Should I get this game? Discount isn't very deep...

Should I get this game? Discount isn't very deep. I watched a guy stream it and it looks like fun but could also be infuriating.

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Bit of background, I've beaten Volgarr, Meatboy, Dark Souls etc on non autistic settings.

Tolerant to frustration?
If yes, then get it.

There's a horrible glitch where if you die the screen goes black and you need to restart the whole game. it's been years and the developer hasn't done shit to fix it

this is a game where you die as often as meat boy

put 2 and 2 together

you sound like a massive bitchboy redditor
my advice:
Kill yourself

i just wish the discount was deeper, its stupid that this is the same price as dark souls on sale. Let me give you a chance cunt.

>giving someone shit for beating hard games

you have to go back



It's pretty fun if you enjoy that kind of game, I didn't quite beat it as I got stuck on the platforming before second last boss but I've been wanting to go back and play through it again to see if I can finally beat it.





fuck you faggots

>attack animation is absolute shit
>shit double jump mechanic from IWBTG
You can do better.

I have about $6 already in steamfun, worth paying the rest? Honestly my dude its this or fucking NV or something...

Do you like i wanna be the guy or boshy? It's like that.

The game has some of the best bosses I've seen in video games.

is this a hentai game?
cause it sure looks as one

Question: if by second last boss you mean Azurel, do you play with controller?

it's a platformer with cool as fuck looking bosses

youtube it

im starting to think the difficulty is a bit autistic though after seeing some videos. Just pure memorization shit.

Does it have titties

Are you about to suggest he play on a keyboard? Because i've seen this before (never played the game but this worries me when i see this).

I have played the game twice with controller but before the 2. last boss there is a part which is designed to be played with digital 8-direction inputs and I have switched to keyboard both times just for that bit.

Recently beat this myself to get it off my backlog. Lots of hard and frustrating platforming and somethings harder bosses. I died over 4k times on Mortal Mode. That last boss's true form was a bitch to get past, but all of the bosses are very well designed. They could probably project their attacks better, but I think the design was for you to react quicker than in normal games.

I'd recommend it if you can handle dying literal thousands of times throughout the game.

Also, definitely play with a controller.

Just buy it, it's pretty great.

>Can't get past ogre sisters

Flawlessing those skanks is quite the shitshow, even on angel.

the music makes me want to get it

Best track on the ost.


i just remember this part because i was watching one of my favorite streamers do it for hours on end (dragondarch) trying to beat this fucker, seemed like an interesting fight.

pretty much every hard platformer is all about memorization

some of the shit i've seen in this game is just flat out almost frame perfect memorisation though, like literally skill doesnt mean shit if you're out of position you just can't get into the right spot to live.

it controls like shit, and the camera movement sucks, but retards will tell you "THATS PART OF THE CHALLENGE AND GET GOOD KID"

It's alright, just a good chunk of the difficulty is artificial, so if you dont like that, you wont like the game

This geimu is hard as fuck. I cant get past the first mini boss where the saucers and jumping enemies flood out of the portal. Reeeeeeee