Game is released

>Game is released
>D. Va is bad
>D. Va mains whine
>D. Va gets a massive buff
>She is now balanced
>D. Va mains whine
>D. Va gets another massive buff
>She is now just as bad as pre-nerf McCree and pre-nerf Genji
>D. Va mains are still complaining

So what do you guys think the next D. Va buff will be? My guess is they triple her rate of fire and give her Tracer's recall ability.

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I'm a D.Va main and I'm not complaining at all. She's literally perfect right now.

I stopped right before the first buff. What did they buff now? How does she play now?

Why does she get a movement penalty but rein doesn't? She's in a fucking mech and he swings a hammer bigger than her body This game has retarded design flaws not to mention the shitty maps. Some real genius behind those, just going through a chokepoint door or underpass, some fucking maps


Haven't played in a while, is she actually good now? Might have to reinstall just to try it.

Because dva has mobility, damage, aoe nuke, and shield, everything tops rein. But dva has to chose wisely which one to use, as they are exclusive.

Be mobile and stop shooting
Stand and shoot
Shield or shoot
Save ult for free life, or shoot it out.
Shield normal shoots or save it for ults?

Plus her non-mech hitbox is messed up.

I loved D.Va from the start.
Her current state makes her ridiculously versatile and strong in almost any situation.
10/10 support, would always pick her over Reinhardt.

I find her sufficiently balanced at the moment.. perhaps with a change to her shield so it doesn't swallow reinhardt's E.

The reason D.Va was so shit during open beta and launch is because they completely overnerfed her in response to how fucking overpowered she was when she first appeared in the closed beta last year.

she's good, but you have to be smart with her on choosing whether to defend, run or shoot.

Rein has a rocket attached to his hammer, why would he get a speed penalty?

Gets me every time.

>She is now just as bad as pre-nerf McCree and pre-nerf Genji

Not even.

D.VA has STRONG counters. Sombra can fuck her shit 6-ways from sunday. And she can't even block the hack from happening. She has to either try to gun her down, or run away. Bastion will still fuck her shit unless she gets in his face. Which if he has any form of support, will fuck D.VA in the face. Reaper eats her ass like a cupcake still. Soldier is OP as fuck now and can rip her shit up as long as he missiles between shields.

She's really only great against characters other Tanks suck against. Like, yeah, she's a great Rein counter. She can eat Snipers due to mobility and 3D movement. Eat ults and specials from McCree, Ana, Junkrat, etc. She's where she needs to be.

But on the real, Rein needs a bit of a buff. His shield melts too easily, and if your team is the now-standard Hanzo, Widowmaker, Genji, Tracer/Sombra/Mei/Junkrat, random support character, and you, you're fuck as Rein. Basically go Off-tank DPS in QP because DPS is all anyone plays anyway.

i want to tickle hana

I am so sick of double/tripple sniper combo.
I've never won a match with a Widowmaker+Hanz/Ana on my team. And no, I'm not a shitty Mercy :)

I want to ride Hana

Her ult can kill you behind walls now

I think people misinterpret how good D.Va is. Sure she's good right now but she has no place in the meta outside of 3 tank comps and rare off tank picks.

For one her defense matrix will never be as universally beneficial as Rein's huge shield. Nowadays it gets destroyed quickly because of 76 but it's still a huge piece of cover that your team can shoot through and the enemy can't. Not to mention Zarya still exists in the meta. As long as Zarya exists D.Va will never see any consistent play.

D.VA has STRONG counters. Sombra can fuck her shit 6-ways from sunday. And she can't even block the hack from happening. She has to either try to gun her down, or run away. Bastion will still fuck her shit unless she gets in his face. Which if he has any form of support, will fuck D.VA in the face. Reaper eats her ass like a cupcake still. Soldier is OP as fuck now and can rip her shit up as long as he missiles between shields.
Wow, how does it feel to be entirely wrong? Is this what people at gold think? None of this is true at diamond+

No it can't.
You can even use the mobile objective in escort missions to hide behind. What the fuck...
Why does Soldier remove D.Va's shield? What are you smoking?

>no character with a motorcycle
Missed opportunity, tbqh

t. gold player

>Why does Soldier remove D.Va's shield? What are you smoking?
He's talking about Reinhardt's shield, I thinks it's pretty obvious considering the following sentence.

How much cancer can I possibly make itt?

>reading comprehension

I was obviously talking about Rein's shield dumbass.

Then how does that make a point of how D.Va is not a better pick than Reinhardt?
What the fuck... consistency, people.. pretty please.
No one gives a shit.
You're in time out, now.

this is too good

He was trying to make a point that defense matrix is a shitty damage mitigation ability. It's good for denying ults but not only does that rarely happen (most players will pop dva out of her mech before ulting) but it essentially means you have to use D.Va's 600 health as a means to tank damage, which is significantly worse than having a 2000 shield that denies ult charge.

If D.Va is so good then why is she never picked by people who aren't waifufags?

If you're standing still until your def matrix runs out, you're playing D.Va wrong.
Right now you're comparing her to a tank suited for and designed to work in one situation, instead of focusing on her strengths.

