What changes do you want to your job, as ridiculous as they sound?
What changes do you want in general?
Give BRD a haste song already goddamnit
What changes do you want to your job, as ridiculous as they sound?
What changes do you want in general?
Give BRD a haste song already goddamnit
Other urls found in this thread:
I want TP to go away.
t nin
I just hit 60 on my first job.
What should I do from here? I know I need to finish MSQ to unlock stuff but besides that is there anything important to do?
Welcome to tomestone farming: the late game
Also do raiding I guess
Aren't they forced to prune abilities at this point? The rotations have absolutely zero wiggle room for yet more buttons to press.
I'm hoping they start expanding the movesets through traits rather than bloating with more abilities, adding certain secondary effects to certain abilities is more than enough to change how a job works
I'm hoping we'll get some sort of system that allows us to exchange some abilities for others. They've said they want the overall amount of abilities you'll be using to remain the same, and for rotation complexities to be about the same, so for most classes there isn't much room to add more without either offering alternates or doing excessive pruning.
Besides class stuff I want them to change the scrip system to be less ass. Collectibles are fucking shit and handing in the same thing over and over to farm the retarded amount of scrips you need for gear and books is utterly mind numbing. Weekly capped scrips are also stupid because you can cap them in an hour and then you're done for the entire week.
What it should be is:
>They request a specific item or set of items
>You hand them in and get scrips
>They now request a new, more difficult item/set of items for the same amount of scrips.
>Repeat, difficulty keeps increasing each time you hand in.
>Difficulty resets daily for blue scrips and weekly for reds, but no hard caps.
Give BLM some more aoe spells. Fix freeze to not be shit, introduce burst.
Turn thunder spells from a purple sphere to a lightning bolt from above.
cross-class glamours
I want to wear the valerian wizard set on my WHM
I want the different hempen small clothes for each race to be usable on all other races. Female highlander canine is the best one.
-make tri bind a stun
-add another aetherflow charge (or 3)
-add bio 2 to the fester proc (and maybe tri disaster)
Those changes alone would make summoner so much more powerful, I wonder what the level 70 rotation will be
What needs to happen in 4.0
>Parry is now called riposte and deals a percentage of damage back to the target
>Cover now drains MP and is toggled like Cleric Stance
>Divine Veil no longer requires the middleman
>Halone debuff is switched with Storms Path debuff
>Dark Arts can now proc Reprisal
>tempered WIll is now an AoE buff
What will probably happen
>Parry has been removed
>Halone potency increased by 10
>Clemency potency increased by 100
>Dark Dance and Raw Intuition can now only increase evasion by their respective numbers (30% and 100%)
>Tempered Will now cures blind
>WAR gets Inner Beast 2 which reduces damage taken by 40%
>WAR is no longer able to use IR but Berserk is now on a 60s cd with no pacification penalty
>3 more aetherflow stacks
Might as well just give them an Iron Jaws if you just want them to be blatantly overpowered
Make det great again.
Give me your best idea for a redemption arc for Ilberd, go.
How to fix blm
>remove 5 seconds penalty on enochian.
What title do you wear?
How do you deal with Limit cut in a11s
Pretty much. I really hate that bullshit.
But if they did that they'd probably also add a Geirskogul-style attack that consumed Enochian timer.
Which one?
If you mean the numbers then 5 and 6 will wait for 1 and 2 to get hit and move in, the same with 7 and 8 with 3 and 4.
1&2 west
3&4 east
5&6 west
7&8 east
have all odd numbers face away from the raid and have all even numbers stand south from their partner while facing them.
That's it.
Remove Wanderer's Minuet.
Keep the cast times on Empyreal Arrow and Iron Jaws only.
Adjust rest of their damage to compensate.
Make BRD great again.
I miss him.
>give a good AoE skill, circular slash or something like that
>sword oath now gives a 5% damage increase alongside the extra 75 potency each auto attack
>devine veil now affects the PLD too
>give a few more defensive cooldowns
and thats it, personaly, I dont mind that PLDs are the weakest tank in terms of DPS, but I would like our position as the most "defensive" tank solidified
Red flag shitter alert
>metallic dye slutgear
>ilvls in search description
>hosting a PF denying bonus
Are there any others?
