Me considering to switch from console to pc

>me considering to switch from console to pc
>ask pc maniac for advice
>"finally user, i dont know how you could spent so much time with a fucking playstation."
>"can you help me building a nice pc for battlefiled? how much will cost, btw?"
>"blablabla 1200 € blablabla"

you've got some weird h-games on your backlog, user

Or you can spend 400 bucks on something that will run battlefield as well as a PS4.

But this is a bait thread because no one's that stupid

>PC cucks spend 1200+ dollars on a computer
>all they play is pretentious pixel art indie shit and uninspired porn games that could run on a toaster

PC cucks everyone!

Afaik, for 400 bucks you can get only absolute shit computers. Cmon, why are you spending so fucking much money instead of just buying a PS4 and making holidays on some nice beach every year?

Well, either that 1,2k machine is gonna last you for a really long time (mine lasted from 2009 to 2015, and I only upgraded to a 980 because I got it for free, was still playing Witcher 3 on high with 40-ish fps on my assold 480) or you tried to get advice from a tech illiterate.

Or you could grt a PC that's on par (actually slightly above) with a PS 4 for thr same price. Or you get a future proof system with better graphics and stable fps and still have more money left for holidays because you have work and game station in one already, you don't need to pay extra for online and can get games cheap on sales.

The only bait here is yours user

Things that never happened.

Honestly if you look at the price per component buying a pre-built pc isn't nearly as bad as it used to be. You can actually find some competitively priced deals on hardware, paying and extra 30 - 50 for assembly.

Nobody will ever tell you this though because there's a whole stigma among pc enthusiasts about buying prebuilt, mostly because it historically hasn't been an good option.

If building, get a mid range graphics card for cheap. For the rest of the components just get cheap shit that fills bare minimum requirements for high end games. I built mine for $600, but the parts weren't bought on sale and I got windows 7.

If youre only going to spend 400 you shouldnt even bother

This guy is full of shit.

A pc of the same price as the ps4 will always be shit

>building a PC just to play shitty AAA multiplats

stick to console

Forgot your fat crying pc wojak with the filename "image"

>A pc of the same price as the ps4 will always be shit

if your goal is to run every games on max settings with 60FPS or more then yes, it's going to be shit

if you are a poorfag and just want to step into PC then there's no problem, you can still buy the necessary stuff later no need to change everything at the same time

If you want to play indie shit then the pc is the platform to go to

>tfw poor pc fag
Actually saved up enough to upgrade from the 400 series nvidia, but now I'm getting bottlenecked by my shitty cpu. I'd have to replace my mobo too to get a new one.
Please kill me.

this thread is gay

check my 5

>1200 euros for a PC
No? I spent 700 US dollars on mine back when the PS3 came out and I'm still using it. Also no online fee, so I've saved quite a bit of money.
>for battlefield
First off, game is shit.
Secondly, you don't want to put origin onto your computer.

I'm in the same boat. Was looking at upgrades but now I'm breaking down an getting a PS4 instead. I love PC gaming but I've been streaming for years and new shit kills my ancient i3 CPU with OBS running alongside a modern game.

oh yeah because everyone has the money to buy a dev kit from microsoft or sony and then pay the liscence fees to devellop and publish their games on the console

pc is good for everything, from work to games and including data storage, next it's all up to the user to create or update his machine to do whatever he want

nowadays console are really trying to be some sort of PC with the same function, web browser, watching tv, social shit and games, the only thing on why console still exist is because people still think PC require knowledge in electronic to use, and that is because of the 90s when PC parts costed an arm and leg and console was nothing but gaming machine that even a monkey could use

Should increase that to 460 + 60 dollars for every year you plan on playing since you need an online sub to play bf1 online on ps4

Why, what is wrong with origin? Elaborate, please.

Not that poster but I've had a lot of trouble with Origin failing to even start certain games. BF3 no longer works for me at all, tried to troubleshoot it for weeks but finally said fuck it and picked up a copy for PS3 for five bucks.

litteraly EA botnet and also has worse feature than steam, that include required an online connection to browse your games list

Its 2016, what is the fucking problem with having an online connection?

Prove it

Hardmode: make a pc better than an xbone s for $350 aud (the current ms prive)

>buy something on steam
>demands I download its secondary drm botnet spyware
I'd say they can't keep getting away with this, but they actually just pull their games from steam now forcing you to go to their website if you want their games. It's like they don't want my money.
Glad stardock got rid of its dumb steam clone crap.

I sincerely wish I never fell for the PC meme. So much money wasted to play literally nothing.

It's not a problem having internet access.
But a single player game shouldn't require it on principle. It's extra drm that serves no other purpose than to fuck you over, literally designed to be annoying.

>every year
nigga you can't be serious, nobody except rich fags and autists upgrade their PC yearly

are you that guy that worked for microsoft and litteraly mocked people who don't have internet access ?

it might be 2016 but some people don't have an internet access or have a very shitty internet, we 7 billion and everyone live in mega cities

you buy a car that drives at 300kph to move at 40kph in the city right?

>I'll take things that never happened to make me look like a victim for 60 per year

Yeah fuck spending a lot of money on a PC haha fuck faces
>buys a game console and then spends another 600 on a laptop from best buy

Yeah lmao whatever

It's more that buying cheap hardware is a waste of money. A $400 PC isn't that good but a PS4 isn't that good either. Spending $1000 is just comfier since you can get an SSD and a decent CPU to decompress files faster.

>computers are overspeced

>ask pc maniac for advice
you fucked up

Pc is just for show and not for poorfags
That's all there is to it, accept it and move on with your life stupid frogposter
If you are poor and want a shitty thing to play games, stick with your stupid ps4 for poorfag, neet, teenagers with no job living in their parent's basement.
The only true winners are idorts, always and forever.

I really do hate when yuros lie about this.

>Oi bruv got me a used oi5 for 15 quid m8

What's with this 2013 meme now?

PS4's are 200 now.

99% of people didn't wait 3 years to buy their console of choice

>he doesn't future-proof his build

I built a 970 memer for like 1300$ last year and I can got a used PS4 for 200$ last week. Everything in my build was above average, but nothong spectacular.

Let's not compare prices. PC does other things for me that make it worth the orice of admission

Does this matter? We are talking about now.

Future proof is a stupid meme, kill yourself
Such thing doesn't exist

It does for parts like the motherboard and PSU