That's like saying Bastion is a weak defender because junk rat can loop grenades above obstacles/ around corners.
It's nonsense. D.Va's strength is not in standing still/ walking slowly forward like Reinhardt. Her strength and utility comes in her mobility - and in her being able to completely and utterly deny all attacks (aside from Zarya's/ Symmetra's beams at close range).
Why are you writing this nonsense?

That's the point, why play D.Va when she'll never replace Rein?

>hurr durr I'll play as the second tank then!

The enemy is probably playing the vastly superior secondary tank Zarya who completely shits on D.Va.

>3 tank meta

Winston has better synergy with Zarya.

i think they should just remove her crit box

I prefer an aggressive D.Va over Reinhardt. Her ability to move all over the map, jump in front of team mates at crucial moments, and thus adding an overall mobility to her team by FAR outplays a VERY stationary and constricted Reinhardt.
>reinhardt can charge and also his ulti stuns so much
D.Va's ult is the ultimate (pun unintended) objective-clearer. It may not get kills (yes, I'm aware that you can almost always escape it), but it WILL prevent the enemy team from clearing/ capturing an objective.

And again - her versatility makes her interesting to play. Mobility, man! "main" since the beginning here. The last buff was already unnecessary, hell you could even be useful with her at release if you knew how.
People who have no clue how to play with her are the ones whining.

I'm a main and I think the extra health was unnecessary I think the problem with is her ult. It's always being cockblocked by reins shield. They should have changed it to break a rein shield completely at least then it could be used to initiate a push.

i doubt you are a dva main if you think her buff is unnecessary. she was being avoided by try hards and then people pushed dva main around telling us to switch to rein or zarya. i suspect you are a reaper main by your tone has always been amazing if you played her right. Now people keep saying is op and it makes it feel like it has nothing to do with my skill with her.

Obvious troll.
This man is correct. Her buffs were never necessary - but holyshit that toggle-buff to her def matrix really gave her some serious utility! can fly, why would she get a movement penalty?

fucking kek

u are not a dva main just because you say you are a dva main. her health was neccessary because she was being nuked or melted

Can good D.Va players please give tips/guidance?

What should I be doing to secure victory for my team?

Nope, I am actually really bad at playing Reaper. Why do you assume I play him?

Harass your enemies. 'catch' dangerous, incoming shit towards your defenders.
Don't fear the mech-kill - learn to hit with your pistol (copy of Mercy's gun).
And remember that your shotgun doesn't hit shit unless you actually aim at them - despite the apparent spread.


I hardly ever died as before the buff and I'm doing the same as before. Get good healers or learn when to back out of a fight. I only ever have problems with a fully charged zarya I can easily solo a reaper now just learn how to counter.

You are a buff tracer with an extra life to bail you out. Also your blaster is really good, you are not dead in girl mode.

I'm good outside of the mech because I can aim and jump around a lot = survive annoyingly.

When I pick her people tend to think the "tank quota" has been met, so I feel like I'm stuck with initiating.

When I can launch my ult into the air on the point it tends to go well, but otherwise I'm not sure what to do - if I charge in I just get dropped, popped out, and vaporised.

I think you're underestimating how powerful a Rein shield is especially in a game that has a lot of chokepoints. D.Va is a damn good hero but the problem is every single other tank (with the exception of Roadhog perhaps) is just better.

What was the most recent buff?

Communicate with your team.
Outside of ranked I see a lot of people thinking D.Va or Roadhog can solo tank.. which I guess is just the way things are.
Educate your team mates. And don't be afraid to yell at them if they pick Widowmaker on attack.
You keep mentioning that one, single point in which Reinhardt excels.
But his shield is obliterated against a Bastion.
Not to mention that he can't nullify a Zarya ult, or slam an ult'ing Zenyatta away from the fight.
Basically, what I'm saying is not: Reinhardt is weaker than D.Va
I'm saying that D.Va is strong, and doesn't need no ma..- and very underrated. Her key advantages, when utilised, makes for an extremely mobile and fast-attacking/ hard-pushing team. And she's absolutely terrifying to face off against as a squishy. Whereas Reinhardt can very easily be avoided, due to his low mobility - and absolute IN-ability to attack things that fly.

>I'm stuck with initiating.
So do it. Run into people, knock them back and cause trouble. Hopefully if you are not instantly picked off your team will notice the chance

I've never seen a main whine.
And I am one, so I see all the other ones.

We've consistently been happy and she just keeps getting better.

>it's a your team has Hanzo, Widow and Sombra on attack episode


>it's in competitive mode as well and no one wants to change

>Keep getting "Let's rush in one at a time" teams
>Fuck it, one more match, than I'm done
>Hanzo and Widowmaker
I fucking hate this game.

>Sombra can fuck her shit 6-ways from sunday. And she can't even block the hack from happening.
Sombra can't hack if she's being damaged, dumbass, and D. Va never has to reload.

>only played by waifufags
>has been picked every game in OGN since the patch