So can we talk about the actual gameplay and stuff? I get it, framerate looks choppy...

So can we talk about the actual gameplay and stuff? I get it, framerate looks choppy, hopefully that'll be resolved or isn't actually as bad as what's been uploaded, next topic.

Lizalfos are lightning chameleons now. They can camo to ambush you. The layout of the jungle looks well designed, optional stealth. You can paraglide -> ground pound. Lizlawls use lightning arrows and you can probably get those too, confirmed you can get their spears. Also I think they look pretty dang cool.

Probably my most favorite iteration of them yet. I wonder if they can climb up walls like a gecko.

The moblin on the other hand, holy fuck that's a bad design. Worst moblin design ever, up there with SS.

>7 hearts of damage
>wide-range electruc discharge attack
>long-range projectiles

I'm scared to find out what they did to Darknuts.

Hoo, boy. I didn't even think of them.

I thought pic related was a moblin, but I guess not. If it's a boss, I hope you can fight it over and over again. I'm hoping to see Goriyas and Fokkas too if the bird race is anything to go by.

Just watched it. I'm liking the armour and that they actually do look different from each other. Enemies look interesting and the jungle area seems interenting considering I don't think they've ever done a jungle level in LoZ before. Also nice to see other people although didn't expect to see them fighting so that's cool. Also there is an advanced bird race that has an airship. That's a thing. I need to get on there.

Aw fuck I forgot about those things. Shit I hope they're knightly as fuck and just wreck shop. Also getting their weapon after you kill one is going to feel super good

I don't like how every weapon has a 3 hit combo. Also the movesets are global apparently (every spear has the same moves, every great sword has the same moves).

On the other hand, exploration looked really good. Tracking landmarks to pinpoint temples and shit.

>Darknuts and IronKnuckles now comes in groups and gangbang you to death.

>Lizalfos are lightning chameleons now.

Probably the the hypest part of the showing, I've been partial to these guys since OOT and it's nice to see them pose a threat.

I love the chameleon Lizalfos. I'm glad enemies avoid obvious bombs. Link's red armor is cool. I'm hoping we'll be able to reinforce weapons at some point, seems like they break easy.

I love the hazy jungle atmosphere, reminds me of Woodfall Temple a little. I'm guessing the shrine isn't a full-on dungeon but a smaller shrine. Miyamoto once mentioned the dungeons proper would be huge and I really wonder what themes they'll choose for them since SS got pretty creative.

I feel ya, I'm hoping for at least more archetypes, but the charge attacks are at least different (swords have spin attack, spears have multistab).

Might require heavy weapons to knock em over or knock armor off, weight is a factor now since heavy stuf can knock shields and weapons out of enemy hands.

Yeah it seems like there are a lot of weapons I'd want to cherish, like the lizalfos spear, I don't wanna have to hike to jungle land for new ones.

SS temples are underrated. The only dungeons we've seen here are mini-dungeons and they have you walking on gears and solving physics puzzles, so I'm optimistic.

SS moblins set a new standard for bad, this ain't up there. Actually I'm not sure what people hate about this one. Long snout and horn are neat imo.

Combat in this zelda game is weird they expanded on it by letting link approach his enemies in unconventional ways but at the same time direct combat is straightforward and shallow as links swing animations dont change when hes using a sword while moving the left thumbstick but then again Zeldas Direct combat has never been too complex anyways.

>iron knuckles
>deku scrubs
>deku babas

Hooooooooo boy, I can't wait.

So look guys, I'm gonna be straight here.
The food shit to me, is going to be something I'm going to severely limit myself with.
I think it's fairly obvious that you can just grind and stockpile huge amounts of food so that you can brute force past these monsters, and if you really think about it, that's the fucking best way they could have handled this shit. They've essentially had the freedom to make monsters hit hard as a fuck and have a plethora of ways of fucking your shit up due to this, so casuals can get through the game by spamming food items during every encounter, whereas people like me can get through by learning how to actually fight enemies effectively.
Yes yes, technically you could also do the same shit in other Zelda games by just avoiding the hearts that drop, but you can still accidentally pick them up, and enemies are pitiful anyway in the previous games so it didn't even matter.

I'm honestly excited as fuck. None of this blatant shitposting is going to diminish my hype, not even a little bit.
The only valid complaint is that the framerate isn't great, but I played S&M on an original 3DS which tanked hard at points, so this shit isn't even going to bother me at all. Not that I don't hope they improve it, mind you.

Remember when people were saying that only the guardians would hit hard though? Yeah, seems that isn't the case.
Holy fucking shit, I swear, I cannot wait for this goddamn game.

You got a point with the food. I hope we have the option of having some armor, good armor at that. That will be the case, but I do want to explore and be leisurely with seeing the sights, but if every enemy further in the game can deal five hearts of damage by default, that'll be a little disappointing.

