Live anime that someone drew in a similar style to the op?

God bless the Japanese.

Tetris doesn't have white people and nobody seems to mind.

I wanna make a kart racing game where all the characters are exaggerated racial stereotypes, and they can use their racial stereotypes as powerups or weapons or defenses to help win the kart races.

It'll upset the people who hate stereotypes, and it'll also upset the people who hate diversity, while being lots of fun for someone who wants to be the niggest nugger, or the most DESIGNATED shitting street, or so adidas tracksuitcore that you'd swear the kart was squatting.

I am a Bernie voting liberal from San Francisco. I am not the target audience for these games.

I don't like watching video games sacrifice their artistic integrity for the sake of pandering to an agenda. I hate that every time a major character isn't white you have to wonder whether it's because they wanted to make an annoying political statement or if it fit the character the best. I live in a place where there genuinely are SJWs lurking in every corner, and I despise them because they bastardize the left with their racist identity politics in the pursuit of control over other people.


Sup Forums here.

Where are the privately owned central bank that loans a nation its currency at interest?

>meanwhile, in CG

What the hell is that asshole even doing nowadays.

wtf i love diversity now

Learn English, degenerate.

Post yfw its 2016 and based nip continues to refuse these mentally deficient retards and their demands and proudly keeps their 2D beautiful and flawless.

why are you even on this board if you dislike the hivemind so much?

For fucks sake, why do sjws, and half of Sup Forums give a shit about the skin color of a digital character? How can Sup Forums say that an video game artist shouldn't be censored when it comes to tits but when it comes to skin color they lose thier shit and why do sjws do the same thing in vice versa?

his last video was like 4 moths ago

Not him but it's less of a hivemind than places like reddit and tumblr.

Do people really go through these "people's" tumblrs every single day just to find this cringey bullshit?

There doesn't have to be an agenda.
That's the point. You're focusing on there race with the mindset that there has to be some kind of agenda being pushed. What agenda is being pushed by a game set in a Southeast Asia-esque region that has prominent brown characters? What agenda is being pushed by a fucking mobile Pokémon game having a black leader?

Blatant historical inaccuracies for the sake of being PC like an American WW1 battalion having multiple black soldiers? That's stupid and there's every right to complain about that. Game set in a fictional/fantasy setting where anything goes? Shut the fuck up.

I like talking about video games. I don't like Sup Forums, nor the SJW boogeyman. Those do not relate to video games.


no its not
show me at least TWO old 10/10s (pre 2005) that involved diversity

>Japanese are disgusting
How racist.

Not him but I've been to Japan. They are generally pretty ugly. You know how the British have the stereotype of having fucked up teeth? In Japan, they actually all have fucked up teeth. They will even go as far as intentionally fucking up their teeth as a beauty statement. They literally think fucked up teeth look good.

Because this is a niche subculture and there are a lot of people like the retarded bitch in the OP that post about it online?

>"a lot"

I cant speak for Sup Forums but I hate it when anything is shoehorned into something.
Me also hating niggers is just a coincidence.

Yes that is true.

They don't but you'd be better off finding another website instead of being angry about the hivemind here.

It's the same logic as those people who can't stand anime on other boards.

If you don't like it or can't ignore it then you're probably on the wrong website.


I kind of like bottom right.

>thought top left was an arthur character from thumbnail

Not him, but I come here for comfy threads about old games that aren't old enough to be on /vr/ yet and made up a good deal of my childhood.

Gonna make a Battlefront 2 thread later. Maybe get a server going.

There's also this thing with an unknown nationality aside from being from Dubai.

these """people""" need to die

These people are literally taught to think like this in academia. This is just the tip of the iceberg of what is to come.