>mch lvl 50 roulette
>meet 3 sprouts
>actually new at the game
>wipe at first boss
>push more dps whilst teaching them
>actually listened and going good
i love people who actually wants to listen
That's their plan for Stormblood. Their goal is to have as many skills as we currently have at 60 be our total at 70. They'll do this by removing useless skills and giving us traits again for some 60-70 intervals.
They'll also be reworking how things like Enochian, BotD and Darkside work so they'll have UI effects and not be as punishing to drop.
>give a few more defensive cooldowns
Cause PLD is really lacking in that department.
Almost no job actually needs new abilities, just for their existing ones to be retooled.
Padjal/kinna weapon
if you see the following in PF then you have to avoid it like the plague
>last phase progression to clear
Make bard a healer and add a sniper job that's pure bow dps without the supporty parts
Where is my fucking lorebook scan
I want thicker looking player models.
Flare 2?
Things I want on SMN:
A defensive cooldown
If we have to keep Tri-Bind, give it a pontecy boost and MP reduction during trance.
Put Contagion on the SMN toolkit already!
I imagine traits and stances will play a bigger role in this expansion.
>Mfw finally beat A11S with my FC last night
>Mfw that adrenalin rush with GA-100 cast bar was 90-95% full before we kill it
>Mfw I won the Goddip
Feels good man.
How hard is A12S in comparison?
More new players are willing to learn and get better.
It's the bad level 60 players who are fucking nasty shitters
SCH gets Summon III
I'd like Contagion to be a class skill and give Garuda something else.
I just want an excuse to use other Summons.
being a mentor seems good
how to be a mentor?
i just want to help my kouhais bet better
One Job in each role at 60
300 commendations
1000 instances completed
Then there are requirements to be a Crafting and PvP specific mentor.
I really want to buy it but SQEX are being shit cunts. Don't they want to make money
There are two ways
Get DPS/Healer/Tank classes to 60
Get 300 commends
Get 1k dungeons
Get gatherer/crafter to 60
Turn in collectibles (forgot how many)
Yet another requirement I forgot lmao
Just talk to The Smith guy in the 3 city-states.
should i do the job quests?
how do i track 1000 instances?
Oh also, since I got the Goddip I should get the 270 Shire Codex for SCH huh?
Not having crit on it suxx but the stats bonus and weapon damage is just too good to pass out.
A12 is all about communication. If your group can coordinate Temporal Stasis's and Inceptions correctly than you will be in for an easy kill.
>FC leader doesn't want to use any voice communication
>We are short 3 DPS so we always need pick ups
Yeah, I guess it's not happening.
>>FC leader doesn't want to use any voice communication
Why in the world would you choose not to use comms during prog?
We're all awkward fucks with anxiety disorder.
anyone know which of the challenge log could generate recruits?
blm seriously needs more AOE options. As of right now the 60 AOE rotation is exactly the same as the 50 rotation (except if you want to add enochain for the extra 5% dps).
I kind of like the thunder animation. Thunder III at least. I wish they would either remove or revise thunder II though, after you get thunder III it becomes completely worthless.
how do we save FFXIV? this game is clearly bleeding subscribers by the day.
>dragon kick decrease blunt damage resistance
I'm loving your changes user, especially the cover mechanic for PLD. I would much rather have that change, since it is a tragically underutilized skill, and is so satisfying when you pull it off correctly. The only thing I question is changing the Halone debuff. I like the strength down, and it plays into them being a physical def. tank. Having two jobs with the same debuff like path kind of seems redundant. PLD has the cooldown mitigation that WAR doesn't, which is why they can get a skill as powerful as path.
>remove 2 sec delay between server and game
>make pets abilities actually responsive
>remove pointless items like Gysahl Greens, glamour tokens
>better loot, not just upgrade ilvl by 10 every patch
>more inventory space and just remove all crafting materials
>better presentation in cut scenes and quests
>different play style for every class (talents)
>make dungeons fun
>fix looting system, i don't want to wait 3 minutes before i can roll to get token i want
I still don't know why Delirium doesn't achieve this.
>it's a PotD 1-20 dedicated healer episode
I would like them to have another AOE, but it shouldn't be enmity generating.
Sword oath definitely needs more of a buff than what it got.
Veil should affect the tank also.
