What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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guy with the glasses

Quit posting stupid shit faggot

His fans started posting here.

I wish I knew. Spoony systematically made good reviews and some are still among the best of these modern "comedic riffing and ranting with an overarching plot" -style of reviews. Also his playthough of Phantasmagoria 2 is so great I've watched it 5 times, and it's literally 5 hours long. That's very weird to even say but it's just that good.

Then he just stopped making review, stopped being funny and started hating his fans. It's almost like he had a brain tumor or something.

He realized that being a reviewer/lets player comes with autistic fans and isn't a real job.

I miss amv hell.

I just wish people would stop all of the patrion support so he would either get a real job or start making content again. That's why he does nothing anymore. He has gotten a steady 2000-5000 dollars a month for nothing.

He was never good. It's you who grew up but still have nostalgic feeling about his past content, which was still crap.

He can still get that much a,month with disability for his heart condition if he ever felt like it

>go back to watch is ff8 video
>just him saying shitty gay gay shit gay gay throughout the entire cinematic
>i fell in love with his videos after this
good times

they have. He was getting close to 5k a month I think? Now he's barely breaking 1k.

Spoony completely blew it, he had a real good thing going, he has an already established fanbase from way before Patreon was a thing, he has the talent and knowledge to make some funny reviews and shit, but goddamn, he just shit on all of it.

That BPD and taking the wrong pills must have really fucked with his head. Also wrestling. At least he posted a new Counter Monkey recently, but the rest of it has just been shitty streams. How hard can it be to make a review?

You know what I really enjoyed? His solo vlog style ranting reviews, like the ones he did on Bioshock Infinite. I don't want to listen to his dogshit ugly girlfriend or his brother or anyone else, I just want to listen to him go ape shit on a video game or movie. He's good at it, good at rambling and talking to the camera, but he just won't fucking do it, and when he does he'll have someone else there that doesn't say anything worth a shit.

fuck spoony.


Don't lie, his Phantasmagoria 2 let's play was riffing gold material.

Don't expect any good content from him or Total Asscancer after they had an aneurysm over Trump winning.

Yeah, "was". When you were a teenager.

I dare you to watch it now, without drinking. It's some ultra puerile crap

I can still watch it mutiple times and laugh and have done plenty of times.

You must be brain damaged or something then.

Humor is subjective user. But it's nice to see you're trying to keep the thread alive so thanks for that :)

Bipolarism and depression. Mental illness really does fuck someone over - it's not just a matter of being sad, but being unable to feel happy emotions like a regular person due to how their brain is wired.

Honestly? Playstation.

Hey Miles was great in the movie vlogs they did

He supported Muslims being able to practice Shariah Law in the first world.

Oh, and something about being lazy fuck and Jimmy Fallon.

Everything went wrong when he discovered Twitter.

you can't pin it all on the depression, it didn't help but his own laziness and bad work ethic plus ego issues caused most of it.

Did you see the kind of unwashed fat fuck he was before Scarlett dumped him? that woman was clearly a skank but she stuck around through an era of unwashed fuck few women would. then there were all those be an asshole on twitter things, his constant tendency to take on too much work at once, burn out, and finish none of it, fell prey to 'let's be sketch actors' shit from the TGWTG crown.

the universe threw that guy like 5 opportunity's to succeed, eceleb boom, youtube boom, twitch boom, patreon boom, he squandered ALL of them.

This. His quality plummeted. He started adding skits to his reviews. He went from a person to another Nostalgia Critic. After he got fired from TGWTG I thought he'd climb out of it, but he didn't. I feel like he almost did with the Ultima reviews, but then he gave up again. He's weak-willed with a huge ego.

He's getting 1k while doing nothing though. People are still enabling him.


People really need to stop blaming TGWTG for Spoony's problems. Yes, they suck and are absolute cancer, but Spoony's problems are his own. There's a good reason he's done nothing but decline since leaving them.

seriously, is he making one?

>Patreon is down to $1015 per month
>at some point is was like above 5k

Jesus Christ he fucked up bad.

I'm blaming him, i just specifically sight that he fell into the 'sketch acting' thing a bunch of them did.

It's not that it's TGWTG's fault. It's that Spoony felt the need to suck up to them or something. Other critics have been involved with TGWTG and still had success while maintaining their original style. Like pic related. What's his name again?

The only thing more pathetic than FF xv is spoony's life

Amazes me how far Irate Juarez came from TGWTG days. when all of them we're trying to make these mini movies, eh was just a doofus dicking around with his friends in bad costumes, now he;'s still doing that and getting like 2 million views

Doesn't he just livestream nowadays?

