So what's the verdict?

So what's the verdict?


It's good.

Sup Forums BTFO

7/10 at best

Best FF in a looong time, excluding the mmo. That doesn't say too much though.

It should have been canceled back in 2012

polarizing game/10

I like it quite a bit, was really surprised because I had VERY low expectation, but I can understand why some people are not enjoying it because the story goes to shit and its has very untraditional final fantasy combat

Haven't played it, but it's clearly shit

The first half is a fun open world Final Fantasy-themed road trip with excellent monster designs and a fun dynamic between the party members.

The second half is the worst Final Fantasy game ever made.

I haven't gotten to the linear sections yet, but I'm loving it so far. Best FF since X tbqh.

Question: Can I enjoy this without ever having played a Final Fantasy game?

i'm not sure it can be enjoyed at all

Biggest issue I have with the game is how mind numbingly boring the storytelling is. I could not for the life of me get into the characters, the world, or the main plot. Feels like its all an excuse to show off all these cool animations, and monsters/summons which are pretty damn cool visually.

Combat is alright, surprisingly enjoyable despite how shallow it is. Fuck the boss fights though, holy shit what were they thinking???

Dunno, I think I'll forget about the game when next year comes. The game isn't completely average, but Its really hard to use the word good, since I appreciate storytelling over most things.
Got more music to my collection though, so I guess that's the best thing I got out of this.

Each game is largely independent, and can be played as such, bar a few obvious exceptions X-2 and the sequels to XIII should be played - if you insist on doing so - with some knowledge of their predecessors.

Each game is sufficiently different, to my mind, that you could essentially jump into the series at any point. By the same token, however, one game in particular shouldn't necessarily affect your opinion of the series as a whole.

I like it. The world is weird and quirky but a really enjoyable place to spend time in. Go into it with an open mind and you'll have a goodles time. Does anyone have a free download link for the official strategy guide .pdf?

Gameplay is fun, but the story is shit. You can tell it's a butchered version of what was once Versus. Lots of great parts changed and others left out. All the important events happen offscreen.

Does it actually feel like another offline mmo? I fucking hate that.

Unfinished and unpolished.
Fellated by normies because it's not FF13 and because they're desensitized to shitty fetchquesting after so many bad open world games.

ending confused me, yet i still understood why it happened. if that makes sense. was fun, boss fights were cool, i enjoyed how long some lasted. hopefully ng+ will bring more freedom and allow more different builds and stuff, guess we'll see later this month.

It's not horrible, but it's pretty bad.

It fails at just about everything it tries to do. It's honest to God probably the worst story in a Final Fantasy game to date, and the pacing only makes it worse. While the argument could be made that this was the result of conflicting visions between, in truth, it's been well over a decade since Nomura has written a decent story.

I really wanted to like the characters. The idea of bonding with your best friends over an epic roadtrip was intriguing to me, but they're all clearly corporate-made Japanese archetypes with no unique traits of their own. They're boring and one-dimensional, and that's being nice about it.

The presentation is a mess. I'm not a graphicslut, but I expect decent anti-aliasing, minimal pop-in, and textures that at least look like they're rendered in 480p. Final Fantasy XV frequently fails on all counts here. The soundtrack is hit or miss, and it's implemented into the game poorly, frequently cutting in and out, which would really ruin the immersion if there was any immersion in the first place.

I didn't mind the switch from turn-based to action-based combat, until I played it. It's just badly done. It's choppy, the weapons don't have any heft, it's too hard, the enemies are lacking in variety, and the bosses are forgettable. Watch the tortoise super boss video when you get the chance, the devs didn't give a fuck. As far as side quests go, it's mostly your typical: go here, kill 0/5 ____, collect 0/5 _____, etc. Padding, plain and simple.

Square is dead. I was hoping for the contrary, but it's become clear that any soul the dev team once had has been sapped away over the last decade. Play it for yourself if you don't believe me, but I guarantee you'll come away disappointed no matter if you're a FF fan, a KH fan, or a newbie. I would add, take this all with a grain of salt considering I haven't actually played a Final Fantasy game before, and I haven't actually played the game yet.

The gameplay is hot garbage and no one can prove otherwise.

