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The gameplay is fun? (fuck the story)

The fuck I thought people didn't like nigger hacking boogaloo the game?

it just runs semi alright on pc, it's already gone from first top sellers page

also language lock, like region lock was not enough

>kids that hasnt developed good taste running loose on steam

I bet Call of duty has overwhelming score too, eh?

>uplay on the steam version


>everyone hates and complains that this sjw game is too bigger for them
>top selling steam game with very positive reviews

WELP I guess the tumblr cucks won

>Call of duty


Does the language lock mean it takes whatever the main language from your country's ip is or does it use the language of what your steam is in?
Either way this is beyond retarded, fuck ubisoft for this.

>not overwhelming negative

Fuck this gay earth

your ip, basically whatever is available in your region
I honestly thought i'd maybe get it if I was really bored, but fuck that, not even for free
I still have nightmares of my native language dub of ACBF

Blacks win again. Finally some justice for minorities.

Yeah, I also put all my shit in english even though it's not my native language. Shit that is made in english should always be used as such, 99% of any translations are always shit or cringeworthy.
Thanks for letting me know that I never have to even consider buying this shit.

This game runs at 50 fps on a 1080 and people say it's very well optimized

Being an obnioxus Sup Forumscuck is just as bad as being a SJWfag as well you know.

Then why is very positive? Stop talking shit out of your mouth


IW is fun

What's ur processor user

dont bother asking, he doesnt know the relation..
just another faggot who thinks that performance is purely GPU related

Yes because being progressive liberal it's ok if niggers and Muslims come to my country and rape my mother/daughters/sisters/wife while I defend them as they stab me :)

its actually good tho
its a huge improvement over the first one

yeah because that happens

>people that fall for hype blindly praise games that are objectively not worth the money


Well yeah. Any game that isn't an unoptimized mess typically gets positive reviews.

Don't deny that your wife, sister and daughter love nigger dick.

When will those "apologize" or "LMAO X BTFO" threads end?

I'm getting tired of them.

Are you FUCKING blind? Are you so ignorant that you ignore what's been happening to America, France, Britain, Germany with all the rape, mass shooting, mass stabings from migrants? Literally a few days ago in the US some Somalia refugee went on a stabbing spree in a university.

nigger loving cuck

im not blind, just not a delusional tin-foil wearing Sup Forums-dick licker

They will end when Sup Forums stops being wrong.

Anyone here actually play it? I thought it was going to be super PC but some of the gameplay I seen the game seems to be taking the piss out of itself. How is the story?

Honestly it's like Ubi are trying to make their own SR franchise.
Acid trips and memes just support my theory.

you and me both, they are just stupid.

people like this are the reason why sjws are winning

Sup Forums is always wrong

And there's your answer.

when you finally apologize


Have sex

winning what? how does it even affect you?

"the game is fun" you will realize main stream games are for dope heads / normies.

numale or neckbeard? what are you faggot

>more boring version of BLOPS3

a kike from israel of course, praise multicultrialism or whatever agenda you Sup Forums-fags believe in nowdays

IW feels less killstreak heavy, less "random unexpected death out of no where that you cant counter" shit

>your a cuck if you don't hate white people
leftypol logic

Why do devs force their liberal agenda down on us?

>ree people that aren't white!! ;_;

Back to Sup Forums.

>ree I want more forced diversity with rapist minority's

back to tumblr

go back to Sup Forums, saltmaster

>go back to Sup Forums, saltmaster
Sup Forums isn't your safespace, SJW

>Sup Forums is now a tumblr safe space

What happen?

Its not I do a nazi salute in the miror every morning

Has it been de-denuvo'd yet?

Es gracioso ver como un inmigrante ilegal es mas productivo para la economía norteamericana que un NEET blanco abusando los programas de seguridad social

tu esta grande hombre
por te

fuck off you rapist spic

Crack when?

Can't stand the female police screaming in my ear telling me to "stop CIS scum!"

it triggers me because I was abused by my mom when i was a kid

good god, both of you are fucking faggots.

Just because you remember it happening recently doesn't mean it's a huge epidemic and we need to gas the kikes before they rape our women and steal our jobs Sup Forums-kun.