PlayStation Experience

PSX tomorrow

What are you excited for?

>Marvel vs Capcom 4
>Final Fantasy VII Remake
>Kingdom Hearts 3
>Death Stranding
>The Last Guardian
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>The Last of Us 2

Want to see:
>RE2 Remake

What we'll probably see
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Death Stranding
>SFV pish
>Indieshit I don't care about
>Forced memes

I'm still looking forward to it though.

Gravity Rush 2 getting un-delayed :)

Has something like that ever happened?

Ace Combat 7 is already confirmed though

Oh really? Sweet, I'm hype for more strangereal.

RE7 is there with a tease of RE2
FF7 will show areth and tifa also remaster out tomorrow on psn.
Crash bandicoot set for April last I heard

Enjoy guys.

>Death Stranding
I know there's some panel planned, but what else could Kojima show? We just got a decent-length trailer.

Maybe some type of Shenmue 3 trailer that I won't watch since I think trailers go overboard now.



>SFV Season 2
>Kingdom Hearts stuff
>SFV Season 2
>The last guardian
>SFV Season 2
>Maybe some actual gameplay of Death Stranding

I'm also pretty excited for Street Fighter V Season 2. i'm sick of season 1. im really hoping that capcom makes some good gameplay and balance changes, and that the dlc charcters are good. i'm probably being too hopeful.

Is the Crash game a total redo or just the game with AA on? I really can't see the point of either.

>but what else could Kojima show?
I don't know, maybe some fucking gameplay

>remaster out tomorrow
it's been out since december of 2015.

Honestly just spiderman. That's the only one im really curious about.

I care just for FF7R and RE2R.

It's the 3 we announced at E3 being built from the ground up.

This is a experiment to see if crash still sells. If it does good you get a brand new game but if it does bad well atleast you got crash remakes.


Who does Sup Forums got in the SFV tournament?

>What are you excited for?
Free games, the games they gave away 2 years ago are better tha everything PSN+ has been giving al these years

It's VIII or IX the steam version of one of em ported to psn.

Realistically 1-9 could be put up in mere hours if SE wanted to but they are trying to milk FF now that XV is out.

Ape Escape 4 please

>Still no Tifa

Including warped? They're all great games but i could not think of any game that needs a remaster less.

Give me a new CTR or nitrokart though.

Did they say whether something for wild and Detroit would be there or not?

I would shit bricks if this happened. Cmon Sony platformers aren't totally dead yet. Gimme some fuckin Ape Escape already!

Yeah they don't need remasters, they still look good on PS1, even normies think so

Spiderman won't be at PSX

well yeah he's a super hero he's gotta defend New York

>Vita 2

can't wait for MvC4 to not get announced so you delusional 09'ers can fuck off already

weeb games pls pretty much every western game failed this year.

It's 1,2 and warped yes.

You won't see any racing or party games if it does well only platforming and the like.

Not a damn thing.

MvC4 is too good to be true, and we already saw everything else.

Go in with zero expectations. Then when it sucks, you won't have as further to fall.

Crash and Parappa please and thank you.

>>Vita 2

>remember ace combat 7 is vr gimmick bullshit

I'm physically ill with rage

Give me Tifa or give me death

their next handheld will obviously be the 3SP with a 3D Slider that nobody will use

Yes i'm excited.

That would be at jump festa on December 17 th

Annoying, half the perk of consoles is local multiplayer and party games like Crash Bash. If i wanted to solely game on my own i would just get a PC.

The game will released in 2018-19 m8. They probably don't even have gameplay yet

Gravity rush 2
Yakuza 6
ace combat 7
>yfw the last guardian will be in your hands in 4 days

I'm hoping / expecting:

>Marvel vs Capcom 4 trailer, no x-men, focus on the characters from the marvel cinematic universe, with iconic characters like iron man and captain america with new faces like Star-Lord, Groot and Luke Cage.

>Marvel vs Capcom 3 remastered for ps4

>SFV season 2

>Final Fantasy VII trailer showing Tifa, more gameplay

>Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer, Frozen I bet

>Ace Combat 7 VR demonstration

>Crash Bandicoot Remastered Trilogy

>An overly long Horizon Zero Dawn demonstration (basically bathroom break time)

>Resident Evil VII VR demonstration

>More Death Stranding, probably a repeat of the trailer we just saw, Kojima comes on stage and talks for a bit about nonsense, his fanbois go wild with dumb theories about how Norman Reedus is really Del Toro

i wanna see some of that spindler man and ace combat
other than that i don't really care

>What are you excited for?

RE7 trailer with the demo update coming is what's happening with that.

And none of you should be expecting anything from DS. Said yesterday he would show off a trailer then talk on Saturday and rub one out with who he is working with.


Kono already said it's just an option for the cockpit view and not the full more

>and rub one out with who he is working with.

He's gonna grou masturbate with the guy from Walking Dead?

>Ace Combat 7 (which is pretty much confirmed to have new info)
>Armored Core 6
>DaS3 DLC trailer


Will Nier be there? Only confirmed news is coming for Jump Festa

Probably, but there's already quite a bit of dev footage out there so I can't imagine they'd show off all that much new stuff

Tifa's appearance on anew FFVIIR trailer would be enough.

where is deep down

Vaporware at this point.

hanging out with agent and half life 3

It'll be announced
as Kingsfield V

So Capcom would form a partnership with FromSoft to finish it?

Will based man announce Yakuza 6 tomorrow?

Too early, Yakuza never takes this little to get a localization announcement.

Nioh and Kingdom Hearts 3 are the big ones but holy shit after that trailer yesterday I have to say I'm pretty hyped for Death Stranding.