They have plenty of def. cooldowns, they don't need anymore
event when
so make it even more like WoW?, fuck off
>Blocking now affects magic attacks. Mitigation for blocked magic can be lower than physical if necessary.
>Shield Oath now learned at level 30 instead of 40. Sword Oath swapped to level 40 instead.
>Goring Blade now learned at level 34 and Royal Authority at level 52.
>Awareness is removed and its effect added to Convalescence to cut down on PLD's cooldown bloat.
>Bulwark is now a toggle instead of a cooldown. It costs 20% base MP to activate and continually drains the PLD's MP while active (maybe 5% base MP per second). If the PLD's MP hits 0, the effect is removed.
>Tempered Will removed and its effect added to Sentinel to reduce cooldown bloat.
>Cover now also transfers all magic damage the target receives. Cover range extended to 15 yalms.
>Clemency MP cost reduced (about 25% of base MP).
>Successfully blocking an attack has a 15% chance to make the PLD's next Clemency instant cast.
>Divine Veil now activates automatically and also affects the PLD.
>Sword Oath and Shield Oath are no longer on the GCD, but retain their MP cost.
>Hallowed Ground cooldown reduced to 4 minutes, but now has some penalty e.g. Pacification/Vuln Up.
>DoT component of Circle of Scorn removed and given to Flash instead. Cross-classed Flash doesn't get the DoT.
>Circle of Scorn is now a spell instead of an ability i.e. it has an MP cost and is on the GCD, but no other cooldown. Cost is approximately 15% of base MP.
>Shield Swipe is now a frontal cone AoE, and its cooldown is reduced to 10 seconds. The Pacification effect is only applied to the primary target.
>While in Sword Oath, critical hits have a 50%~ chance to proc Shield Swipe.
Start off with your main first, obviously. Then find a class/job you enjoy playing and level it to 60. If you want to make it a bit easier on yourself, level DRK/MCH/AST as the other 2 roles you need, since they start at 30.
You can track instanced dungeons through the achievement tab. There should be an achievement for getting to 1000, and it shows how many you have left to go. Easiest way to get it is grind out unsynced Ifrit NM. you can get in and out in under 30 sec if you're quick.
Lorebook is sick as fuck. I'm glad I picked it up.
>just remove all crafting materials
I'm curious to how you think this might work, unless you just want to remove crafting altogether in which case fuck you.
>make dungeons fun
Amazing suggestion, why didn't they think of this earlier???
What I'm hoping IF DNC get introduced is that it's a variant of the MNK with Melee/support in mind, either with buff or heal.
If Heal it could become the new SCH as in, being able to DPS without getting OOM like the other healers.
MNK's Dragon kick would buff DNC damage making MNK a tad more useful to bring in raid since ATM they are the less looked class.
Would be awesome if DNC could also somehow buff the party damage too to compensate for DRG's battle litany.
> I like the strength down, and it plays into them being a physical def. tank.
But you're not using it 99% of the time. It's hardly even worth using if you want the mitigation.
>Having two jobs with the same debuff like path kind of seems redundant
Not when they both actively compete for MT. Giving WAR the STR down will still promise them the OT slot, while making PLD and DRK more balanced and better OTs if they ever wind up doing so.
>PLD has the cooldown mitigation that WAR doesn't, which is why they can get a skill as powerful as path.
This is redundant when PLD/DRK are going to be MT'ing anyways. People only use WAR for the opener tps boost, personal dps and overall utility. WAR is already slightly inferior at MT'ing in the long term because they lose a lot of DPS potential. The point i'm trying to make is making PLD vs DRK less of a shitshow while still keeping WAR as useful as it currently is.
already got 1 at 60
need 2 more
thanks user
>DNC benefitting from blunt
now i want dnc
It's in the middle of the patch cycle, so things are quiet. With FFXV coming out it's gonna get even quieter for a while. It always picks up when new patches come out, and the expac is right around the corner. They'll be fine.
Also, I don't care about them losing subscribers here and there. 12 bucks a month can be a lot for not much new content in the down months. I can understand why people would drop until new patches/expacs.
If DNC is a healer I want them to be a TP healer that uses combos instead of cast times.
jesus calm the fuck down.
