Programmers ludens try to lock people in the left brain energy because the left brain is where programming takes full and complete hold .locking the people with the black goo alien stuff
it has time travel/portals
man it must cost a fortune to hire so many big actors
Didju rike it? I put many secreto in trairer. I hope you enjoy.
I ruv you Geoff.
Learn to spell first, fucking gook
Not after Phantom Pain am I falling for Kojimbo's marketing shit.
I didn't think I needed you're permission to watch it as much as I want you fucking gook.
> norman reedus
>big actor
you can argue that mads is, but honestly most people have no fucking clue who he is other "the bad guy in casino royale"
besides, Kojima sneakily is able to charm the shit out of people so they make friends with him, and then its not a matter of hiring for a lot of money, but a case of "kojima is my bro, sure i'll work on his game, it'll be fun!!"
No thanks Red.
A certain game developer has taught me to never buy into marketing hype because it's all lies meant to deceive me.
Kojima's basically the Japanese Peter Molyneux, isn't he?
>All these MGSV butthurt babies
Damn this is making me think so many times that I've lost count.
yeah, i'm happy that Kojima's finally able to go all out but i'm scared he'll overblow the budget by hiring all big name actors
He wants Ryan Gosling for a game, apparently.
I want to fuck Mads, I hope I can use that picture as a wallpaper.
Is it just me, or is Kojima upping the homosexuality pretty hard on this one. I mean naked Norman and now Mads with eyeliner.
>implying Mads isn't a secret long time Kojima conspirator
>implying Mads "Le Fantôme" isn't doing it all for free
it's in line with his prior work.
A Drive + Metal Gear Solid fusion.
Kojima will get what he wants this time around. There's a reason why they snapped him up so quickly after leaving Konami -- he sells systems.
wondered what the baby's right eye opening was about
I am thinking, mr. Hideous Kojimbus
>calling people who don't get hyped after a prerendered cinematic trailer "MGSV butthurt babbies"
ehh, hope that doesn't happen. i'm fine with mads, norman and toro.
yeah i know but they expect the game to make a profit and i doubt that hiring actors is cheap so the game will end up having unrealistic sales expectations, don't get me wrong i want the game to be good and succeed.
Venom didn't care about Quiet.
I will point out this fact in every single mg/s thread until all mg/s discussion dies.
Yeah. With a mix of alex jones in there.
nice repost man
do not reply to this bait
what happens when the two most blindly tasteless, autistic fanbases collide?
>man it must cost a fortune to hire so many big actors
This doesn't scratch the surface; this is the full cast
Taken from leaker Kun 3 days before VGAs,
The role of Eve, Norman's love interest; was down to Gillian Anderson & Blake Lively. Leaker Kun and some of the members on Del Taco's team liked Gillian more but Kojima chose Blake.
Cumberbatch had creative differences with the story and his price tag was too high so they replaced him with Ryan Reynolds
Gosling finally agreed to Kojima's request through Refn; initially approached by Del Toro and his team
Idris plays a supporting role
Mystery actor (exclamation mark) is someone who did a role for MGS
Cameos/special guests by Kojima, Del Toro, Yano, and Refn
Norman Reedus is the most popular character on one of the most popular shows on television and Mads is the main antagonist in a Marvel CGI-fest. Neither are literal whos.
If I were a sexy girl I'd suck Kojima-san's dick
>Mystery actor (exclamation mark) is someone who did a role for MGS
>surprise actor
>YFW it's Keifer again
>Hayter cries in a corner
Problem is there is literally no new information. The Refn buisness is COMPLETELY NEW. Its just tacked on because Kojima hung out with him since that movie about sparkles in the face.
>creative differences
They wanted him to get naked didn't they? I hope baby goose is on the project though.
>90% of the budget is once again blown so Kiefer can say a a total of 50 lines
>antagonist comes out
>it's David Hayter
>he smiles
>pulls off his face
>it's actually Keifer
>drunkenly says keptsh ya waitin huh?
This has to be fake, why would Kojima hire two Ryans?
He said it's not MGS or Silent Hills multiple times, calm your dick
I rove the wurld
I rove geims
I rove jeffu
I rove you all
>Norman Reedus cucking Ryan Reynolds
MGS2 2.0 coming right up bois.
>Norman Reedus
>Mads Mikkelsen
Reedus is basically Alec Baldwin circa Beetlejuice. Major up-and-comer. Barring a tranny scandal or massive drug habit, he's going to be a big name in Hollywood if he gets the proper jobs.
Mads has yet to have something he's actually been bad in. The man's performance record is spotless.
Kojima has also said he'd lie to keep his games under wraps. You can't trust a single thing the guy says.
It's nether MGS or SH, and I'm glad it isn't
What kept Kojima from jumping off a building? Was it Geoff?
>yfw Death Stranding will be the only videogame to get an oscar nom
Truly the dawn of vidya kino
Silent Gear Solid: Metal Hills
They said the same about V and Kiefer yet the game made bank
When is this game out?
