Is he /ourguy/?
Is he /ourguy/?
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yes, schick hydro guy is our guy.
Where is the shickbots head?
He's a washed-up egotistical hack that diehard mgs-fags will defend to the death because he made a good game around a decade ago
>four blades
what kind of knife-bearded freak can use a 4-bladed razor without it getting caught
One razor/safety razors are far superior. You'll only cut yourself if you're retarded
t.gillette fusion
>One razor/safety razors
fedora tier razors
Anyone with half a brain can use 4 blades
Not even hydrobot has anything on Hideo's stubble. Can any man stop him?
Seriously is the guy in the suit a midget?
Where does his head go? Is he smaller than Kojima?
>anyone with half a brain and zero hair on their face can use 4 blades
I'm sure with your peach fuzz 4 blades can't catch on anything but us adults can actually grow beards.
>not trimming your beard so you have perpetual stubble
It's like you want to look bad.
fucking hell yeah dude
>They don't shave using a straight razor like a true gentleman of taste
It's an actual robot.
I just use cheap-ass "disposable razors", each lasting for one month or even more
Except they're really not, one razor does just as good as four. The jews put extra blades in them to make more money. It plays into people's "more is better" mentality.
>Not shaving with a rusty machete like a real man
Fucking pussies.
Basically this
He ruined MGS5 because Konami wouldn't give him an unlimited budget for all of his retarded ideas. That's what I believe anyway, nothing else explains why half of the game wasn't done after 5 years of development. Also why he couldn't shut up about how he can never match the quality of GTA V, which started around the time when they announced its 200 million + budget.
Are you telling me that Judgement Day will be started by a robot made for shaving?
>not shaving with a disused helicopter blade
look at this little baby
>Nothing explains it
How about the Yakuza wanted Konami to use their IPS in their shitty gambling machines and Kojima was taking up too much resources?
He didn't "ruin" MGSV, he just didn't make it good enough.
If I was Konami's president and Kojima wasted 5 years and shitton of my money on a game that mediocre, I'd do exactly the same thing.
>not pulling out each individual hair with your fingers
>Not shaving with a buster blade replica made out of obsidian
You're small time.
>falling for the razor jew
>not just buying one beard trimmer and not worrying about razors for years
>not shaving with a concentrated neutrino beam
>shaving a full on mop beard with a razor
Are you, by chance, retarded?
Login, Supes.
One razor is fine but retards will cut themselves by moving it wrong
Two razors makes cutting yourself nearly impossible but there's a chance it'll get caught if you're shaving anything beyond a day or two of growth
Three blades or more is full retard
Konami also forced the FOB system and micro-transactions which took up a ton of dev-time.
And recent reports detail that Kojima was not allowed to even be on the premises with his team for 6-7 months prior to releases.
>Inb4 drone.
I'm not defending his shoddy time management, but Konami fucked everything up beyond compare. Plus they were trying to leave gaming entirely.
>not being able to shave duck dynasty beards with a safety razor
straight razors are the fedora of razors
The game sold like hot bread, tbqhwy familia.
I'm scared of cutting myself and it takes a while to git gud at it
if im thinking of shaving my penis, should I use a two razor blade?
How do people get smooth hairless balls? I'm afraid of taking a razor near my sack.
jeez you kids don't know shit
>How do people get smooth hairless balls?
I think it's depilatory wax.
Be fucking careful basically.
The thing is that cutting your nuts by accident isn't even sore. It just tends to bleed a tiny bit but for a long time. Which is a hassle.
wax, idiot
This. Guys stop being contrarian and try to put all the fault on Kojima, Konami had other visions so they made those decisions.
>not just letting your manly beard grow
Children, all of you
2x razors will do you fine, make sure the razor's head can pivot though, using a fixed head will make your nuts look like Geralt's face.
Just trimmed my shit in the shower last night, feels gr8.
>wanting to be a neckbeard
>wanting that greasy itchy feeling all the time
>wanting to look like you don't bathe ever
i can't grow a beard it looks bad