looks boring
This game
it's an interactive experience
i agree
Go back to your marios
you make it sound like you can interact with a movie but that would be blasphemy you heathen
I think it looks good. I'm gonna get it simply to have something to play on my Quatro. It's been gathering dust since Uncharted 4.
*adjusts glasses*
heh, well - smart games aren't for everyone.
Maybe you're better off playing Call of Duty?
Mario/Zelda is boring too just saying this looks really overhyped for a tomb raiderXshadow of the colossus mashup
>tomb raiderXshadow of the colossus mashup
If anything its a ICO/SOTC mashup
sonyggers are so cancerous. Im so happy this game will bomb.
They need to port it PC though or at least put it on psnow or whatever service so that we can test play and experience it for ourselves
why associate these anons with Nintendo? peculiar.
Seems like the sentiment across early previews is that it's painfully linear, with extremely simple platforming and braindead puzzles.
It does look boring, I'm sorry it doesn't fit your worldview, sony friend.
i can't wait for normies to buy this, play 20 minutes and then stop caring
>Seems like the sentiment across early previews is that it's painfully linear, with extremely simple platforming and braindead puzzles.
You just described every single game developed by Nintendo.
gonna preorder right now boys thanks for the rminder
>already exceeded Son'y preorder expectations
you just don't fucking get it, game clearly is not for you so go back to your dudebro shit
eh, zelda isnt linear
if you like ico i cant see why you wouldnt like this game
then fuck off. this game isn't made for you. whomever enjoyed Ico and Sotc will enjoy this game.
bandwaggoning metacritic loving retards like yourself need not play.
b-but i just put ico on my 3x3 to look patriciano
good goy, you just put it over the PS4 vertical stand.
it's a smart game for smart gamers like myself. It is art. Misogynists like you should just stay in the dirt where you belong. Your probably a trump supporter too, aren't you? Heh. Pathetic.
It's meant to be artistic, fucking pleb.
is this sappost to sway me brother
i want to play it day 1 why would i care about how many others feel the same way
It has been for the last decade.
no they have to post on Reddit about how great it looks before they stop caring
It's not boring, you're just jealous that i have a ps4
SM3DW is the most linear and boring game I've have the played on the wiiU recently. Zero challenge, shit art design, zero difficulty.
Same applies to 99% of the platformers, including shit games like Yoshi World.
Nintendo games are linear son with extremely simple platforming son.
it'll be in a fire sale around christmas. just hold your horses.
save a few shekels and maybe pre-order a switch or something worthwhile with the money you save, user-kun.
>zelda isn't linear
>complains about mario game
>a level based platformer is linear
what the fuck are you even babbling about now
I know for a fucking fact someone is going to spoil the ending to this game for me or some major plotpoint and I'm gonna get PISSED
spoilers: main character is a fag
dead on arrival
yeah same, i got exams when the game comes out, so even if i do buy the game i wont be able to play it until like two weeks
>buying a game where it is basically Pixar's UP but with a Russell that speaks gibberish, Kevin is gigantic and no flying house and a old man bitching about his dead wife
I saw so little footage of this I don't even know what to expect at this point.
After so much time in development limbo I thought we would have more info on this by now.
I'm kinda interested but not very hype.
I wonder if there's any sandbox sections or if it's an entirely linear experience like Ico. Still gonna play it and probably enjoy it regardless.
you talk like you've played it already... or as a shitposter, not sure which yet
Interactive artistic entertainment to be precise.
GOTC (game of the century)
Buy games for it then, there are plenty out there.
Anyone else sad this game is getting attached to current Sony and therefore will be shitposted to death?
Not saying it will be great because development hell and all, but fuck it's done by the same developers of two of my favorite games ever, and I know this is the case for many others.
Seeing it reduced to one of the many "artistic gamez" because Sony is shit now just makes me sad.
Wow it only just hit me that this is actually coming out in less than a week. Too bad my opinion of Sony since this was announced has changed drastically.
>giving a shit about what Sup Forums thinks
This place has been complete garbage since tortanic, everything has to be le epic blunder now. Of course it's going to be shitposted, every game is.
Well I think it looks nice
will buy after price drop
Are you going to buy it or have you moved on from consoles?
It looks pretty alright. I'll probably ask my mommy to buy it for me for Christmas. I've told her every year for the past 8 years to save her money yet she insists on getting me something
I play most of my games on PC.
Isn't the last gaurdian close as fuck to either a nintendo game or indie shit puzzle platformer with heavy story elements. Its a bad game, ESPECIALLY at 60 (Sixty) $ (Dollaroonies).
On early PS3 it would have been great, less of a game and closer to Journey with a furry buddy.
But now it's just hype and people wanting to fill a void.