Shilling on Sup Forums doesn't exist

>shilling on Sup Forums doesn't exist

how does this prove anything?

>shitposting and trolling is shilling

>waaaaaaaahhhhhh why are people talking about a recent trailer for a pretty hyped game on my video game board?????

Sage goes in all fields.

average shitposts

Nobody fucking advertises in this shithole. You are not that important.

If these are shills they have gotten really good all of a sudden at emulating console war shitposts.

sage doesn't do anything you faggot

it's ironic shilling

s o u r c e

>Shitposting on Sup Forums doesn't exist

you're literally shaking in your boots right now you fucking pcuck

As someone who worked with shilling agencies before - we advertised fucking everywhere, from fake social media accounts and big sites to small blogs no one cares about. There are some issues with advertising on platform like Sup Forums, because it's hard to actually calculate the metrics, but it's still worth doing. Sup Forums is not a small place, don't think that people don't know about you.

OP, if you think things are bad now, you clearly weren't around during the Wii days. When E3 was considered sacred by Nintendo fans, and they would not shut up about new games.

nobody has ever said that

Shilling does exist, but I can assure you this is mostly people who want to get replies in their thread; it's an attention thing.

its probably same psfaggot making these threads all the time. he's still butthurt over the master race meme.

They are on all major forums. Only shills and idiots deny obvious truths like this.

oh, it does. However, I doubt kojibro has money to hire a online guerrilla shill factories anymore.

ZeniMax however is going all out nowadays.

you couldn't be more wrong

It's so annoying that this console war bait works so well. It derails so many threads where you might just want to talk about the game.
Some games are going to be exclusives because of business decisions and they're going to stay that way, no matter how much complaining you do about how it's bad for the consumer. Maybe Death Stranding will come to PC, but it doesn't seem likely.

I'm just kind of happy that Death Stranding is not due for at least another year. PS4 should be worth a buy by then.

¥25 has been deposited in your neogaf account. Thank you for participating in the Sony CTR program.

What kind of weird Sup Forums layout are you using?

>that pic
I got banned for 2 weeks for posting it when the drama started

fuck off newfag

You don't know either? It's such a weird layout isn't it? Do you think it is the old april fools layout?

That's the point. Are you retarded?

Yes, let's cherrypick this one because it's a Sony thing and not the endless Titanfall 2 or Dishonored 2 threads

>fuck off newfag
You are literally too retarded to throw an insult. Do you even know what went wrong?

My ass.

Can we start using viral again? Please?

Is this picture real?

lmao back to your witcher shill threads PCuck!

I don't pretend that we're the ones that make the internet run, faggot. But denying that we aren't a forum like other ones that have shitty adverts like OP's pic just makes you a moron

>one of the most popular websites in the world with hundreds of thousands monthly visitors is not important

I made one of those threads. I didn't do it so you'd buy a Playstation, I did it because there's no more obnoxious faggot on this board deserving of being knocked down a peg than you shitty mustards.

Now cry and bitch some more and play another console exclusive from 20 years ago.