You don't think they'll be stronger than Guardians, do you?

Has any other zelda game showed so much fucking death? It seems like every new video we get, Link gets 1 shotted/near 1 shotted.
I love it.

I wonder if hero mode is going to still be a thing.

>implying they haven't done that since the first game

>SS dungeons were creative

The mine was cool but has been done before (albeit without timeshift stones), really the only cool dungeons were the ship and cistern. The forest dungeon and 2 fire dungeons were as generic as they get.

l wonder if the giant rito fortress is a dungeon or just a huge city/community

>muh female link
>dude 12 fps lmao
>zelda's hair color
>all massively popular threads
>gameplay thread
>no one cares
delete Sup Forums already


am I fitting in yet?

They were at least all well designed, tons of good puzzle elements, they actually made you think. Hopefully we see at least that level in BotW.

>I wonder if hero mode is going to still be a thing.
This might BE Hero mode.

the first 2 dungeons were the same easy schlock at the beginning of every 3D zelda

What if Hero Mode severely limits your eating?

Well I had trouble in the first one just because I didn't look under the bridge on the left for a long time. But of course the beginning dungeons are going to be easy. The rest, and especially Sky Keep were top tier though in my opinion.

I seriously hope there's more to it then that. Hero mode should be full on NES tier shit.

l didn't like cistern, the theme was cool but mechanically it was shit

the ship and mine were the only great dungeons, timeshift stones were genius

neither of those dungeons were really good. Mine had a neat thing going for it with the boots at least, but the ship had the most boring item, the puzzles were straight forward, it was small and barely had any enemies

both the cistern and sandship were levels with great THEMATICS but poor mechanics, so its got the same problem as the cistern.

also SS suffered from not even having dungeon bosses in half the dungeons, just the same ghirahim fight in two of them, sky keep had nothing at all. Still better than twilight princess at least but not anywhere like OOT or even MM which wasn't very good bosses but at least it HAD bosses

>he thinks the NES version is hard
The only difficulty stems from darknuts until you figure out how to sidestab the fuckers and blue wizzrobes until you figure out they only phase through shit when it's a solid object
maybe that plant dude that was the level 3 boss
someone help me I've wasted too many hours on purezc

the difficulty on darknuts stems from how they randomly change directions and walk into you when you try to sidestab them
you're basically clenching your anus for RNG, thats really not a compelling swordfighting

OOT/MM had the best combat of the zelda franchises (OOT>MM, since child link combat was worse) followed closely by zelda 2, but boy did WW/TP manage to fuck up the OOT mechanics and SS just dropped the ball on its gimmick

sad they had so much potential with motion controls and 1:1 swordfighting and then wasted it on a game of simon says lmao

disclosure: 3DS owner but no WiiU

The game looks interesting but there's two big red flags that tells me the designers don't actually know what they're doing.

The first is the pause menu and its healing items. One dish healed six hearts in the demo they showed today. I saw several healing items. Treating health like this is lame. I've played Skyrim and I know what it's like, and I know that it impacts how encounters are designed and harms the flow of combat. Plus just, going into the pause menu to gobble down a plate, it's dumb. The insistence on keeping so much ludonarrative interference tells me that they'll still keep a lot of the dumb decisions and general dumbness the series is known for.

Second is the slow motion, both with the counterattack flurry thing and with bows. They're lame. Lining up perfect shots with slow motion is not exciting or rewarding. It feels like I'm playing a text game. Use BOW on MOBLIN. The slow motion on the melee flurry attack is... what does it accomplish? To extend the window of the counterattack so much that its technical challenge is zero? Or obnoxiously reminding the player of it? It's almost punishing the player for not opting to do it. The attack itself does not look good or fun. Link's locked in place and swings like a spastic for a couple seconds. The series is not known for having deep combat and this shows to me that they have no clear direction to give it depth.

I don't think they know what they are doing!!!

>ludonarrative interference

This. Hero Mode has to fix this somehow. No slowdown and food limit usage.

>yfw in Hero Mode you slow down but the enemy doesn't

how about
>slowdown is only available when doing what is effectively a parry- dodging with split second timing
>food now uses an in-game animation and the game doesn't pause when you're in the menu, and if you're hit while holding food or in the eating animation, you drop it

Feel free to not read this and instead call me a faggot because that's probably what I would say since I certifiably came off as a massive one by just casually dropping such an esoteric bullshit term.

Pic related is from a review of Bioshock but they talk about Zelda.

>(OOT>MM, since child link combat was worse)
I... what? MM Link fights exactly the same as Adult Link, and the only marginal difference in OoT is how the Hylian Shield works. What do you even mean? Are you just talking about the enemies in general?

