Hey! Where's my materia?

Hey! Where's my materia?

Too flat to be appealing, not flat enough to be appealing


yuffie > jessie > elena > tifa > scarlet > marlene > barret > aeris

Just made for casual sex.


what is the point of a forehead protector anyhow?

And tummy kissing.

Have you not played FFVII?

the broad in the red dress that tifa has a qte slapfight with on the top of the sister ray

Jessie sucks ass. She's a mediocre hacker.

she's also flat

That's a good thing though. i don't remember her being flat

fuck you, jesse is best non-yuffie girl

To protect your forehead.

Can't make fake IDs
Can't fight
Gets stuck like a dumbass


but she's cute

that's all that matters

That only matters when one is alive.

she's still alive in my heart, that's what matters

Only your waifu can live in your heart, you filthy Yuffiefag.

who said I can't have multiple waifus?

there's plenty of room in this heart

>who said I can't have multiple waifus?
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know I was talking to a normalfag.

maybe you gotta accept more than one waifu

maybe then you could see that there is room in your heart for jesse AND yuffie as well as your waifu

there's too many waifus to have just one, user

Speaking of useless, what about the fattie? Or that other guy who I can barely remember?

Trips confirm

armpit fetishist are the worst

you just have shit taste

Nope. Sorry, that's cheating and/or normalfag logic.
I've only one waifu and she's the only one for me.

What. Armpits are literally the best part about a woman. Flat + sweaty shaved armpits = gold

Wedge? Or was he the other one ?

See? No-one else remember anything from those clowns.

life is too short to keep yourself restricted to one waifu, user

you've got to live a little and accept a pure girl like jessie or yuffie into your heart

this guy makes some 10/10 yuffie and rebecca chambers images

I partially agree. I'm a more a thighs kind of guy. Armtips are pretty good tho

>tfw no gf to lick armpit

>tfw gf doesnt embrace any of my fetishes

Firs you start collecting ''waifus'' like pokemon, next you will find yourself dating some 3dpd ho.

Then why are you with her? Women are a waste of time. Their only funtion in life is to please men and she's not doing right.

I have lots of fetishes and I'd expect my girlfriend to embrace at least 2 or 3 of them.

long story short she was a kissless before meeting me mostly just her being shy about everything still.

Iron was expensive in Feudal Japan. Forehead protectors helps defend the most likely place a person's head would be attacked in a one to one duel (if they also blocked/parried the attack) if they couln't afford a full helmet.

It's time to tell her who's in charge, then. Shy girls make excellent submisive types.

Worst kind of girl. You must've been desperate to date someone like her.

best kind of materia

She's flat as in how a pancake is flat. she got crushed in the pillar collapse

Yuffie is godtier but why do people rate Aeris so bad?

>yuffie and rebecca chambers
makes sense

>multiple waifus == normalfag
If that's the cost then so be it

because aeris has nothing to her

no big tiddies, no flat tiddies, no ass, just a boring dress and a boring personality

aeris is p boring

cuz Aeris a shit


she got thighs in her later appearances, was cute, and had a sassy personality

you'd only think she's boring if you had bad taste or were a secondary who played/watched the compilation/KH stuff first

she's p tame

yuffie is cute and flat, tifa is a titty monster, aeris is either the most bland motherfucker or the dirtiest slut imaginable

>my one and only
And then you remember she's not real and you realize how stupid you sound.


>Mistress Yuffie bull never bust your balls

>Yuffie is trap Noctis

T-that's good?

This might be the darkest final episode ever