Playstation All-Stars 2 announcement tomorrow, your roster?




>Knack because why the fuck not
>Sean Murray


>implying sakurai wont put the same 30 characters + 5 new ones in it

Kat is the only one that matters



Good Hunter would be pretty sick

I would love to have a team with my favorite tan girls

>nathan vs joel

I'd buy in a heartbeat
It'd be better to wait with more new characters from these new IPs that are coming out.

mfw sonyponys think their shit fur bait excuses for franchises are in any way shape or form anything other than complete and utter dirty brown water trash

Rehash bandisloot, shy pooper, ratshit and stank, ballsac and haxtar, isharted and so many other shitty franchises are complete ass and the only reason anyone thinks they're anything close to not the functional equivalent of a heaping mound of garbage is because they were the few games that took more than 20 minutes to beat among the mountain of shovel ware shit that got dumped on the wobbleststion 2 which is all you played with when you were kids because your family was to fucking poor to buy anything other than some two bit nip cuck mediocre DVD player

Fuck off faggots

>Being this buttblasted that Ratchet and Clank is still more relavent than Mario

lmao go back to your nintendo, I´m sure if some of those games were in your nintendo you would suddenly love the games

Remember that now waifus and dlcs are good now that nintendo does it.

There are still people who thinks that Link´s name is Zelda, and are trying to make us believe that Lucina or Palutena are as famous as Mario.

Dart from Legend of Dragoon is all I want

This is bait fellas

I don't see why people hated the first Sony Smash


Lurk moar, newfriends

>Playstation All-Stars 2 announcement tomorrow
I hope not, the first one sucked.

Me too, tan girls are best

>there was gonna be a cool as fuck stage in Vendecentre from Gravity Rush, on the side of a building, which would get demolished, fill with sand, and become the bridge section from Journey
>it never happened

please no

You have more chance of Spider from Spider being in the roster.

>Last Guardian kid
>Bloodborne guy
>Nioh guy
>Persona guy
>Star Ocean guy
>FF15 guy

There you go

I played it with my friends a couple of times. It was boring as fuck, it didn't have any charisma, the roster was a weird mix of characters that didn't fit each other, and it was really dull. Even my Sonyfags friends didn't like it.

This reminds me of those sections in Game Infarcer where a salty dweeb named Darth Clark would review games in this style

I miss those days

>Star Ocean guy
This series deserves no rep, the series is mediocre as fuck and the most recent entry is shit

Sony should have made a smash game in the ps1 era when it had the iconic mascots: Snake, Lara, Crash, Cloud, Raziel...

Don´t play it, pasbr were fun even with the small budget and shitty roster.

>non-sony exclusive character
>non-sony exclusive character
>non-sony exclusive character
>non-sony exclusive character
>sony exclusive character
>non-sony exclusive character
>sony exclusive character

Gonna be a gr8 roster there

needs my nigga magusar

Featuring S H O V E L K N I G T H

its gonna be bad because sony seems to pay attention to certain ips on a console and then drops support of those said ips when the new console comes out. can you think of a sony ip that has been on every playstation console? the only one i can think of is gran turismo. i think the only companies that can do a smash like fighting game is sega, capcom, and maybe konami

Ratchet and Clank are consistent enough that they may as well be the real mascots of Playstation these days.

Tifa with really hueg titters

Robbit, they have like the second 3D platformer ever created, it's fucking original compared to goddamn TLOU

he may be from a poorly sold one shot game, but goddamn I love this little fucker. Plus I want a Puppet Stage Show level.

Most actually good Sony characters are always less known because they don't try to rely on some trend.

I agree and hes actually pretty unique

He is the perfect rival for Iota

Reminder that she was going to be one of the original playstation mascots. Can´t believe Sony ignores Toshinden, such an awesome roster

>The good hunter
>A nep
>Some persona character
>Maybe the last guardian or something?

These would be nice

No...because if he is there Raziel is a shoe in too and if the only 2 times we get them in a game these past 13 years are in PSASBR and skins in Tomb Raider: Guardian of Light its more evidence the modern game industry is without salvation.

Well is they are gonna have representation at least they should put in chessboard witch over whoever the MC was.

Fuck the roster

How do you make it without making a 2d fighter or a full Smash ripoff

rip off power stone

They can do the Killer Instinct treatment though.

