Award for "creative vision and innovation"

>award for "creative vision and innovation"
>award for best e-sports game

Can somebody explain to me how Overwatch even qualified for, much less won, these awards?

How much did Blizzard pay this event to shill their game?

>award for best e-sports game
That would have been better for CS:GO, but as long as neither League or Dota won that I'm happy.


Awards shows of every medium are, and always will be, a joke.

Overwatch had the largest marketing campaign probably of all time, last night was a continuation

HOW the FUCK dit it won an award for innovation

By being a good game.
>b-b-but it's shit
Thanks for your opinion Sup Forumstard.

>i-it didn't flop because marketing budget
Just like Evolve, Titanfall, Battlefront and Destiny, amirite? Take your head out of your ass and learn to live in a real world, underage.

Name the major way in which Overwatch was innovative

Better yet, identify why Overwatch is fit to be called the best esport of this year.

It's fun

blizzard has a lot of coins

It had a massive budget. a huge marketing campaign and it is not Military Shooter #2356. That is all it takes to be recognized as innovative in game awards shows which essentially are just ads.

By being the first game to effectively merge skill-based FPS with MOBA's character roster in competitive format. Others tried and failed, Overwatch succeeded. It's that easy.

>identify why Overwatch is fit to be called the best esport of this year
Because it's easy to get into but hard to master like any other shooter. Rounds are just long enough to stay competitive without becoming a chore. High level games are fun to watch. Who else should've won? CS:GlOves - 1HK Revolver Edition? Worst Street Fighter game yet? One of two MOBAs that are a dying genre already? Please.

Cheers luv.

Well, it made team comp a factor in an FPS. All the other competitive FPS prior have always had all weapons and abilities available to everyone, whereas Overwatch has heroes that play differently.

Used to be you'd just find the best player you could for your team, but now you have to think "Well, we need a person to play Mercy when we're using Reinhardt on specific maps, but then swap to Tracer for other maps."

>By being the first game to effectively merge skill-based FPS with MOBA's character roster in competitive format. Others tried and failed, Overwatch succeeded. It's that easy.
Different guy here, please stop lieing.

It is a Blizzard game. That's all it needed. You had people lining up to try and get in on the next esports gold rush long before any verdict on game viability could be established.

Other companies can make better games and you won't see the hype machine come up to work like they will, for free, for Blizzard.

no matter how hard you explain they will find something to bitch about. and in the end no one is truly right. especially in Sup Forums where all its members are profesional game producers who know better than everyone else on Sup Forums.

>Best e-Sports Game
Didn't a fuckton of comp players get busted for using aimbots?

You're either underage or just a very stupid young adult. "It's just cuz marketing and name" is a meme that has nothing to do with reality. DICE, Sledgehammer (or whatever they're called, original Infinity Ward) and Bungie are the hottest shit in FPS scene and their games had fucking MASSIVE marketing budgets. And where Titanfall, Destiny and even Battlefield 1 now? I know it's fun to laugh at TORtanic, but use your goddamn head at least sometimes.

Also, if Blizzard is such unbeatable power, how come HotS is not the biggest MOBA? B-bcuz with HotS Blizzard didn't care to get big, right? :^) Grow the fuck up.


>Oh no, factual evidence, what should I do? Oh, I have a funneh picture somewhere
Classic Sup Forumstard. Add this funneh picture to your list of future arguments too.

Have you even played the game, user? I was a skeptic at first, but even my first game on beta I was having a lot of fun

>being the first game to effectively merge skill-based FPS with MOBA's character roster in competitive format
Monday Night Combat and Gigantic were TPS/MOBA hybrids and both predated Overwatch
>Others tried and failed, Overwatch succeeded
You don't seem to understand what innovation is. It's not "doing the same thing as the competition but better"

>easy to get into but hard to master
Far easier to master than CSGO, granted all the nominees were shit but that should have won since it involves vastly more strategy, awareness, and on-your-feet thinking

Proprietary is a real thing in entertainment. People will buy a 3DS just because they like Pokemon. But it's difficult to prove.


