Name a better Operator

Name a better Operator.
Siege thread



Blitz buff too pls

Definately no.
Fuck you
Fuck you again
Total bro, but no.


Name a less fun operator to play.




Rook, Twitch, Tachanka, Echo


Isn't the new attacker just a better Thermite?

Why is Blitz so shit?


>the Special Assault Team (SAT) was established after a year's training with the GSG 9, GIGN and the British SAS.

Rainbow Six has the deepest lore

Question, I'm very new to siege but found an enjoyment out of rook. Is he actually as bad as all my friends and teamates say or is he actually viable for high ranked play and I shouldn't listen to them?

Her charges take a lot longer to break walls and cant be removed from a wall if jammed

And she only gets 3 charges and it takes 2 charges to get a similar hole to Thermite

Post yfw 1v4

Rook is literally the most picked character in the entire game bro

Nigga has like a 85% pick rate

Why the fuck do reddit try so fucking hard to force this meme in this game

It's fucking stupid

>not most fun

He's good to use if you don't really want to think of strats for your equipment (Where to properly place Kapkan's trip mines or Frost's bear traps etc.) Just put the armor down, put your walls up and thats it.

He's still picked in high ranked play, but seeing how good players aim for the head, Rook's usefulness could be questionable.

Oh I see.
Seems like one of her charges would be good with Blackbeard if they get it off.

>tapping and shuffling noises



R6 siege? more like R6 SAGE, gay ass rainbowlookin gloryhole simulator. literally a glorified heroshooter.

neotokyo is far better in my opinion, i dont get the siege hype

Thanks for the info.

Hibana is really best at blowing reinforced hatches since it only takes one charge and jammers dont work up on the hatches

>fall off ledge
every time

Then why are you here? There is no hype, the game released a year ago.

>why are you here
to learn about peoples different opinions on the game

Even better is Hibana's launcher was co-developed by Thatcher after she met him at a conference.


>neotokyo is far better in my opinion

Literally a dead game hope you enjoyed you left lean simulator while it lasted


Gonna have to agree with this, I picked it up on free weekend once and literally rolled my eyes when I found out it was 5 v 5 hero shooter for multiplayer. I'm fucking tired of small team "competitive" "skillbased" games.

Co-op terrorist hunt was fun though, I honestly think that was intended to be the main draw of players to the game

Shield hitboxes are so fucky

I'll be killed from across the room by a guy directly in front of me, but I'll shoot a shield guy in the back and the bullets will bounce right off the shield at his side

So much retardation in this post

>hero shooter
>Co-op terrorist hunt was fun
top wew

thanks for the opinion

>non arguments

>I honestly think that was intended to be the main draw of players to the game
This put too much of it on the hook.
If you left it without that, you would have had a few more (You)'s

Also they're basically an invitation for Bandit to listen in on sound cues.


Depends on the op and their stance. Some ops have larger or smaller shields and I think blitz doesn't even fully cover his legs even when crouching

His right hand is also easy to shoot. People like to shit on Montagne but he's really fucking helpful on some maps, especially Plane. Blitz, on the other hand, is I don't even know. His shield is bad, his gadget only works if you're basically hugging an enemy AND Mute cam jam it.

They need to change it so that shield bros take less damage from arm and leg shots and only take like 75% damage from a blocked nitro cell


>Playing capture as Ash
>Last one standing, Caveira is last on the enemy team
>Get in the cap, 9 rounds left in the rifle, too scared to reload
>Timer is almost out
>Hear rushing sounds
>She's breaking one of the barricades
>Shoot, miss
>Quickly switch to the pistol and shoot a couple of rounds
>I get downed
>Turns out I still managed to get a headshot on her
>Win the round by capping while downed
It was my own fault for not reloading but the result was cool as fuck, like those Western showdowns.

>no refuting points

alright cool, wasn't fishing for (You)s from meme posts but I'll take them


who cares

>Walls exploding from every direction

I didn't know how horrifying and exciting this feel is until recently, and now I crave it

Thank you Siege.


Shield hitboxes are retarded af.

>have shield out
>person spams their gun at me
>somehow still take damage when they're RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME
>get headshotted at the most obscene angle ever by a random lucky shot because the hitbox of my head sticks out more than my actual head I guess?

