and she is CUTE, say something nice to vetra.
This is vetra
>muh powerful female
If she doesn't play like the turian vanguard in Me3 I'll be upset
I did want to see a turian female tbqh. But I am tired of the power female meme from bioware.
can I romance her with my gender fluid trans other-kin human???
>wait 3 games to include an entire race's only female as a multiplayer dlc class
>completely new spinoff series and they FINALLY have a turian grill in the game proper
I don't for the life of me understand what took so long, even krogan grills show up and they had an excuse not to
shes not white
I want to fuck that prawn
I'm pretty much to the point where I'm just getting this for the mp. Nothing I'm seeing about the story or characters is interesting to me at all.
Me3 already had female turians. The main one wasn't a too badly done, actually.
She better be a romance option for male players. They can fuck off with that ugly asari!
>all these years past
>humans and the races of the Milky Way are already in Andromeda before THE Pathfinder
>tech hasn't jumped much considering there was no mass relays to take them to Andromeda
The story seems full retard
Did you not play the Omega dlc?
Wait really? We're they in dlc? I don't remember them
This is now a ME thread mandatory response
does that apply to aliums too? don't be retarded
Weren't all the colonists in cryogenic stasis?
The story and "RPG" aspects look lame but the combat looks great and the armor on the female playable body looks tight as fuck.
What the fuck is wrong with bioware?
>female alien without tits
I'm surprised actually.
You don't fool me Turian, disgusting xenos should not post on a human-only board.
holy shit bioware really stepped their game up with the animations. this is so lifelike it's uncannny. looks like we have a GOTY lads
Everything about this cutscene feels wrong
this honestly looks like g-mod animation
They can't animate for shit.
Everyone has known this for over a decade.
can I fug vetra?
As long as they're not SJWs and are aliens I'm all in.
More Alien waifus. Fuck Humans ones should be exterminated.
At this point I'm sure they're ignoring their animation department on purpose, there's no way a dev can keep doing these shitty animations for years and not have at least ONE guy say "oh wow, these look horrible"
who cares, they gonna fuck it up with another "le ancient evil awakens..."
Funny man, good thing I won't buy your game. Hope you lose your job faggot.
>female protag
>default female asari crewmate
>female Turian crewmate
Holy fuck I didn't know this was gonna be Vagina Effect. Preorder cancelled.
oh shit, well i guess female turians are hot too
>good at sucking dick
pick one user.
>lighting looks good
>armor textures look good
>facial animations looks weird
>regular animations look clunky and stiff
Why can't Bioware get shit right?
The combat at least looks like he may be fun. If it is, I may pick this up.....maybe.
turians don't have genitals
My B.
Can't blame them. DAII showed the world what happens when Bioware tries a different plot.
they hire people after gender studies for animation
>I hate vag
>Hope I sound cool when I say it.
I know its a stupid joke, but if THIS is the reason you weren't going to buy this shitty game then I feel real sorry for you.
There's a female Turian in the Omega dlc, she's a squadmate for the whole thing.
It's going to be just like Cisquitision, most of the characters you interact with are women but your squad consists of 6 pretty boys and 2 chicks that look like men.
watch her turn out to be lesbian only
This isn't real, right? There's no way that Bioware can keep fucking up this much.
Still boned Garrus
Wait what? There's no male protag anymore?
Probably has a 50/50 chance she will be.
Yes, but it still seems your role in the story is pointless. Everyone arrived before you did, so why are you called a Pathfinder or even looking for a home for humans? Humans have a home still
How many years of developing games, ever since ME3 Bioware can no longer do faces.
Inquisition alone is a testament to how bad they're art team is with faces.
Why the fuck are you idiots even discussing this game?
DIdn't you learn anything from Mass Effect 3?
It's too bad, despite the reused assets and weirdly paced story, a lot of people's complaints about the game were about how small in scale it was.
The game was like 5/10 but the less cliche story was a breath of fresh air. They'd never go for something lesser in scale because the fanbase is trash.
>you don't like girls lol you must be GAY XD
I bet you play Overwatch for the waifus you fucking faggot
I don't think anyone ever thought otherwise. It's just Inquisition in space.
in Andromeda the male + female romance (two dif races) option will be renegade only
the male + female (same species, human) will be max renegade
the same gender romance will be paragon
the same gender but different species will be max paragon
After ME3 and Inquisition, I'm not surprised anymore
How do turians make babies then?
Are they like cuckoo birds and just let others raise their child? Can I have a BSN expert on here to give me a detailed report on turian reproduction?