>Monday Night Combat and Gigantic were TPS/MOBA hybrids and both predated Overwatch
And neither of them were good enough to leave a lasting appeal. Read what I said again, OW might've not be the first game to do it, but it was first to do it right.
>You don't seem to understand what innovation is. It's not "doing the same thing as the competition but better"
It's "doing the same thing, but making it actually work". You don't innovate shit if what you've made is not good enough or doesn't work. This is why Portal was innovative and Nucular (Nabacular or whatever) Drop is just a shitty indie with portals.

>Far easier to master than CSGO
>vastly more strategy, awareness in CSGO
God no. CSGO has spread patterns, but competitive scene usually sticks to AWP/AK/M4. Overwatch character roster adds a layer of tactical decision making into the mix, not just ability to aim and position yourself on the map. CS been around for ages, it's stale and terrible updates it received this year didn't help either. I don't know when was the last time you played GO, but it's been getting worse for quite a while now.

Forgot to reply properly.

>first to do it right
By pandering to retards. Which I guess in 2016 that counts as "doing it right"


>No dedicated servers
>No server browser
>No custom maps
>esports cancer


you are an idiot, stop listening to Sup Forums shitposters
The game didn't only succeed because "it's blizzard" it is extremely polished game, great characters and abilities, did you even play the game or are you just parroting shitposts from Sup Forums ?

>Other companies can make better games and you won't see the hype machine
Oh yeah like what games? Paladins? lol, just get over it, Overwatch was a very well-made game

If you hate Overwatch, that's fine. I'm not a huge fan of Blizzard. However, if you refuse to acknowledge how well it does certain things, and how much of a hit it is because of that? You're a fucking Sup Forumsipster.

What game should have won GOTY? Doom was solid but lets be honest, it doesn't have the longevity or impact OW does. TitanFall 2 is supposedly pretty solid, but no ones fucking playing it and its flying under the radar. I'm sure its multiplayer will be dead within weeks.

Why the fuck would you nominate CS:GO when it came out many years ago? And even then, it's just a clone of counter strike from 1998. Overwatch was a brand new game, so it deserved the win.

>I just want to play hour long games where nothing happens on my comfy TF2 server
Good. Stay there.

Why is it so hard to believe people were craving for a new TF2 lite, especially the youngsters who didn't play much of that? Blizzard delivered the world, the characters with their own backstories, the lines, good maps, the peculiar artstyle and most important - the fun. Of course the game doesn't have a complex story or anything, but it doesn't need it at all.

I just think all this butthurt is because it's a multiplayer only game.

You have to remember for every normalfag BethDoom, Titanfall and U4 got, Overwatch pulled in 10.

>Group of people in Baseball use steroids
>Baseball as a game should no longer be admired, even the clean players.

overwatch won the innovation award because they figured out how to make a game with the controllability and gameplay of an fps, and the one click abilities, and characters of a moba

aiming isn't as important, you don't need to know how to use a mouse

they sucessfully figured out the next evolution of how to make a game with an even lower skill floor and ceilng than the games it takes elements from and prove it works

now on everyones going to copy overwatch and try to figure out how to lower the skill floor of their game even more and close the gap between the skill floor and ceiling

>Sup Forums has been completely BTFO by Overwatch

Such a good feel

>making a popular game is innovation, even if that game does nothing new
"Doing it right" is NOT innovation. Innovation is, by definition, doing something new.

>Overwatch character roster adds a layer of tactical decision making into the mix, not just ability to aim and position yourself on the map.
CS players juggle one-hit-kill weapons that require lightning fast reflexes and aim with economy strategies, acute map awareness, using sound as a cue to locate enemies, choosing one of multiple approaches to win a map/round, and playing a role by being good at it, instead of selecting a hero tailored to that role. You have to be intensely focused at all times to win.

In comparison Overwatch involves much slower, easier combat where aim still matters, but thanks to high TTK, in a firefight the winner typically trades damage with the loser. This is to enforce reliance on healer heroes and keep one player from carrying the rest of the team. There are OHKOs like Widowmaker's headshots but those situations are rare and those heroes are easily countered just by picking a hero that counters them. The kind of skill demonstrated is much more casual.

These awards are just as shitty as the Oscars.



No. I just wanted what was standard since the 90s.

>aiming isn't as important, you don't need to know how to use a mouse
That's what I love Sup Forumstards for. Every person reading this shit would instantly know that only complete retards shit on OW.

