>Nintendo intentionally gimping the Wii U's framerate to make people buy the superior Switch version
How fucking scummy can you be?
>Nintendo intentionally gimping the Wii U's framerate to make people buy the superior Switch version
How fucking scummy can you be?
Much more likely that they started developing on the Switch and stopped focusing on the Wii U performance.
I'm amazed the damn thing can even run it. The poor thing can't do more than that.
Woah, It's almost like a company wants money.
It ran XCX.
And it looked amazing, but it had some horrible character model pop up.
Did you see the framerate on the Switch preview? It looks garbage.
I haven't seen any gameplay footage of BOTW that looked smooth.
This and it's definitely not a hardware problem since the Wii U has honestly ran better looking games and the Switch is more powerful than it.
optimization is one of the last things to be done in game development.
They will get it right for both consoles have faith.
Fuck nintendo for trying to make money and making fun games in the process right? Stop being a fucking poorfag and fork out £200 for a console that'll be infinitely better than the Wii U.
>Inb4 that's a lot of money
>have faith
i'm not a teenager anymore. I stopped having faith right around when i realized all of those "DSi exclusive" games they kept bringing up meant the ones on the eshop
even the "DSi enhanced" games can be counted on one hand
nintendo's never really made a true physics sandbox game before so they dunno how to make it run well
whoa nintendrones are back, it's been a while after they were utterly BTFO but i guess they are resurrecting
>it's not expensive because something else cost more once
wow, have you considered a career in law?
I'm really excited for BOTW.
While the gameplay still looked fun in the latest trailer, the fog and visuals looked like absolute dogshit. It better not fucking look like that on the Switch.
Holy shit I just thought of that, they really want wiiU owners to get the Switch fucking scumbags
If you think £200 is a lot of money you need to get a better job rather then stacking shelves user.
citation needed
And we come full circle
>Not realising that framerates are one of the last things developers work on
Nobody in this thread is saying that. You brought it up in reply to the OP. And decided the best way to combat the argument you brought up yourself was to say "something else cost more once"
Are you ill? Is there an ailment that causes people to enter a thread and argue with themselves?
Saying a company wants money makes me a nintendrone?
How about you fuck off reddit-kun
Can Nintendo just like fuck off. Why are they such fucking jews? Seriously they are the biggest Jew company in this gaming industry, even worse than Microsoft for fuck sake..
Is this news to you? They've intentionally gimped different versions before, like Mario Maker and Sm4sh which had 50 differences between the two versions, although not all are flaws, as shown by a video in the 3ds e-shop
You're arguing that it's expensive just because i said it's £200, £200 isn't a lot of money, I was just comparing it to a console that happens to cost more, i'd rather play the game on a cheap console that runs better than its predecessor, wouldn't you?
>I'm not a teenager anymore
I didn't know growing up meant being unreasonably cynical as an adult.
It's pretty common knowledge that most development cycles put optimization last. When was the last time Nintendo put out a game in one of their flagship series that didn't almost always maintain a stable FPS?
>saying this while the likes of EA, Activision, Blizzard exist
>Did you see the framerate on the Switch preview?
You do realize the guy wasn't actually playing Zelda, right? The footage was edited in.
>You're arguing that it's expensive
[citation needed]
Let me just recap what's happened in this thread so you can catch up.
>9 posts that don't mention the price at all
your post inb4-ing an argument
my post pointing out your reason behind it not being expensive is stupid (notice how i don't argue that it IS expensive, only that your reasoning is stupid)
You insisting i think it's expensive
me saying "wrong"
You repeating the assertion anybody else in this thread has commented on the price itself
Please, stop embarassing yourself.
I was a Nintenyearold as recently as a year ago, but at what point do we stop pretending Nintendo has any better a corporate culture than Sony or Microsoft?
>you're being unreasonably cynical, so you need to list some games just so i can say "nuhh uh that's not truly a flagship series" or "that's not a real entry in the series"
I don't really give much of a fuck about frame rates anyways, so I guess I win
>no faith in any product they put out
>systems need to rely on a gimmick rather than playability, and then proceed to not sell well
>about 5 years technically behind everyone else and out of touch completely with their audience
How can people still defend them?
It was actually a rhetorical question. Nintendo's games have had stable final builds for years.
I guess you can say Sun/Moon is bad enough if you count those games
>>systems need to rely on a gimmick rather than playability
But you can play the Switch
On a TV
With just a controller, and that's it
No touch controls, no motion controls, etc.
Just sit on your fucking couch and play the damn game
It's okay when Nintendo does it.
>it was a rhetorical question
>if you count those games
I didn't have to name a single game and the filter just couldn't resist coming out anyways
un fuckin believable
>I didn't know growing up meant being unreasonably cynical as an adult.
I mean, have you seen how shit games perform these days? It's kinda stupid being optmistic these days.
Granted, Nintendo pulled through on their first party wii u titles.
So does BotW
The average consumer doesn't either.
OP is retarded.
I played Ocarina at 20-ish fps and loved it. I'll live.
framerate is just the new graphics meme anyway
I don't think you know what a rhetorical question is. The "if" doesn't make sense with what you're saying. Regardless of whether or not I named a game myself, the question still was not meant to be answered.
I threw Sun and Moon in there because I remembered hearing some issues with that but I haven't played it myself yet. If we're being technical though, those aren't actually Nintendo developed games but that hurts you don't want to hear that.
>pulled through
Exactly. This is a first party Nintendo title and they have a strong track record.
SILKY SMOOTH 720p @ 15 fps!
Buy our amiibos goy! They're comfy! COMFY!!! Hehehe.