I hate to compare Zelda to Souls. But if you have played Demon's Souls, then you would know how easy it is to recover health. You can hold 99 of each item. There's like 5 different "grasses" that work as recover items, and you could potentially hold 99 of each.

This still didn't stop the game from being one of the most punishing games of it's time and earn it a reputation. Because ultimately, each encounter was so high risk, that you would be lucky to even get the chance to heal before something killed you. I don't see easy recover items as being a problem, because they've already shown that enemies do real damage. If you really want to be a fag and grind 100 dishes, then so be it. But you're probably that fag who grinds in RPGs as well, so your option doesn't matter. You can't blame a game for you playing the game in the least fun way possible.

shorter sword range
but the enemies also matter. OOT had you fighting a lot of adult human sized enemies

I wasn't talking about difficulty I was just talking about pacing and the general feel it gives combat and its impact on the relationship players have with the health bar and damage.

>Because ultimately, each encounter was so high risk, that you would be lucky to even get the chance to heal before something killed you.

That's the issue here, you don't have to do anything but open the menu here.

OK, so what do you mean exactly? I'm not quite sure I get it.

Wouldn't the enemy just hit you again while you're in the menu?

so ludonarrative dissonance is being incapable of understanding a world where logic doesnt work in the same way as our own worlds logic?
I am autistic for not having this problem or something?

It means if you master the skill of pressing pause before dying, you can circumvent sure death constantly. Meaning the value of individual hearts doesn't really mean anything. I'm not going to associate 1 heart with sheer death, I'm going to associate it with "time to stop the fight and eat another snack". So then the currency of health isn't hearts but healing items. You do some quick multiplication to find your true heart total. So the health bar has much less significance since it is constantly dropping and filling up. This makes receiving damage less impactful and I feel that doesn't befit the narrative of adventure and crusading Link is doing.

Menu freezes time in BotW. You can sort and eat items mid combat at your leisure.

>Menu freezes time in BotW. You can sort and eat items mid combat at your leisure.
Oh that's not good. I was going to argue everything until I read that. That's bullshit.

Well... If it's an consolation, a lot of attacks do multiple hearts of damage. So you're playing with fire if you let your health get low.

Their lightning antics and camo drove the trailer home for me too, otherwise it was just nice to see someone who knew how to play the fucking game.

B'yeah I love the lizbros in OoT. and this is a much needed upgrade, since they were basically shieldless stalfos before.

I think I noticed some souls influences here namely the snake guards with shields at the foot of the entrance to the cave. I want to see what's beyond it and what that shining thing is

I agree with you, but you could also argument that the life bar is a insta death threshold, so it has significance.

y'know I actually thought about souls watching the trailer. The area clearly has a "race" of enemy, get ganked by arrows from above while fighting soldiers on the ground, alternate paths to descend on enemies, trap/ambush with the camouflage, then a big guy4you in a narrow hallway. I'm wondering if there's some influence there.

Guardians are already the octorok stand in, because Aonuma got his pooper pushed in by them in the first game, so he wanted people playing this Zelda 1 inspired game to have the same experience of tentacled octopus-like creatures killing you.

It's kind of sad, really.

Yeah of course, it just has less significance. And it reverts to its original meaning when you are out of food items (but I imagine the game isn't designed around never holding any food items).

But really-- the game is about adventure, giant beasts, impossible odds. Stopping to eat snacks betrays this. Imagine stories of adventure, films, books, where characters can instantly heal themselves. This would not make for very good stories!

I really liked how the big enemy was wary of the bombs. That was a nice touch.

And for all the people complaining about framerate, I honestly did not notice any major issues with it at all. But I watched it later on Youtube and not live.

What most people overlooked is that the framerate was bad even in the parts where they show Bill and the other guy. It's not the game lagging, it's the video itself that's shitty.

Anyone have a link to gameplay?

Although I've heard of this concept before, the way some people try to hammer home this concept so strongly never ceases to amaze me. You don't have to write a giant essay about it when the answer is simply 'gameplay'

As expected of Sup Forums to be instantly denounce it in two sentences. (Protip, this guy gives high reviews to shit like Pac Man and Chrono Trigger, which are fucking full of it. It's not the end of the world you tools.)

Yeah, it's a needlessly long and cluttered explanation. You could probably cover everything he said in a paragraph or two.

I'm just not going to use food while in fights. Game looks amazing beyond the framerate.

>I'm just not going to use fast travel
Good luck with your chastity quest, but a game's design is a game's design. You can't run from their decisions forever.

I can. I turned off exp share in Pokemon and do similar things in other games. Sucks that you have no willpower.

Fast travel is great.