>custom rulesets make games worse, thankfully we have official servers so I can play the game's definitive experience

holy fuck blizzdrones

>tfw gonna use Overwatch GOTY as bait for the rest of my life

I just wanted to see him playing as McCree or Widow once.

Because the other nominees were two of Valve's Skinner boxes, the granddaddy of all ASSFAGGOTS, and a dying Rootkit installer. Sure, Overwatch is normalfag-core but it's the lesser evil here.

>aiming isn't as important
Yea I can see that, but if you want to play competitive you're going to have to be better than your average fucking console gamer. This really only applies to certain hero's skills and most the ultimates. Unless you mean how broken the hitboxes can be at times.

>you don't need to know how to use a mouse
Alright buddy, lets not kid ourselves. You'd get fucking stomped at some point in competitive because the enemy team can Aim and communicate better than your team can.

The skill floor is lowered, yea I see that. But the ceilings still pretty fucking high. Or are you able to hit platinum no problem?

i worded that poor as fuck

I mean't to word it as in "you can play a game with moba characters with moba abilities but not be require to use a mouse because it's not a moba,it's an fps which means you can use a controller"

>The skill floor is lowered, yea I see that. But the ceilings still pretty fucking high.

>"you can play a game with moba characters with moba abilities but not be require to use a mouse because it's not a moba,it's an fps which means you can use a controller"
Jesus fuck dude, this you CLARIFYING? Sorry if your english isn't good, I don't mean to make fun its just this is an entirely different message from you last and just as jumbled.

>"Doing it right" is NOT innovation. Innovation is, by definition, doing something new.
Wright Brothers's airplane was an innovation. DaVinci's "flying" machines were not, despite beign created hundreds of years prior.
>game I like does things better cuz game I don't like is dum
That's great and all, but I don't have all time in the world to bicker about one game being better than the other. OW has different mechanics, different required set of skills. Picking a good counter is not enough, you have to play the character well to be an effective counter.
>low TTK makes game more skill-based
I'm sure UT/Q3 pros will agree.

Alright, here goes something that you should realize as you grow.... AWARD SHOWS MEAN NOTHING. they are just a bunch of circlejerking and meaningless gold stars.

Its always more about promoting the show as something more important than it actually is.
NEVER base your life choices on these people, or else you might grow up to retarded enough to think that only disney/pixar/dreamworks makes animated movies (oscars are hollywood circlejerking into their own mouths). Awards also tend to have a corrupt jury in the sense that its always people with too many connections to the industry to be unbiased
>oh no this journalist that works for a company that never gives negative ratings to games from a few selected companies is totally trustworthy you gaise

That said I dont even know where these awards threads are coming from, but If I had to bet, Twitch is at their faggotry again and it was a popular vote (oh how surprising that a place composed mostly of underage viewers would vote overwatch)

>Skill floor is low, meaning its easy to play the game decent
>Skill Ceiling is high, meaning theres plenty of room to improve and maximize how efficiently you play the game through aspects such as aiming and communication

Like everyone can hit gold, decent amount of people can hit plat, but not many make it to diamond. Does that not make sense?

>skill floor = skill ceiling
Did you know that ground and sky are different things?

Is that how you spell "just copy everything that made base TF2 good and add MOBA mechanics?"

Neither of those came out this year.

How is it Sup Forums retards still think Overwatch has a low skill ceiling or is some casual game?
Literally go watch Seagull play once and you'll see him completely dominate games carrying all the time.
You people are honestly extremely stupid and are just being contrarian

I know what you meant.

It's just that claiming Overwatch has a high skill ceiling is bullshit.

>low TTK
The cancer that killed multiplayer shooters.

It is because the competition was utterly pathetic in 2016.

Name me a 2016 release that manages to beat Overfail in both categories.

FYI, Paladins came out in September 2016 while Overfail beat it by a few months (May 2016)

Have you seen pros play or you base your opinions exclusively on Sup Forums memes or, at very best, QP experience?

To say the skill ceiling is low implies that there's no one better than you at the game, and I highly doubt that. You don't play as efficiently as the top 500 players, because they've developed a more refined skill playing and communicating that you lack. How is that hard to understand?

Quake and UT have low TTKs compared to Overwatch

Being competent with all of the characters takes severe dedication, not to mention the required meta knowledge of maps, comps and counters.

most people here didn't even buy the game or play it. they just look at the porn and general videos here and there and make tons of assumptions.

