"comfy" game

>"comfy" game

>busty "woman"

>"video games" thread

>"feminine" penis

>b-but it's c-comfy
>m-muh comfy

>"Fun" game

>"RTS games aren't about strategy but about fast clicking because I lost to a rush"

"Anything" Goes Material Arts

>weeb fat manchild

>Real Time "Strategy"

>not being "comfy"

>Rune Factory Frontier
Not disagreeing, but a majority of the franchise is comfy.

Also missing Minecraft.

vide "game"

i'd also say secret world is p comfy for a spoopy mmo

This tbqh.
If you say comfy in that way you're an enormous memeloving faggot who needs to die.
There has never been a more cancerous scum than comfyfags.

>Come in expecting delicious gender bender talk
>Instead it's just meme shit

>Ham-Ham Heartbreak.
That game has no right to be so damn good.

Pick one.
That unsettling as fuck ocean color at dusk.
Those fucking big octos.
Night sailing with that spooky fucking music.
Fuck off. Comfy is such a stupid fucking meme word.

The ocean in the middle of the night was serene if you were in a quiet spot without any enemies around.

I'm with you user, that game was terrifying.

Yeah, I hate this "comfy" meme. Animal crossing should be considered a hardcore competitive speedrunning game that it was meant to be from the start!

You're fucking stupid and a baby

A lot of the games on there can get pretty dark.

A game being 'comfy' doesn't mean it can't be anything else.

I think the contrast makes it extra comfy. Every island becomes super comfy because it's a safe zone.
Think of Amnesia The Dark Descent, and that one place with the water fountain and serene music after the water monster.

>not expecting a stealth Ranma thread

what's the meaning of the ones with asterisks?

Not published in English.
Some of them have fan translations though.

Oh boy. Time for another gender bending vidya thread.

Is Donkey Kong Country 2 comfy?

>ywn be able to transform into a female through the usage of water and have crazy sex parties, only to return to normal when you go home to take a shower

Do you think Ranma's pussy & asshole gets fixed up with the transitions or does it stay flabby and roasty if it gets gangbanged by the highschool football team?

>Student Transfer soon
My boner will reach the stars.

if Ranma got raped/fucked, he would commit seppuku with his mom

s-shut up
Ranma would love the occasional gangbang

Don't think so.

>no Trails in the Sky
>Link's Awakening
What a trash list, much like OP's taste in anime.

So much that he will kill himself

What's wrong with using cozy?

It implies that the game has nothing good about it, like gameplay, graphics, and so on so you need a buzzword to sell it.

Mai has made me spill buckets of cum.

did someone say comfy?

Shame he didn't develop it further. At least we got the Colonial Charter mod.

I wonder what this guy is doing now? Did he just retire to roll around in his millions?

is that even a real thing? i know anime has it but games? non-jap games?

>Mother 3

Gender bending? Sure.

Also in Ghouls and Goblins for SNES. An enemy will turn you into a harmless girl if you get hit buy his spell.

>no FFVII, FFVIII, SaGa Frontier, SaGa Frontier II or Minecraft v1.4

What a shit list.

Etrian Odyssey

>being unironically scared by a video game

Fuck gotta play some PSO again. Good days.