It's fantastic. Contrarian special snowflake retards can suck a dick.

haha, counterfag

Problem is there actually isnt much of a plot in game. A ton of major shit is either vaguely alluded to or done offscreen. The main four get little character development and there isnt another character in the game that gets any. The Empire is literally just the bad guys that start the war, thats it. Nothing else. Not a damn thing that comes close to a character for them.

The game left out basically all the cool shit that was originally versus but then forgot to add anything back in that was more than the most basic of a FF plot.

I know its stupid and totally not going to happen but I would love Versus to be made with the original vision of it in mind.


You know, I think it can be summed up in one sentence, actually.

"Squandered potential, lackluster story telling, and baffling design choices"

It's fine. Sup Forums just want it to fail because they've lost all the joy in their lives.

Only a few hours in, but it's REALLY clear that this game was cobbled together. Really awkward first act that has no real setup; lots of important story-setting cutscenes in trailers were scrapped, and they lazily put in some excerpts from Kingsglaive instead.

This is what pinged really heavily for me, because no matter what opinion you have on the FF games most of them have always had extremely strong openings that set the tone for the game. The first hour creates an impression of the world, characters, and systems that you'll fall in love with. XV starts off with really awkward starter open world quests and recycled cutscenes from a movie that clumsily tries to make me feel something.

To me this is pretty emblematic of my perception of XV as a whole; ambitious, rushed, incomplete, messy.

First act aside, it feels like a generic Ubisoft open world game. Not terrible, but not great, and not FF.

Its good

Soild 7.5 or 8. Its not terrible but its still fun.

Its too bad the game took 10 years to finally come out. If it was something like this if it released 5-7 years ago it would of been amazing.

It's really good, especially the musics.
A comfy game if you speak meme. Just my personal opinion.

By only watching the movie, it's like Final Fantasy 6, 7 and 8 all mixed into one. Does the game really reinforce that notion.

It's good but a bit annoying because IMPERIALS ABOVE US!

>and I haven't actually played the game yet.
Can you write this first so I can just ignore your posts next time? Thanks.

I think it's good but I'm only on chapter 5. The first chapter is really weird and I agree with the user that said the introduction to the story is really lazily handled.

Some parts of it remind me of MGSV in a bad way.

I like it, but I hope the next FF isn't like it.


it's buggy. Really a first for final fantasy.

Its the type of game where people force themselves to like it until reality sinks in.

Got it.

are we talking about a Xenogears disc 2 kind of nose dive here?

It's got the Magitek Armor from 6, the blend of technology and fantasy from 7 and the shit story from 8.


>Driving along being comfy
>he stops the car instead of putting his foot down and plowing through them

Hey, man, gotta kick some imperial ass real quick. It happens.

Idk 'bout that but the dlc will have online co-op

Hey user, mind if I take a picture?

wat do?

Not a terrible game but it's not great either. If it wasn't called Final Fantasy and had a 10 year build up no one would really care about it much.

Just wait

Pretty much this. It's pretty good.

It's like they were intentionally trying to ruin the game with the second half. Why does it exist? Was this part Nomura or Tabata because one of them deserves to be fired for that shit.

everything is great but the fucking story. for what it was it's fine but it's pacing and undeserved rushed feeling ending just makes me sad. the fuck happened man. whose fault is it, Tabata or Nomura

You know whose fault it is

fucking Kojima

Same here, but I don't even think Nomura can legally do that now which is fucked considering it was literally completely his project.

What would Nomura have done instead? Make a linear game, city invasion then drive to imperial capital, kill emperor, kill evil god then happy ending?

as long as it's well paced I'd honestly take that over the open world

You can read any Versus interview to know about the story and it sounded way more interesting than whatever the fuck they were trying to do with XV. Even the trailers are more enjoyable to watch then the entirety of XV's "story"

What happened to fighting the empire? it felt like things were leaning towards that until Ardyn showed up and did some shit then it just became about him. he wasn't even developed well. hes just some cocky smooth talking generic villian. then out of nowhere 10 years pass and it's the end.

great but flawed

just like every final fantasy game

quickly became one of my faves

haha autism to the max and no even played the game awesome Sup Forums stay retarded

It's the epitome of an 8/10 game. For me, at least.