How the fuck is it necessary

I get the fast travel complaint, as it is used to excuse an exceedingly large world (not that there is anything wrong with fast travel anyway)

How does food even affect game design in this case? At the very most the game is made harder due to easy healing (which is better)

I don't get this complaint. Same with EXP share

was bill's pokemon go thing just product placement? (probably)

or is it a hint that there's some real-world mechanics going on in botw

Obviously product placement

what's the point being made here?


It's to explain how Bioshock Infinite's 2deep4u plot doesn't work when all these game mechanics keep stepping on its toes.

I don't see the problem with stopping time to heal, pretty sure that's been a thing in 3d zelda for multiple games

please, I want to see re-dead and Wallmasters

In the other 3D games you have to equip an item first, then "use" it. Meaning you can't be in the middle of an animation (such as swinging a sword or dodging). This game regresses.

well otherwise it'd be 2deep4u AND boring

yes I know it's already boring but it'd be even more boring

All I get from that is that animation times can't fuck me, am I meant to find this to be a problem

Fast travel is more and more mandatory in open world to avoid the tediousness of coming back and forth for quests. I think that Skyrim and Oblivion and the fallout post 3 have best solution. You can't fast travel to places you haven't found which gives you incentives to explore, while it reduces greatly the distances. You still have the feeling of being on an adventure while the world doesn't feel too big for questing.

Dark Souls with its condensed world doesn't need fast travel when shortcuts are actively thought, but with gigantic worlds, it is needed.

Yes, you casual faggot.

>graphics that look very early playstation 3 tier
>the framerate is still shit
Why do people defend this? I could let the graphics slide if the game was smooth with no framerate drops but they cant even get that right


from what? the CG trailer from 2014?

Fast Travel is the dev going, "okay, fine, our open world is boring, we get it! you can skip it!" It is treating the symptom of a bigger problem.

>You can sort and eat items mid combat at your leisure.
hows that different from having a potion on a hot key on a soul (or any other adventure game) ??

also, by the damage display, most thing seem able to just 1 shot you. and we dont know how easy/ hard is to make good plates that recover lots or heart. of that if food might/ might not spoil

he's getting really fat

Probably from stealing all those doughnuts

>Fast Travel is the dev going, "okay, fine, our open world is boring, we get it! you can skip it!" It is treating the symptom of a bigger problem.
WUT? FAST TRavel is about priorities. and time. If I want to go back walking . I can do it and farm shit on the way. or if Im on hurry to finis the quest I can warp back.

fast travel ultimately is also a players choice, not including it will be actually more taxing (see Dragons Dogma)

Open world ruins games
Notice how the areas in Souls are fun to go through because they are linear and thus most have a good amount of effort put into the design of the level? Linear games will always have better world design then open worlds of nothing. Its like comparing an amusement parks design to the design of a neighborhood, the amusement park has less space to explore but more of an interesting layout.

Twilight Princess:
>limited number of healing items
>enemies pause during the healing animation

Skyward Sword
>limited number of healing items
>enemies can attack you during the healing animation

Breath of the Wild
>pages and pages of healing items
>enemies pause during the healing animation

I'm concerned about how easy healing has become in-battle. I liked the real-time potion animations in Skyward Sword and I'm disappointed that Breath of the Wild has gone back to letting the player pause the game while they recover health.

>if Im on hurry to finis the quest I can warp back
If you're in a hurry to get the game over with, you probably aren't enjoying it. Play something else.

I'm liking the challenge this game seems to have. The exploration is gonna be so amazing.

>Open world ruins games

Look at how many people bitch that 3D World and 3D Land didn't have a big exploration focus and open world levels like the previous 3D Mario games, and how people are hoping the Switch 3D Mario is more open.

10/10 thread op
I was starting to wonder why the fuck was nobody discussing how fucking fun the exploration gameplay was looking.

There's been lots of threads about the graphics and framerate of the game. This one is for discussing gameplay and it's an amusing one. I know you don't give a shit, but I'd appreciate if you kept that to other threads.

from what we've seen so far, enemies in BotW also do truckloads more damage to you than previous 3D Zeldas (Hero Modes notwithstanding)

because muh nostalgia for 64 and Sunshit. some games benefit from being open world, and Mario certainly doesn't. Zelda does, if they do it right this time.

In some games, like Monster Hunter, Souls and Kingdom Hearts, using a potion isn't merely pressing the hotkey and watching your HP go up, you become vulnerable while using the item, which means you can't just spam recovery items, you gotta find a window to use them.
I like what I've seen from BotW so far but I'm not a fan of how items are used.

Who cares? I can just pause and fully heal every time I get hit.

in all fairness, healing ALWAYS been permisive in Zelda games. hell, you have the bottle fairy resurrection option.

Still time stop healing is moot if get 1 shot'ed

like here?

Mario 64 and Sunshine aren't open world, they just have large levels that get reused. They're still levels and a lot of them have linearity.

>3 hearts