I think you've grossly misunderstood my post, chum. You made an assertion that i'm in the wrong for being cautious in this day and age with my experience, and rhetorically challenged me to find an exact past example (because we all know things don't happen unless they already have once, right?).
I made an arguably rhetorical answer saying that no response to your challenge is worth posting because you'll just disqualify the example for whatever reason.
And yet you still made a point of showing me a game that i COULD have said, along with an admittance you likely would not have accepted it anyways.
I don't know what the fuck you're doing but don't you fucking insult me by insisting I don't understand rhetorical questions simply because i didn't just lie down and not respond altogether.
Fuck you.
>owning a wii u
Much more likely that Aonuma and his team are incompetent and haven't had experience with HD development. The game is going to suffer because they had to jump on the open world fad.
the average consumer doesn't even know what a Wii U is tho, and never will
>jump on the open world fad
>almost every single LoZ title has been open world
>implying LoZ didn't invent the open world fad
>I made an arguably rhetorical answer saying that no response to your challenge is worth posting because you'll just disqualify the example for whatever reason.
How could you predict this? It just sounds like you couldn't refute my point, so you deflected. The example of Pokémon was not only an attempt to level with you (because obviously you had a list of games in mind, you were just afraid to say them because you know they'd be wrong), but also me correcting myself because I had forgotten that those games had issues on launch.
I never said things cannot go wrong, I just said that there isn't much to go off of in regards to Nintendo because they have a clean track record. If this were Ubisoft or EA I'd be completely on board, but Nintendo generally releases titles of solid quality (performance wise). Please don't be angry with me, I'm sorry. Do you call everyone "chum" or am I a special case?
woah, it looks like they're not getting mine!
>jump on the open world fad
Yeah what the fuck were they thinking?
No, fuck you. I bought a WiiU and spent $350 on that piece of shit and got nothing but trash. Zelda is all I got to look forward to. Now you're telling me I gotta spend ANOTHER $350 just to play that game as it's meant to be played?
Meamwhile, for $200 I can get a PS4 and have a whole myriad of games to play.
Yeeah, nah, fuck Nintendo. I ain't buying shit from them anymore. In fact, Imma pirate Zelda just for that.
Not that user, but
>not recognizing pasta
Do we even know if the switch version will have a better framerate?
Would you rather have
>60fps wii u graphics
>30fps better graphics
Why is it every time a Nintendo game gets revealed, good or bad, shitposting goes through the roof?
that's some incredibly specific pasta then, jesus christ
Same. Gimme Zelda and I'll quietly watch what happens from here on. I actually want to the Switch to fail just to see the reaction. They didn't learn with the Wii U.
fun fact: the wiiu is still full price in stores here
i can get a ps4 slim 1tb with a game and still save a buck or so for doritos and mt dew instead of getting the wiiu
that pretty much applies to every game
>confirmed to base launch prices on hype (3DS/WiiU)
>reveal is a trailer instead of a proper presentation thus more people watching the video to analyze
>no price announced
They've always been doing that kind of shit though.
It's idiots (fanboys) who fall for it anyways
At least it's free with brhax ;_;
XCX isn't a fysics heavy game.
Nintendrones have been playing passive aggressive victims since the WiiU though.
seems like our entire species has latched onto being victims this last half decade or so
Wii Us are still full price everywhere except Black Friday fire sales. The XBOX One is now cheaper, and the PlayStation 4 is about to be as well.
You can blame that tablet Gamepad for keeping the price of the Wii U so high.
At least they don't lie to us
>It'll be better on the switch
I know this is obviously a falseflag thread but I just wanted to say it's a pretty good one.
it looked "fine" in the e3 build.
honestly don't know why the framerate has been so bad in recent footage though, the Switch version didn't even look better graphically.
they have a couple more months so hopefully it's fixed by then.
That too.
It's easy manipulation
until two whiners that previously shared a whine have conflicting whines and they're forced to admit that maybe whining isn't the be-all end-all way to get what you want
And boy howdy, is a lot of that happening lately.
Thank you internet, for allowing me to watch humanity ebb and flow from the relative comfort of my home or business
i rather have 30 if it´s stable with better visuals.
man i hate the lack of saturation and other effects
It didn't invent open world
It won't and you know it
I like how you dropped the last word just so you could tell someone they're wrong, when in reality what they ACTUALLY said is perfectly reasonable to believe
I said open world fad, not open world
They seemed to be implying it fag
For phuck's sake, user.
>adding a word to imply the exact same thing but without that added word
were you born this stupid or is it an active effort on your part?
You'll notice it after being here a while
Ten years isn't long enough?
>60 fps switch version
when will this meme die?
It would be.
When we see that it won't be the case when the playable Switch version comes out. I think it's a safe bet that 60fps is not one of the developers' intended performance targets for this game.
>Nintendo gimped the perfomance of the N64 version so that people would buy the 3DS version 13 years later
>TFW despite knowing it's for technical reasons you still like fog in games
>play minecraft
>fog is just a flat texture way out in front of you
>if you look at the extreme edges of your FOV the fog is way further away or simply not present
>jarring and annoying almost all the time to me
>load up an older game thinking the fog will be just as annoying
>it's a nice looking effect that works properly regardless of your movement
seems like every single facet of that game was done better by another game a decade prior
nice try
I'm not buying another Nintendo console. Ain't fooling me again .
in retrospect the wii u easily gave me enough enjoyable playtime to justify the cost, but it did not impress me in any way, really. it just didn't impress.
I was really hoping for a good zelda game a lot earlier than this. I wanted a mario with open levels and a nice hub. I don't know what i wanted from Star Fox but it certainly wasn't Zero