Remember that Eorzea is rightful Elezen clay.
np. Have fun!
Giving PLD the Path debuff would just make them mandatory like WAR is now.
>not eye
Yeah, which is why WAR is double-stupid, because they get both.
holy shit what are you smoking? Those changes would make PLD incredibly overpowered. I do agree with swapping the place of sword and shield oath though.
Just take Oaths off the GCD already fuck.
>but letting PLD swap like that would be too powerful!
Oh heaven forbid PLD actuallly have a real, tangible advantage over WAR for a change, could you even imagine the horror
Really NIN should have the painless Eye and WAR should have to work for it.
how do they fix WHM?
What if they were some kind of stack healer? A bit like SCH's aetherflow but instead they would gain stacks with dances and use a certain amount of stacks to cast heals or buffs?
Nothing about that is overpowered.
Highlander camise is fucking gaudy/tacky as shit.
>being this delusional
Just give them a good way to sustain their MP while DPSimg and they'll be set. They already can shit out retarded damage for a healer, they just cant sustain it well.
Since they are trying so hard to fuck bard in favor of machinist.
>bard becomes ranger
>change effect of wanderer's minuet
>every action done while standing still give a stacking critical chance buff. Buff is removed if skill is performed while moving.
>change foe requiem to a damaging skill giving magic def debuff during 15 sec on a 90 sec cooldown
>repelling shot grants invisibility. Next action is guaranteed critical if performed while invisible.
never ever but I can dream
they are terrified by that idea, at first WARs sucked royal dick and had to be overbuffed as fuck
>Farming Alex Normal for gearing my other jobs
>Tfw it's always the shitter face tanking the floor for the whole fight who win what I need
Only retarded burst-damage, really. And they need accuracy.
They don't really have any utility shit, either.
give them osmose on a 90 sec cooldown?
>Blocking now affects magic attacks. Mitigation for blocked magic can be lower than physical if necessary.
>Bulwark is now a toggle instead of a cooldown. It costs 20% base MP to activate and continually drains the PLD's MP while active (maybe 5% base MP per second). If the PLD's MP hits 0, the effect is removed.
>Clemency MP cost reduced (about 25% of base MP).
>Successfully blocking an attack has a 15% chance to make the PLD's next Clemency instant cast.
>Hallowed Ground cooldown reduced to 4 minutes, but now has some penalty e.g. Pacification/Vuln Up.
>DoT component of Circle of Scorn removed and given to Flash instead. Cross-classed Flash doesn't get the DoT.
>Shield Swipe is now a frontal cone AoE, and its cooldown is reduced to 10 seconds. The Pacification effect is only applied to the primary target.
>While in Sword Oath, critical hits have a 50%~ chance to proc Shield Swipe.
All of those would make PLD overpowered, especially compared to the other tanks.
I'm fine with the MP sustain we have, specifically because we're meant to be burst healers and burst DPS. The only thing I really want is to have accuracy. Both other healers get 100% accuracy offensive abilities. The fact that we don't have them gimps us by having to meld acc on everything.
Honestly they should get rid of accuracy entirely.
Stormblood will easily bring the active population back up to 700-800k.
How is that overpowered? All that does is maybe bring them up to the level the other tanks are already at.
Bulwark at that level of drain would barely last as long as it does now, plus the PLD would have to weigh it against spending their MP on other shit. Again same with Clemency. They could use their instant cast procs but they'd be blowing their MP. No more powerful than Equilibrium which is totally free.
Hallowed Ground isn't overpowered just because it lets the PLD keep their health. Oh the healers have to spend 2 GCDs healing DRK/WAR when they use their "extra life" cooldowns, so that totally justifies them having less than half the cooldown time.
What's wrong with giving the CoS DoT to Flash instead? It actually gives them a reason to use Flash and spend MP.
Shield Swipe being an AoE would fix PLD's shit-tier AoE situation, and being able to proc it in Sword Oath would make it so they aren't losing DPS by OTing.
>SCH has virtually infinite Mana with Aetherflow
>AST can have a 34 sec Luminiferous Aether AND a 25 sec Ewer giving them virtually infinite mana.
>WHM has.. a 15sec Shroud of saint or 10% MP every 90sec
There's clearly a MP regain unbalance here and hopefully they fix this in 4.0.