Took the words out of my mouth.

I can see the people who have been excited since the Versus XIII days being insanely pissed off but I've only really known about it since last year when I started playing the series and I'm loving it. Super comfy and my new favorite in the series. (although I haven't played VI which I hear is amazing)

It's great.

Some design choices within the game are really questionable from the ''stand by me'' opening to the boss fights and second half of the game.

Still has some very good highlights and parts of the soundtrack is godtier.

It's not even good on it's own. XV is easily one of the worst games in the FF series. Lightning shit had a better story atleast even though that's not saying much as XV's story is absolute ass.

Non-autistic people never actually played a XIII game long enough to know about the story, user.

That's nice, XV's story is still shittier.

>driving along
>comfy tunes
>suddenly the car is driving itself as if Prompto has just grabbed hold of the wheel

Considering only the feedback it feels like XIII all over again.

spoil me

why is the fedora dude evil? Does he only want to make the world into a chaotic one since the timeskip is called the World of Ruin

Also, why did Noctis leave the party members for 10 years

has anyone caught the liege of the lake? I get the tour with gladio and the stupid fucking thing wont spawn so I have to fail it. I can fish that lake dry and get nothing out of it. All Gladio says is that it's a morning thing, which is exactly when the tour takes place.

I'm kinda fucking miffed right now.


Not worthy of being bought right now, but the goty for 15-50 bucks will be a good buy if you like ARPGs, especially hunting missions, because that's by far the best part of the game.

Pretty good.
Just a bit too short.

>The second half is the worst Final Fantasy game ever made.
XIII was even worse. Last 12 hours of XV are mediocre, First XIII's 20 were A FUCKING TORTURE.

What absolutely surprised me is how much I came to like the characters. I went in there expecting to hate them all, but they shine in the small moments.
The overarching story is strange and unfinished but on a personal level I like all the characters.

I've only played up to chapter 3, but I've spent about 10 hours on it so far. My current rating is a solid 8, but could go to a 9 as I've not really started yet.

I like the characters, didn't think I would. Was expecting cringy boyband shit, got something similar to VIII in how the group feels together. Playing with Nip dubs so the character's voices don't grate on me so much.

Not a fan of the combat, seems shallow and wishy-washy, unless you exploit their weaknesses, and get lucky with where you cast your spell, it's just hold circle and occasionally do a potion.

Graphics are all right, framerate is crap, but it's on PS4. This is good for a PS4 imo, the machine is just dogshit and I'm surprised they managed anything on it.

Story is general fare, I never watched kingsglaive or w/e so I have no idea about anything that's not in the game. I think this has worked to my advantage, seen as I like the story build up so far.

Wasn't hyped for the game at all, just hoped it wasn't as bad as 13. Not as good as VII, VIII, IX, and X so far, but better than XII in my opinion. Good game.

Forgot to add, the UI is awful at parts, bad for comparing items, and the prompts show up a full second before you can actually do them, so you end up jumping every time you want to pick something up. Hopefully this is fixed with a patch.

I think it's random.
I used the 10000 Needle Gold Cactuar so maybe that helped.
Keep in mind that you're going to need really good equipment to catch it and be prepared for a long battle

The fuck do you mean the last 12 hours of xv are mediocre, the whole story is only 12 hours

I'd say it has been decent so far. I'm a little worried that the story content is never going to get particularly challenging, but I don't want to forsake side content just to keep myself under leveled.

If I had to say one negative thing, I'm not a fan of the character progression at all. Wish it would take more from Final Fantasy. Instead Ascension just feels like very basic action game upgrades.

Like the combat and think the enemy design is really good.

I think the game would be better off if Chocobo was the main form of transport and they built the world around them.


im going to do what i always when it comes to videogames. completely ignores Sup Forumss opinion. all these faggots do is hate anything new. wait 5 years then love it to death and thats what hipsters are always going to do. until that becomes the status quo rhen theyll rebel agaainst that too

Fuck I need to stop coming to these threads. I can't really afford to buy a PS4 and the game atm. But from what I've been seeing of reviews and chatter around here its an 8.5ish/10 game which is pretty good.