The guns in this game are completely random

>be pulse


If I wanted to play as a Nazi OP, I'd pick the cuite instead.



>panic reload
>get killed

>wall on your left blow open
>hear footsteps slowly creep up to the front door
>hear someone drop down the hatch into the objective

That's when you know your time has come to an end. They gun you down like a firing squad


Welcome to the world of hitscanning user. Be sure to mail any bombs you have to Valve because they're the ones that popularized it.


Rook's usefulness is that he can protect his team and then immediately switch roles to take a forward position or roam a second floor. His speed is definitely a deterrent, but he's the got the most armor out of the defenders as a default, so anything less than a headshot will keep you safe.

Plus the P90 is a terrifying weapon.

>mfw i win

This game does everything for me that counter strike does not.

Who knew i'd love a ubisoft game in 2016?

>This game does everything for me that counter strike does not.
>Who knew i'd love a ubisoft game in 2016?
Literally me tbqh.

>aim at enemy spawnrushing
>slow reaction time, way too late to do anything

>teammate breaks a barricaded door behind you
>180 degrees in nanoseconds, perfect flick shooting straight to the head
>it was fucking thermite



Alright Sup Forums, I play csgo in esea-invite and this game has caught my eye on several occasions. Convince me to buy it on steam and play.

Not trolling, I'm being serious. I've watched a lot of gameplay and it's really interesting. Does this game have a healthy comp scene?

>Yfw the team 5-0s your team

bought this game over the weekend during the sale

Fucking love it. So much fun.

Mute and Thatcher my favorites so far

Im alwats hearing about the comps being on twitch but never really watched them. But I do hear of them a lot. My 4 stack got paired with a pro player that was playing solo. we kicked him

>Only have one friend who plays Siege
>Only ever play Pulse and Twitch
>Sits on his drone literally the entire match trying to tazee people while ignoring all the gadgets and cameras because "XD distracitons XD"
>Sits in a corner on the heartbeat scanner just watching the enemy go past not giving call outs or shooting them
>If someone takes Twitch first he goes Glaz and screams at them in chat
>If someone takes Pulse he goes recruit and griefs Pulse the whole match
He also only plays Mei in Overwatch literally 0 seconds played with any other character

Anyone else play with THAT guy

It doesn't have anything like ESEA yet but it has monthly tournaments called Go4R6 that any team can compete in.

>Mute and Thatcher
I don't like your concept of fun, but I do like your concept of being a team player!

Also post dope webms you have made

Don't play with him

>maining anyone in Siege

I'm good with all 28 operators, but then again I've had over 100+ hours on the game and know team composition.

I mean outside of gadgets and weapon loadouts (and shields), every operator plays the same.

>Does this game have a healthy comp scene?
What's weird about this game is it does.
On Xbox, because Microsoft sponsors it.

Beyond that, it's an absolutely fantastic game.

No, because I don't let retards be my 'friend'.


Sounds cool.

How much of cs, if any, would actually translate over to this game? It seems like the mechanical skill and stuff like that is vastly different but some of the game sense and map awareness faculties could be relevant. Also things like coordinated executes onto sites and blocking vision, etc.

>not maining an operator so you get used to their guns and playstyle

>tfw playing thatcher and being butt buddies with thermite
>breaking down reinforcements
>covering each other
>spooning gently after the match

Why did they ruin Twitch?

I just love mute for making the team blind by denying drones and Thatcher for getting rid of Kapkan crap.

I switched from csgo (DMG) to this and gun game is closer to CoD than CSGO but call outs, spotting, recon and co-ordination is very useful so if you're used to calling out people crossing, how many on site and where, you'll be loved in this game.


>literally rolled my eyes
You're so cool.

They made her better.

>go beyond Thatcher/Thermite
>Get the Thatcher/Thermite/Hibana/Fuze/Ash team comp
>Basically coordinate so we spend the first minute with Thatcher disabling electronics and all Attackers lining up
>Spend last 2 minutes doing what can only be described as "sensory overload" as we coordinate and pretty much do multiple breaches/charges/attacks at once

Hasn't failed us yet.

She look like whore now.

It is actually closer to CSGO with the main skill guaranteeing success being crosshair placement and controlled pre-fire.

I completely agree.
Ignore these faggots

>not getting the 4k challenge

Every tim



She's French.

That sounds awesome