Ripoff Smash is not bad, it´s not like there has to be only one game of that genre, Cartoon Network or Tales of had a smash-type game.

make it 3D then or either a party game or adventure something

>Playstation All-Stars 2

What was that

I'd be down for this but I feel like they couldn't repeat the formula.

If you go through what they have, its a pretty good roster and had iconic characters from PS1 and some PS2. But the studio had NO pull what so ever to get anyone.

Evil Cole
Slightly evil but mostly good Cole
Ice Cole
Fire Cole
Thunder Cole


by making it a kart racer instead.

Im still mad, even though i dont even have the game, im a huge LoD fan and even this tiny recognition now gone.

That's a naughty gecko

I'd be okay with this; inFAMOUS is the only good playstation series that isn't fucking DEAD.



After seeing how they treated Patapon last game I'd rather not.

But Naughtyfins needs some r34 already, it's been 6 years goddamn it

I'm hyped.



What did the first one do to warrent a sequel?

Sony doesnt have enough mascots, let alone recognized mascots to make a sequel to smash ripoff

thats why the first one failed so hard.
but sonyponies live in the world of make-believe, so for them all those third-party characters are mascots.

Also Cloud is on Smash, get rekt.

Yeah, Sony should focus on all their other IPs such as


>Gex from Gex
>Spike from ape escape/one of the apes from ape escape
>Kratos from GoW
>Cole from infamous (with bad cole and delsin as alternate outfit, not a whole different character)
>Hunter from bloodborne
>Helghast from Killzone
>Daniel from Medievil
>Cloud from FF7
>Kat from Gravity Rush
>Jak and Daxter from Jak
>Cordyceps infected from TLOU
>Aliens from Resistance
>Croc from Croc
>Sora from KH
>a car from gran turismo
and a whole lot more i can't think of at the moment

Probably hoping for the impossible on this one.

It was OK. Online was kinda fun until they nerfed the shit out of the game. I think fans of the first are more hoping for a way better mascot game made my competent devs

Does anyone have a compilation of these sections? Really want to reread them, see if any of the satire has predicted anything today

>the car from Gran Turismo's backstory is that it's training to become strong enough to defeat a car from Cruisin' USA
This would actually make me want the game

I'm so glad they said it'll play like Power Stone. I've always wanted this type of game to play like that.

Nobody's saying there popular, but it's the casuals to blame that they don't explore their medium when they pick Uncharted over something like Jumping fucking Flash

>Darth Clark
Aw shit son

How much of an insecure, fanboy idiot do you have to be to come to this thread and make this post?

That is fucking fantastic.

Because nintendo licks everything nintendo does, I´m sure Lucina is as known as Mario! or that Palutena of that regular 3ds game, or that boxer.

Sony has more variety because they don´t milk the same ips over and over and over.

Yeah I read lot of nintendofags glad of Cloud´s inclusion even though they hate on him when he was on sony´s console.

I fucking loved these, man

I wanna see Kat being Spike's friend

What are the chances?

>inb4 making the breasts smaller

Dragons crown

Smash fags are so insecure and retarded. At least we know we want a fun game and dont try to believe it is a serious competitive fighting game.


We're talking about fucking crossovers, why do they think this attracts autists into making shitty fan art and fanfics?

This is like taking Kingdom Heart seriously like the series itself wasn't a huge prank

That's because the series is owned by Tamsoft and Takara, and Takara hasn't done much in the way of video games in years.

Plus the last Toshinden game ruined the franchise and didn't even get an english release.

Considering he was planned for DLC in the first game, his chances are probably surprisingly high.

It´s not like they can´t remake the series, look at Killer Instinct.

Does it really matter who is on the roster? If they just do the same gameplay from the first it will still suck.

I know it'll never happen though.

They could add any character they want.

If the gameplay is still complete dogshit like the first, I don't care.

I legit loved PSASBR. My ideal roster:

-All the characters from 1, plus Abe and Dart
-Sorceress (Dragon's Crown)


>tfw they ruined Spike

He looks like he's sick, which is problaly which he never grew old

The gameplay is supposed to be changed to Power Stone style. It's an arena type combat now.

He looked absolutely fucking retarded, but was the most fun character I've ever played in a fighting game.

>no katamari

>Sean Murray
I unironically want this

Those are some thick eyebrows