What video games are you going to play today, Sup Forums?

What video games are you going to play today, Sup Forums?

I played Dark Souls 2 later and my playtime is like 8 hours despite just having killed the Pursuer because I'm playing it at work and keep having to pause to fake doing my fucking job.

A bit of Brawlhalla and Enter the Gungeon

the game of sitting in my chair, waiting for death

on stream

I dont play video games anymore
I only like to talk about them

Who wants to know?

I'm gonna play some S.T.A.L.K.E.R. now and head out for driving lessons in a bit.

Fuck yeah, Autobahn.

I'll be playing some Titanfall 2.

spLEEnter cell: chaos theoLEE

How many times are you gonna make this bait thread

100%d Duke Nukem 3d 20th Ani and now Im playing State of Decay

Who gives a fucking shit about fucking video games? What kind of virgin loser plays video games these days? I want to know more about you OP. Why do you purposely ask stupid fucking questions, expecting to get away with it by posting a picture of a puzzled anime girl in order to impose a sense of sympathy/pity on those dumb enough to answer your worthless fucking questions?

Here's a really knee slapper. Why haven't you fucking killed yourself yet?

kF2 and Dawn of War.

I'm already dead

I have to be out tonight, so I won't be able to play anything.

I'm going to play FFXV, I hope it gets better since I played the first 2 hours and it felt a bit dull.

Hopefully finishing Trails in the Sky

Asscreed Rouge and Rainbow6


I dunno but I'm going to watch a lot of Street Fighter.

Dishonored, Bloodborne. and DS3.

bkub posters should be gassed to be honest

Gonna finish up the last quest of the Dragonborn DLC then I'm gonna play Oblivion for the first time. Then I might play some more Pokemon Sun if I can be bothered.

Summertime Saga.

Second readthrough Root Letter. Really disappointed at how short the VN is. But the story was great and the ending was even greater, the rational explanation of all that supernatural shit that was happening was pretty great.

Pokemon Sun, making sure that Litten doesn't do anything stupid like evolving or something.

Miku Future Tone, trying to git gud.

NieR Gestalt on X360 because last gen I was PCuck and haven't played any console exclusives back then.

Guilty Gear or Blazblue, whichever the people at my local meet up feel like playing.





too bad there's no game to play. I'll pick it up again when there's more than 20 minutes of content -- approximately 6 months from now.

I was thinking of playing Battlerite or maybe Fort Zombie tonight, man I wish fort zombie wasn't rubbish..

Good thing there's a new update in 24 hours.

Battlefield 1.

It's just so good and I can't put it down.

Probably more Hitman. I'm addicted.

Neverwinter Nights 2

Gonna finish SMT:Nocturne, did the last Kalpa yesterday and now it's off to Kagutsuchi tower. After that I start Digital Devil Saga or maybe PoE, new league is starting at 10PM.

Some neptunia 1, pokemon fire red, and a fuckton of cities skylines

Pike and Shot and maybe some Shiren V

Shadowgate HD
Bought this shit like two years ago, but never even installed it. Today I will do it.

Fucking degenerate

Castle Totenkopf SDL, a Wolfenstein 3d mod


What game is that?

What is OP from?

Raidou 1.

I just need the courage to boot it up and deal with the random encounters.

My nigger, I'm just started the Path of Evil campaign.

Fucking Vendetta fag.


Metal Gear Solid 5

Running With Rifles, OJ and Rocket League with the lads

Maybe some L4D2 as well if I don't pass out early

I'm going to play Brigador when I finally get home. Maybe also replay some FPS or something.

Subtle, OP. Real subtle.

>Good thing there's a new """"""""""""""""""""""""update"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" in 24 hours.

Yipee! One more background and dead end dialogue! He has a great art style, but the fact of the matter is that his work takes time. I won't expect the game to be anywhere near done for the next 1-2 years.

Final Fantasy XV (playing it now) and Steins;Gate 0 later.

That cat looks like he's enjoying himself.

Stalker if you like single player FPS, Battlerite if you like condensed arena hero games

Darkest Dungeon
Fallout 4

Mechwarrior Online

Do you want me to tell you about your mindset, vendetta-fag?

Gonna play some Pokemon Sun.
My Pokedex is at 95%, I plan on finishing it.


None because I am fucking poor and can't buy anything

gears of war 4 till it pisses me off then ill play Pokemon sun till i get bored

Some Dorf Fort. Gonna get a high-end laptop as a gift for college and I'll finally have the giant map I want