Oh cool, finally a female character where Bioware realistically can't push their "ugly people can be awesome too" agenda.
Mordin basically said that sex between turian and humans is very possible in ME2, if you romance Shepard. Just have to watch the fluid transfer, because of the different dna or some shit.
>use lots of lube to stop chaffing
>do not ingest
>Implying Turian men aren't the women of their species.
yeah sure it would be like fucking a chicken a really big fucking chicken
>implying that stopped us before
I thought they have cloakas
I bet the only hetero option you get is with that ugly Asari. She makes Miyabi look like a proper lady.
>DIdn't you learn anything from Mass Effect 3?
That it was a fun game with a shitty ending and overpriced DLC that should be pirated? Kill yourself my man.
Fucking furries.
poo in a loo
>I feel real sorry for you
ahahahah go fuck your mother
Literally no one who would be bothered by this would have played through the earlier games anyway. Bioware games have always been about 50/50 split with male and female characters.
why does it look like she goes "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" when she disarms that guy very slowly
every mass effect after the first one is a normie-tier action shooter dudebro shit with a generic black and white story spiced up with muh gender and race equality. I'll pass.
>the whole thing
The Omega dlc takes about 2 hours to complete. Nyreen is with you for like 15 minutes throughout the dlc. I know, because I was pissed off after buying the dlc just for a female turian partner. And yet she was hardly in the damn dlc, Aria was.
They explicitly do.
Name one character focused and story driven AAA RPG released since Witcher 3. You know the type of game, cinematic dialogue scenes where you get to see your character interact with the environment and other characters during conversations, where you're not just told that your character did something but you actually get to see him or her do it.
You'll probably notice that this type of game is extremely, rare yet highly beloved, because it's the most expensive to make type of game that isn't an MMORPG.
That alone guarantees Bioware a massive audience with no real competition besides CDPR.
I doubt it, simply because the only other female turian was a lesbian. Aria basically tells you that her and Nyreen were loves at one point.
>Name one character focused and story driven AAA RPG released since Witcher 3.
Mankind Divided?
What the FUCK is that? Is that supposed to be a Krogan?
It's looks like some sort of Batarian/Krogan hybrid.
lol - yeah no shit half the people are female dumbass. what you want them to only have dudes in the whole game?
fuck you kids are retarded. I'm special because I was born after the year 2000, my shit doesn't smell, my opinion matters because I'm the future
stfu fagets
>muh gender and race equality
confirmed for not even playing the games lol, in fact they made it all the races including human only care about themselves in the long run. It doesn't even mention gender issues in the 2-3 games and if the "women are equal" aspect bothered you it would bother you in ME1 aswell.
It doesn't even slightly look like a Batarian, look again.
People actually want to fuck that? You might as well fuck a cockroach.
All you mongoloids need to shut the fuck up with this bullshit.
That does not even come close to being a proper excuse for excluding female Turians this entire time. You dipshits.
i knew it....after you played witcher 3....everything else looks like shit....
wtf - wtf that's literally a bird!!
why in the living fuck would anyone ever find that attractive enough to fuck????
Like when girls would say that Garrus was hot and shit -- it's a fucking bird the fuck is wrong with you!!!
You can pick your players gender as always.
Also from what we know of the squad so far...
>Drak, male Krogan
>Female turian just shown
>male human, Liam
>female human
>ugly asari
My guess that will be it for the females in your part, the rest will probably be male. And Bioware said the game will have 7 squad mates.that would mean 3 females and 4 males. Seems like a balanced party.
What are you even sperging about, I pointed out this is nothing new in the Mass Effect series so it's dumb to get mad about it.
Calm your autism.
Exactly, it's the only one, and an incredibly short one with barely 20 hours of playtime. It came, and went with very little fanfare. A week after release already forgotten. These kinds of games, especially the good ones, are extremely rare.
LITERALLY overwatch porn quality movement
Same reason Sup Forums claims it's straight but wants girls to have penises. Human sexuality is fucked up.
>He isn't a xenophile
Fuck off normie.
oh shit, we are getting some PROOF-pussy! Day-one pre-order!
Common misconception. Mass Effect has been dudebro shooter since literally the first area of the first game. Go back and play Mass Effect 1 and pay attention to how much shooting there was.
You just think that somehow armor modifications and ammo types make a game more mature even though 3 and even the heavily streamlined 2 had variations of those mechanics.
>Not wanting to fug xeno waifus
Bioware was just too damn lazy to make a model for them, or the other alien females.
A female turian companion? Preordering now.