>gets to 5k+
>makes and update video about improving work schedule and quiting twitter
>turns into wreck instead

I think him moving with his girlfriend(male) was the turning point.

yup, supposedly their uninteresting to watch and he just complains all the time, stopping constantly to yells at random chat people/ban chat people

There was a time when Mad Martinez's videos were some of the least popular on TGWTG. Regardless of how you feel about him, I think he deserves credit for using his formula and branding to achieve success. He could probably sink the entire network if he pulled out.

>started hating his fans.
I think he always hated them. He just never let it show.

His forums were pretty authoritarian back in the day, might have had more to do with Scarlett than him.

Honestly I rather like him. He's just enough of a legitimate RPG nerd a lot of the dumb shit that bother's me in bad rpgs will also bother him.

>Amazes me how far Irate Juarez came from TGWTG days.

It amazes me how fat he's gotten since his TGWTG days.

Yeah. He had a real plum gig going and he fucked it all up. I don't really have much talent and would probably just be an autistic faggot on camera, but if I was getting $5,000 a month to make videos and I had a fanbase as dedicated and easily pleased as his, I'd make it work.

Well can't blame him. When your making as much money he is and still getting women too, I'll pig out too.

Angry Adipose Adolfo gets bitches? Good for him. I'm glad his life is going well.

Previous gf.

>claims 13-2 review is in the "rendering queue"
>never puts it out
Wew lad


Current gf.

If spoony wasn't such a sad sack and making money he would be getting bitches too, but he's the type not to let go.

- Left Arizona
- Amphetamines
- Twitter

was Spoony always this much of Liberal cuck or did April turned him?

what video game is this?

Damn son.

Not as hot as the other one, but fuck me. Joe's doing well for himself. Good for him. I hope he loses weight, but only because I don't want him to suffer from health issues like Boogie.

>If spoony wasn't such a sad sack and making money he would be getting bitches too,

Judging by his interactions with the community and all the stories about him I doubt that's possible. He's too much of a selfish unlikable asshole to maintain a normal relationship with friends, much less a woman. His situation with his current girlfriend is dysfunctional as fuck, and when the Paytreon money dries up, she's probably going to take off.

>- Amphetamines

What amphetamines?


his meds for his bi-polar thing.

He was always an emotionally unstable manchild, but at least he actually made entertaining content back then. Ever since the infamous twitter meltdown and getting fired from TGWTG he turned into a lazy piece of shit that even his hardest supporters gave up on him.

I'm no doctor, but I'm not sure amphetamines are the right thing for bi-polar people.

>Go check his site for the first time in a year because bored
>One video every 2 months
>Mostly just complaining about wrestling ppvs.


Not really, if it is something like ADHD the meds will boost him up during the depression state and burn out the manic state making him a bit more leveled. Of course you give him the wrong meds or dosage and bad shit will happen.

He twittered once he would do FF13-2 review in june last year. At least I got my fix with that guy from cinemasins making a video about it.

>one video every two months
>mostly complaining about Wrestling

If you think that's bad, you have to see the one of two videos he put out out all between May and November. This was posted out of nowhere, with no explanation, and he basically went radio silent and didn't even Tweet for a month afterwards.


This is the major reason why his paytreon is so low now.

I think that's the worst Spoony has delivered so far?

Still waiting for the "Never be the guy who drives" Counter Monkey video

>or his brother

Don't talk shit about Miles, he was fucking great.

i like to check back his swat 4 and phantasmagoria playthroughs. but everything else i dont give a shit about

Curves > pretty face

Wait do I get to keep my obamacar? I'm not actually going to die?


As long as his Final Fantasy 8 review stays up, nothing.

That series of videos is the only thing of his I really liked.

Up to a certain point. Curvy movie are great but once they get preggo they get fat and never really recover, they stay fat.

Are we counting the swamp water filter video of him hanging out with Doug and his Contractually Obligated Friends and having Ecto Cooler for the first time?

>Note that this profile is still an early work in progress, and I'm still working on coming up with a list of goals and rewards that's realistic and fair, but awesome for everyone! Nothing's set in stone!


Not even Wendy's Training Videos?

I didn't hate 'em, but didn't like them either.

What a complete wreck of a man. He's the Jim Morrison of our times.

I didn't knew how bad he was doing when I saw those dog tweets.

He must have been drunk, high on meds or both. No sane or sober person would do this

Bipolar disorder.

post them cunt, don't just talk about them, I want to see this shit too.

I would have if I had them, cunt. But I don't

Anyone got the picture of his gf riding their bull?

iirc he made a twitter account for his dog and posted shit like "daddy played with me today"

Scotty doesn't know that Fiona and me do it my van every Sunday!

>feel like watching some of his old videos
>his video page on his site has been broken for years now
>he deleted all his videos off whatever the fuck the site he was using was called
>only uploaded some of them to youtube

Benzaie on the other hand is doing good

What the hell is he doing all day?

I'm curious what his daily routine looks like. Sure as hell ain't involving making videos.