Doom: Ultra Nightmare

Has anyone finished the game in Ultra nightmare (the hardest difficulty) yet? What was the experience like?

its a nightmare xDDD

rofl nice one ha ha

Not too bad at all, hate these overrated "L33t Hardcore difficulty: prepare to die" modes, they never are.

lol thanks just came to me naturally i guess. you played DOOM 4 before my friend (if i can call you that?? )

Idk man, looks pretty daunting to me. Should I jump in and give it a shot?

oh lol i wasnt expecting that ! sure you can call me friend! glad to have you onboard hah! And yea i played DOOM only on the normal difficulty though im not that good lol but i bet u are xD

heh dont sweat it friend - DOOM is challening enough even on the easy modes. Yeah I played it on the Nightmare mode and boooy woo--eeeyyy was it tough! But I did it!

Yikes man! NIGHTMARE!?!?! are you a beast?? I had a lot of trouble against a hellknight and cant imagine how it is on Nightmare...damn you are cool. Glad we are friend lol!

Wow this thread went to shit quick

No, i would run a high powered magnet over your harddrive if i were you instead.

Hah not far from the truth friend! My nickname amongst my pals is 'Barney the Beast' and many love to watch me play shooter games like DOOM. You should come visit some time? Could be fun!


Wow! For real? Sure I'd love that I think it could be a great opportunity to get to know eachother better and maybe get some tips on how to perform better at DOOM? Where do you live man? Free this Sunday?

Sunday suits me fine my friend! Im in Ohio. That good with you? I'll take out my second controller now then and get the second armchair out for you! 12PM is good for you I hope! Gotta dash, cya!


See you 12pm on Sunday my friend! Hope to have a blast! lol no pun intended with like blasting demons rofl. Ok i'll leave ya now have fun man! Leave some hellknights for me :P

Wow, glad to see the community coming together and enjoying games in harmony. Anyone wanna join my DOOM larp group? One guy is Doom guy and the rest of us play demons who try to catch him. It's really fun!

>playing a meme difficulty

Are there any actual changes like different enemy behavior or did they just multiply enemy damage x10?

>this thread

basically this plus perma death. everything else is the same


not even that.
Ultra Nightmare is EXACTLY the same as Nightmare but there are no checkpoints.

fucking bethesda

This is my favourite thread ever

If you're really good at concentrating. You should also rehearse all the levels before continuing with your ultra nightmare run.

The main thing you need to remember is that you should never ever let an enemy hit you. Always be completely aware of your surroundings and don't try anything that may fail easily.

And if there are those stupid challenges you need to do to get upgrade points, don't try to do them unless they're extremely easy. You'll get enough points for your most OP weapons. Runes that keep you alive better are helpful.

Glory kills are a no-no. Only do them if you have no enemies around you that can attack while you're executing something.

Why does this game attract so much shitposting? I thought it was alright.

Because it's a literal meme game. This is pretty much Serious Sam in mars with classic Doom enemies, not actually Doom. And the biggest joke is that it costs $60

>his is pretty much Serious Sam in mars with classic Doom enemies, not actually Doom.
Well, that's a pretty big improvement then.

for you

ultra nightmare is only fun for speedruns to be honest shake the head family members

no u

Yeah, it's missing 2d-only navigable levels, "press this one wall to open door somewhere" -secrets, pistol starts upon dying, the 9mm minigun that's slower than an MP5, the surprise crusher ceilings, unavoidable damage floors, the infinite chainsaw that stunlocks melee enemies, the glitches that became essential features when people wanted to exploit them in multiplayer, the finite ammo&health and infinite enemies on the hardest difficulty, and the machinegun hitscanner boss that dies in one shot if it doesn't kill you in three.

It didn't take away much, it just added some things that weren't all that necessary.

can be done without dj?

What does "literal meme game" mean? Explain why the game is bad without buzzwords please.
lll explain why I liked it. I'll even avoid saying it was fun.

I liked it because it was fast, cathartic, and decently challenging. I liked the way my arsenal slowly grew, and secrets were tough to find.


t. 15 year old that didn't play DOOM when it came out but still says it's "nostalgic" to him

Are you sure? Can confirm?

meme game = too popular for some people to like

This board is very hateful.

we're just too smart for meme games

It's on an entirely different level. Passive-aggressive, sarcastic, layers of satire, obscure references, all mixed into one.

I don't get it, myself. I just come here because Sup Forums is funny as hell.

When I actually want to discuss videogames, well, there's Reddit for that.

Same. The comments associated with the livestream of Randy Pitchford's "song" was some of the funniest shit I've ever seen.