>shilling on Sup Forums doesn't exist
Shilling on Sup Forums doesn't exist
Easton Flores
Nathan Walker
how does this prove anything?
Adam Bailey
>shitposting and trolling is shilling
>waaaaaaaahhhhhh why are people talking about a recent trailer for a pretty hyped game on my video game board?????
Sage goes in all fields.
Luis Gray
average shitposts
Jaxson Reed
Nobody fucking advertises in this shithole. You are not that important.
Christian Collins
If these are shills they have gotten really good all of a sudden at emulating console war shitposts.
Christopher Wood
sage doesn't do anything you faggot
Alexander Sullivan
it's ironic shilling
Adam Cox
s o u r c e
Jacob Cooper
>Shitposting on Sup Forums doesn't exist