-Party feels like a bunch of bros, constant chatter
-Open world gives you a lot of freedom throughout most of the game

-Battle system is shallow
-Magic seems like an afterthought
-You can't actually drive the fucking car

I'll pick this up once I get a PS4, seems to be one of the best mainline FF games in quite awhile.

I'm a pretty big final fantasy fan and have supported square soft/square Enix for close to 15 years now. First played ff8 when I was in year 7 and I am now 28. I've also bought and played every mainline final fantasy game to date. I have also genuinely been waiting for this game for ten years.

This is without a doubt the worst ff game I have ever played. I bought it day one and have no desire to keep playing.

The combat is so boring and dumbed down. Each battle feels exactly the same. Even magic has been dumbed down to 4 spells. Doesn't feel like any depth or strategy involved in the combat. It's just a flashy piece of shit. The link moves with your 'buddies' I've noticed also just fills up, constantly for no reason, regardless of wat you do. It fills up so quickly also and for not apparent reason.

I've also been doing some of the quests and wow they are bad. I was so extremely disappointed when I spoke to the guy at the dinner for the first time. I wanted information about the local area and the screen went black and just transitioned to the map and everything unlocked itself. He didn't even tell me about the local area or nothing. It just all unlocked on its own for no reason and without an explanation or dialog.

It's the Same with the hunts, they don't give you any info about the monsters or why your hunting them. They just show up on your map. Atleast give me a reason or motivation to go out and kill all the monsters. It's so lame.

I have the game, it's just sitting at home and I have no desire to play. I was so shocked because the quests or hunts are not even explained. The screen just transitions and you get a new map marker to follow. It's so lame and dumbed down.

Anyways I could go on for hours but I was really disappointed. Start of the game is supposed to hook me in. Atleast give me a reason to want to kill the monsters or do quests. You speak to someone, game transitions to map, and then you follow the map marker. Wat a waste.

>it's not terrible, but....

I went into a mini-depression for 12 hours when I turned the game off.

I just can't believe the scores its been getting.

I thought chapter 9 - 12 had bad pacing. It all felt good again when chapter 13 happened. Did not expect that change to the game but I liked it.

The gameplay is good except for the endless fetch quests. The story is where the game really shits the bed though which is massively disappointing. It's the one area where I thought the game would definitely deliver, but it's just heartbreaking to see how little is actually there. All those characters you've been seeing glimpses of for the last ten years barely make any appearances and then just die.

I just wanted a dramatic and cheesy epic Final Fantasy storyline but it's as barebones as MGSV. A huge bummer for me.

Graphics and music are great, combat is the worst I've ever played in a FF game. It's like Square said "we want the Souls audience" while making gameplay as shallow as possible

It's just such a shame. I feel like they are going backwards with each new final fantasy game. I understand that when it comes to its roots, every quest is just a fetch quest but wow these guys take to it to another level. I feel like they have no shame and have made no attempts to desiguise the fact that the quest is just a fetch one. Couldn't believe it man, guy complained his car broke down, game transitions to new screen and then it just says you need to get a repair kit. Wat a waste. I genuinely feel that these guys need to sit down with a notebook out and play the witcher 3. The shortest most kids ever quest in the witcher 3 is 100x better than any quest I've done in ffxv

>played FFVIII at 7
>now 28
>played FFVIII 21 years ago
>FFVIII came out 17 years ago

nice try user


No matter how much I try to enjoy this for what it is, I'm depressed just thinking about the potential lost.

Couod Noctis beat Geralt?

>taking out invasion act 1 was the worse decision
>putting in chapter 13 is stupid
>why is aranae the only character with armor
>story is barebones, should have explained it more instead of having gayass iris and gayass todd quests/cutscenes
>combat should have had at least 4 movesets for each weapon

8/10 just like reviews said. All that dudebro shit is nice, never seen it before how they randomly interrupt and uniquely react to a location.

literally the same quests in witcher stfu

Better than Sup Forums says but still a disappointment for being ten years in development/10

Learn to read bro. I said played ff8 in year 7, not when I was 7

Pretty much the worst combat in an ARPG.