Guys, how BTFO/JUST Randy felt once Overwatch won game of the year on Dorito Pope's event last night?

Guys, how BTFO/JUST Randy felt once Overwatch won game of the year on Dorito Pope's event last night?

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Fuck everything about that smarmy thundercuck.


damn, didn't realize they did it all


>Randy acts like an idiot for brownie points while Neil misses the joke entirely

>it's a twitter drama thread
OP pls die

how many magic shows did YOU go to last night?

Reminder that there are more playable characters in BattleBorn than players

is that even the real niel?

Why is he so unfunny? Why is he so popular?
Is it a R*ddit thing?

>Neil (The Black Jew) Degrasse Tyrone has no sense of humor



>t. underageb& that grew up without public access television.

none, but I also didnt wasted 40 million dollars on a dead game
>Why is he so unfunny?
Have you seen his wife? Its an ugly landwhale and his son is a fedoralord, he's dying inside

Before computers were commonly used, women took jobs as calculators, doing math out by hand for the head scientists. It was seen as low-skill work

Implying that women got men to the moon is WE WUZ territory of historical distortion


>bringing up blizzard's failed project
>when Randy still hasn't salvaged anything from his failed Battleborn project

>failed titan project
titan was supposed to be their new MMO, right? didn't they scrap the MMO idea when they saw that WoW hadn't crashed yet and so they just made it a MOBA instead?

This guy literally has no sense of humor, he keeps spending time on twitter "deconstructing" movies that don't even try to be hard sci-fi

Feel bad for the media who spent a fuckton trying to push him as Sagan's successor though

>t. retard who watched black science man instead of the og Carl Sagan

Blizzard has many dropped projects, ghost being the main one people bring up

Of course the other side of this coin is they stuff they do release sells like hot cakes

>not watching both

Is he (dare i say it?) /ourguy/?

Poor Randy, having such a disgusting wife/kid combo

I think even James Cameron called him out on it once.

>Have you seen his wife? Its an ugly landwhale and his son is a fedoralord, he's dying inside
I thought it was his wife's son.

Remember the time Randy lied about winning the name Gearbox from Gabe Newell in a game of cards?

Did Gabe called bullshit on that?

James Cameron is pretty based desu

>Tfw you're not Randy pitchford


>How dare you speak to me

>They're "failed" project has sold more then battleborn
My fucking sides.

mfw i checked the video
mfw its real

>A company's scrap pile game is better than something you and dozens of others have wholeheartedly devoted yourselves to.


He will never come close to being like Carl Sagan, he has too big of an ego, no humility and too self centered.

Even his Cosmos remake is a horrible insult to Sagan's Cosmos which wasn't nearly as hostile to Christianity and focused on much more than just that shit.

he must've just been really fucking bored in that line. just download some games to your phone or something

>your father will never be Randy Pitchford
>your father will never be Anthony Burch
dodged a bullet there, lads

this has a lot of Sup Forumstential.


>watching both

Get some discerning taste, faggot.

No its not a verified (checkmark) account.

Its a Neil fan/impersonator only.

oh look americans token science nigger rewriting history

really cranked my neurons up towards ON (enabled) mode

>Everyone taking the parody account seriously

You guys for real?

From what their documentary thing about the making of Overwatch said, apparently it became so much of a mechanical clusterfuck with people all drawing lines to work on their own aspects of the game that when they looked back on it they realized it was a piece of shit and scrapped it entirely

Fuck borders n' laws n' shit. Let all them Africans in.

>start watching the new Cosmos
>entire first episode is about Christianity and how evil it is.

So.....why is this show called Cosmos? All I wanted was to hear Neil talk about galaxies and shit. Dropped.

what the fuck did he just say to her

is this real?

jesus fucking crist
what the fuck is hapening here? source or enithing? shit looks sureal

This, Jesus Randy don't rub salt in your own fucking wounds.

Really makes you think, maybe we dont need borders and boundaries at all, and states or nations even, I mean we had them since 2500 years ago but maybe we will do just fine without them now...

Really activated my almonds, such deep philosophical insight


Who has the cap where he's talking about how epic Battleborn is?

Let's just get rid of all the borders overnight. I read an anarcho-capitalism book once so it could totally work.

One of my physics lecturers is a tiny Chinese dude who absolutely loathes Tyson because he's contributed nothing of actual tangible value to the subject, can't stand it when he's brought up in class.


Jesus christ, just goes to show. No matter how successful you are, if you're a cuck you'll still settle for a hippo. He's not even bad looking, it's just sad.

I think they wanted an fps mmo, but it spent so much time in dev limbo and there were so many conflicting ideas they couldn't get it to work. Plus destiny took off and owns that niche for the time being, and destiny isn't even that good.

Tracer was supposed to be one of the playable classes though.

She only looks like she has her eyes wide open because of the contrast with the chinese dude.

Did someone say ancap?

what the fuck

is that woman high as balls or something ?

>I mean we had them since 2500 years ago
try at least 5500

All of science consists of "artificially conceived" explanations for reality.

Cosmos was Carl Sagan's personal project (A Personal Voyage), which he planned to follow up with a sequel called Ethos.

Neil and Seth's Cosmos remake is nothing but a half assed attempt to promote Neil as being equal to as "another" Carl Sagan and stroke his ego while using the name and ideas of Sagan's Cosmos series to promote that view, only retitling as a Spacetime Oddysey and then what isn't outright taken from the old Cosmos just with shiny new CGI is replaced with bashing on Christianity and religion and spirituality in a way that not even Sagan did.

Now when you tell someone to watch Cosmos you have to specify which one, Carl Sagan's Cosmos, but when they ask why when theres that new one, you have to explain how its nothing but Neil ego-stroking while trying to be the next Carl Sagan and using the popular Cosmos name to surpass Sagan's old series when he really should have called it something else.

No other science popularizer today called their show Cosmos and attempted to be the next Carl Sagan, only Neil Tyson without an ounce of humility is the one to do so.


Didn't know you needed a passport just to go to the zoo.

She suffers exophthalmos

original video

>He's not even bad looking, it's just sad.
I dont know user, his wife used to look really good back in the early 00s, I interviewed him a couple of times for 1up and EGM back in 2003 about the Halo PC edition and then about Brothers in arms, he was always with his future wife (a really hot woman back then) and then after they got married she got fas as fuck and turned into a SJW. I wonder if she was the one that pozzed Randy with the SJW string


DeGrasse Tyson ruining everyone's fun on Twitter is my favorite meme



>Neil and Seth's Cosmos remake is nothing but a half assed attempt to promote Neil as being equal to as "another" Carl Sagan
Wasnt WEWUZCOSMOS also censored in order not to trigger retarded burgers with evolution?

fucking kek

really? That would make a lotta sense, Might take a look see if I can find any younger pics of her




Fucking KEK

Y'all niggas pretending to be blind?

Sagan's Cosmos goes into evolution and devotes an entire episode to it in the 2nd or 3rd episode, dont know about Neil's.

>The 13th amendment makes it illegal to own niggas like this.jpg

Oh man, that's rough.

He knew that he couldn't attend the after party 'cause no-one would want him there.

Jesus this guy is a joke

Holy shit why am I listening to this
this is a mega c u c c

>How dare you speak to me

>americans wearing their shoes inside their castle

holy shit

God, Tyson is such a fucking idiot. He's like the fucking poster child for pseudo-intellectual STEMtards.

What happened to people like Sagan? How did the scientific community become so inundated with such incorrigible idiots?

Why did you do to me

>and here's my sniper nest