>I have granny reflexes and I want fights to be as long as possible


Pretty much TF2 with swapped movsets and personalities


Give no fucks.

DPSvsDPS TTK is about the same. McCree kills in 2 headshots, 76 in 5, Pharah is 2 direct shots, Tracer can drop 200HP under a second, Reaper kills in 1 headshot.

Overwatch marketing campaign slaughtered those, though

>I'm a twitchy underage who likes to run'n'gun
You must love CoD then!

The video game industry was a mistake

I didn't know McCree can 2 headshot Reinhardt. That's amazing.

>Overwatch marketing
>slaughtered $500mil Destiny and BF
Are you out of your mind? The only real PR the game was getting before launch parties are just some CGI trailers that don't cost hundreds of millions. Blizzard did slaughter competition, though. But with charisma, not money.

Most people don't play the game because no one still plays Overwatch, user

>DPSvsDPS TTK is about the same
Use your head next time, don't make me waste my time replying to dumb shit like that ever again.

As opposed to the newest UT, where every weapon can kill any player in a fraction of a second, most of them at long ranges

But that game doesn't win awards for being competitive because it doesn't have the power of twitch streamers or gremlin memes backing it

Nobody gives a shit about CS anymore

Destiny was designated 500 mil to a franchise
Of course the budget wasn't $500 mil

Or, I don't know, maybe because it's not even fucking finished? have you thought about that?
And I really don't understand how 1HK anyone takes more skill. Reflexes, sure, but do you really believe killing someone in one shot takes more skill than killing someone with 2-3 well-placed shots in a row?

i can buy the first award

but that second one? yeah, blizzard bought both awards

Physical ad locations, Overwatch blew them both out of the water

Prime time TV ads, Overwatch blew them out of the water

Normal web adverts, probably about the same, on every highly trafficked website

Viral campaign, bar-none, any tangentially related content creator or website would have Overwatch material and look no further than the greatest viral flood on Sup Forums since borderlands

And yes, other ad campaigns besides call of duty and battlefield don't get ads during the NBA finals

Like I said, because it forces you to trade damage and rely on your team

Being able to kill 3 people in 3 shots makes for a higher skill game than only being able to kill one player in three shots, that just leashes people with good aim and keeps them from excelling

And that's exactly why CSGO would have been a better choice for best esport

Overwatch competitive scene is great and growing.

>best esport award
>Dota2 this year had a tournament that had the largest winning cash prize of any esport


A few years ago they would have considered any non-RPG game with RPG levelling to be innovative.

Lucrative doesn't mean best, it should go to league by default every year

Though the new major system could top it to dota

>Being able to kill 3 people in 3 shots makes for a higher skill game
Landing a flick is piss easy. Try landing 3 on constantly moving target, that takes a much higher amount of personal skills to do.

>And that's exactly why CSGO would have been a better choice for best esport
No, that's exactly why community was outraged when they added 1HK secondary into the game.

It's best because it's the only esports game that anyone plays

>people don't play dota or league.

Hasn't dota been around for years, though?

You kind of don't give a game the game of the year for a year it didnt get released in, dumb shit.

>and rely on your team
And now you know. You can't solo carry in Overwatch, that's why your communication and tactical skills are as important as your personal reflexes and aim. And this is exactly why it makes for a better competitive team based game than GO.


>waiting for your teammates to demonstrate skill makes a game more competitive than requiring you to have skill

>comptetitive team game


Low ttk is retarded and takes way less skill, all that matters for low ttk games is cross hair placement and 1st shot reflex, that's incredibly narrow compared to games like quake or ut where I'm order to win you have to land multiple shots in order to score a kill, if you put a good player against a pro in quake he will probably go 0-50 while do the same thing in a low ttk game like cs and it'll be much much easier for the average/above average player to score kills.

has Sup Forums ever been btfo this hard before? the game everyone loved to hate with the only threads about it being porn dumps literally won goty and now people are throwing the "t-these awards d-don't mean shit!" tantrum. this is delicious and will keep me entertained for the rest of the year.

these awards are sucking each others dicks

the entire video game industry sucks each other off

it starts by indie games and it was revleaed long ago thanks to zoe quinn drama and of course it doesn't stop there

its one big network sucking each other to fool the normies