>have backing and money to make your dreams come true
>instead of choosing with your personal idols you've appreciated most of your life choose temporary meme actors
Reasoning was Ryan was "cheaper and provided better value"
Leaker Kun and the team had to turn down suggestions like Gal Godot and Donna Burke from Kojima. One is too expensive and the other isn't a good fit.
Norman Reedus is not an up and comer, he's been around for ages, and the only thing he's been in for the last 7 years is The Walking Dead. Has he done any movie roles in the last few years that are notable? He's done nothing but be Daryl. And no one will know him as anything but Daryl for years to come, if he gets any roles he will be type cast as Daryl.
Mads is a foreign actor so unless you were a fan of Hannibal, or noticed who he was in Dr. Strange, no one knows him unless they watch foreign movies.
>no gameplay
That's an odd way of calling it fact.
By Ryan I meant Reynolds by the way
John C Reilly, John C McGinley, Philip Seymour Hoffman & many others were 'around for awhile' before they hit a role that put them in the spotlight.
Hell Alec Baldwin was in a bunch of shit before Beetlejuice but it's the first movie anyone remembers him being in that was worth two shits and now he's fucking Alec Baldwin.
Late 2018, near Christmas
>tfw have to wait til 2019 to play it
>he will blow the budget with big actors
>where is the gameplay
Sony is giving kojima unlimited funds as long as it stays as a ps4 exclusive
Dont even worry abou the gameplay we know it will be perfect
My guess
>Guillermo del Toro isn't really a character in the game
>There's a character creator somewhat similar to MGSV, where it's part of the story but used more in the online
>However, the character you create plays a more active role, gives the player their jarbaby and often telegraphs what situation the player is about to be in. Think Big Boss to Venom in the opening mission of Phantom Pain
>GDT and Kojima will be possible easter egg characters you can create
>I wourd rike Aran Rickman to be a Ruden
>Mr Kojima, he's dead
>I wourd stirr rike him to be a Ruden
I'm gonna be so pissed if it's a walking simulator.
This fucking madman
kojima has never been part of one
stfu and stop being a cynical jaded cunt
Is kojima a master of intriguing plots or are they just convoluted as fuck
>We could've had Gillian Anderson in a non X-files videogame
>Donna Burke
>"not a good fit"
How fucking dare they.
>all these meme actors
Wew, Kojima is like the millionaire version of those fanfic writers.
>Gillian and Mads in 1 game
Might as well call it Hannibal desu
You realize that he was one of the main characters in Boondock Saints right? A cult classic from 1999
Yet what does Norman have lined up for him? Nothing. He's just in Walking Dead and showing up in Kojima's game. Stop sucking his dick, he's a nobody and it barely cost Kojima a dime to hire him.
Top kek
>Might as well call it Hannibal desu
Why stop there?
Let's get Lawrence Fishburne in there instead of Idris Elba.
She's not
Great singer but she's like a 6/10
He's been getting real cosy with Refn "lately" (basically this past year), so I could potentially see the Gosling thing being true.
Ryan Reynolds seems weird though, especially to replace Cumberbatch ... ? I dont really quite catch the similarities where they share similarities with each other.
Idris would go hand-in-hand with Mads tho.
After Wagner of bionic woman declined; they needed to find someone who was like her and fits the character "modeled after Bionic Woman/LadyArmaroid & Royale Sisters of Cobra"
I think they wanted actresses, not singers user.
Why did I laugh so hard?
I'll fucking fight you for spreading these lies.
I swear we'll get to the point where Kojima will just upload one of his countless breakfast on twitter for people to start screaming "RUSE CRUSE OH MY GOD THE MASTERMIND"
What the fuck is wrong with you people
Surprising lack of Gary Oldman, Martin Freeman and one of the Hemsworths in the cast. He should also include that guy who played Ender
She did good shit in the Silent Hill games.
They needed a meme person. Mr ayy lmao assumingly had issues with the story or character. The fact leaker-Kun implied the game was going to allude that Nazis were the good guys and western allies bad might've ticked him off
Geoff's tender man love kept him alive. That's the true meaning behind his heartfelt "i love you"
>but she's like a 6/10
Models can be tweaked to make her a 10/10 you know.
>Leaker Kun and the team had to turn down suggestions like Gal Godot
Thank fucking god.
>tfw it's just not the same after the disappointment of MGSV
Punished user, a fallen shitposter.
You feel it too, don't you?
Since Kojima will blow the entire budget on unnecessary stuff again, he might as well get Tom Cruise and The Rock too while he's at it. Both would love this crazy sci-fi mess.
who will be the hot, sexy female lead?
Aka Quiet 2.0, but some Hollywood actress instead of Dutch food model.
From all this it seems Kojima wants to make a movie.
Why doesn't Kojima just make a movie?