Has a videogame ever made you cry

Has a videogame ever made you cry
This is one of the most emotional final acts I've ever played through. Holy shit, When Noctis asks to take one picture with him, I started bawling, Then started bawling through the whole Stand by Me credit sequence and the camp scene after the credits

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>Please,Please don't kill me

The ending to ffxv made me want to kill myself from how depressing it is

That camp scene made me cry more than I have in years. They just nailed so well the way guys talk to each other and express their feelings for one another. One of the best ending scenes in any game i've played in recent memory, made even more surprising coming out of a final fantasy game.

I cried like a bitch to the end of The Walking Dead. Especially cause I was teaching her how to take care of herself even before Lee got bit, so it made it harder on me when he did.

One of the things that hit me too was hearing how The party members are killed off screen and how shit it was yet it really worked.
Agreed on one of the best ending scenes I've seen in any game. The ending is insanely linear but once you enter the World of Ruin the game has such a somber and depressing tone, It really nailed that.

It it really that sad? If a bad story has a decent or heart rending ending then I'm usually game.

I didn't cry, but i felt devastated in the Richter scenes in HM2 because i also have totake care of my mother.

Absolutely, The story isn't even really bad, it's just kind of vague and you can tell there was a lot of things were cut but it's still a very good game.

It was ok
Dont see the hype but then again i didnt care about the ending of walking dead season 1

I was under the impression that your other companions survived, or at least it didn't explicitly said they died.

The story is pretty good; not stellar, but good. The plot up until around 60% through the game doesn't give the indication that it'll end up in the place it does, so it kind of ends up being a shocker. They definitely backload the majority of the story/plot, and if you hadn't seen Kingsglaive or Brotherhood before playing you'll be lost before that point, but it still ends up working out.

Haha everyone in this thread is gay except me

>"Get up!"


and me

wanna compare hetero cocks

Even I, am not a gay


>You've heard of the Sierra Madre Casino. We all have.
>Finding it, though, that's not the hard part. It's letting go.

>super emotional ending
>then Big Boss shows up

go fuck yourself Kojima

Rule of Rose, Fatal Frame II, Persona 4, The Walking Dead Season 1, Life is Tumblr, Tales of the Abyss, Chrono Cross. I bet there are many more.


>This is one of the most emotional final acts I've ever played through.
So what you're saying is you don't have that big of a variety of games that you play?

Part one of a really sad scene

Part 2

i cry everytiem

did he just....turn into poop?

>They just nailed so well the way guys talk to each other and express their feelings for one another.
You must be a woman. That's only your idealized version of how guys express themselves. Guys are straight about their emotions if they are long time friends with one another. Noctis acted like a pussy being almost unable to express his feelings, that's how your usual woman circles around instead of being straight forward. Give me a break.

vore, scat and transformation are some of the worst, most pathetic degenerate fetishes to exist

Nope, everyone is different. If it were Gladious making that statement maybe he would be more direct. Same with Ignis, or Prompto. Noct hadn't shown he was great expressing his emotions throughout the game, and had to be coerced or challenged (usually by Gladious) multiple times to say how he really felt. The fact that he was able to express himself as he was showed his maturity and growth, and was part of the reason it was so powerful IMO.

genderswap is pretty hot user

>You raped our forests and poisoned our streams, and now you slaughter our young! We will abide your existence no longer, mankind! You will atone for your sins with blood!

>What did we do... to deserve such a fate?

did not want to kill wolfo.


This, Are people intentionally retarded or are they just hating to hate? Why would Noctis, Mr. fucking angst just come out and say that? The timeskip matured him and it was a major character moment for him to finally express how much he appreciates his friends

Are you guys ready for the DLC ending that makes things happy?

I wish I was kidding.

My heart wants a happy ending, My mind knows it's better this way

He was barely able to, that's not really maturing in any way. He was the same pussy from 10 years ago but since he knew he was about to die he had to spill his beans in a stupid awkward way.

People are pretty much the same despite few minor cosmetic differences. There's nothing powerful about a character from a game that states it's a fantasy based on a reality acting on a fujoshi idealized personality: a 30 year old boy-looking man talking like a insecure little girl.


That "Noct" is a nickname makes me cry.
You took 2 letters off.
That's retarded, sir. They should've made a real nickname that has nothing to do with this actual name.

How? The guys died offscreen and Luna was barely a part of the game. If she was more involved and interacted with the group, then yes. With how it ended up, no.

For me, at least, the hardest hitting vidya moments don't make me cry, but rather leave an emotional hole of some kind. Crying is cathartic, so the stories without permanent resolutions, without concise answers, are more memorable.

With that being said:
>Ace Combat 5
>Red Dead Redemption

Far from my GOATs, but memorable due to the moments that took me to points where I wondered what was the point, why am I doing this, and I kept going anyways.

>He was barely able to, that's not really maturing in any way.

That's a huge maturity for Noct, especially considering the way he acted and expressed himself up until that point. Keep in mind he didn't do anything in those intervening 10 years, so he's at the same level mentally that he was as his younger self.

If you didn't enjoy it then you didn't enjoy it, you're entitled to your opinion.

I like the ending but I really wish the WoR was more like FF6., there really should have had a few more chapters to establish all of the characters after the timeskip and had an open world to explore as the whole party after the skip.

Ziggy you faggot

you are a fucking faggot lord bro, disregarded every post

>That's a huge maturity for Noct
>he's at the same level mentally that he was as his younger self
Contradictory much?
>If you didn't enjoy it then you didn't enjoy it, you're entitled to your opinion.

Stop painting such a bland character as having any depth.

What game, mate?




>over FF

Dude, I could gobble fifty cocks in the next hour and still be less of a fag than you.

First 15 minutes of The Last of Us, hands down. Still regret not finishing that game, but that intro makes me tear up every time.

Didn't carry much weight for me since I don't have a daughter

Sauce? I want more Cor.


I feel you my nigga

Undertale ending did make me shed a few tears. It was very bittersweet and well done in general.

FFXV made me laugh at the awkward dialogue.

whenever i think of PS4, Wii U and Xbox One "games" and what real games used to be, i´d really want to cry. It doesn´t change anything.

>kill a child
Woow, such genious writing. Woow, such blatant attempt at emotional manipulation. Only made me angry how writers can resort to such lowbrow writing.


The "bad" ending of HoS was the highpoint of the series for me, emotionally. Such a fucking amazing DLC with a great ending.

And which ending was that?

Where I let the murderous warlord die for his crimes.

Yeah, only Noctis died.

yes, at how my life is pathetic and im a loser.


Wrong answer.

well, I'm happy that you homos finally found a game.

>Media makes you happy and ends on positive note. Its considerd bad and childish.

>Media makes you sad and ends on depressing note. Its considerd intellectually good for basically making you feel bad.

Why do people do this?

and now you let Trump / Obama get away with the same thing :^)

The story isn't bad, it sort of suffers from the same problem that XIII suffered from; a vague story that requires you to read a bunch of hidden in-game shit to understand the story better. Also, you have to watch the anime and movie to get a better understanding of the game.

But none of this is a thing

I cried last night while playing through Titan fall 2 storymode and watching BT "die" The first time since I had grown so attached to him by that point. and then I cried tears of joy when I got him back
>TFW you'll never have a mech bro to have sick bantz and go on space adventures with.

Snack... Snack had a hard life.

i cried from laughter cause the ending was hilariously bad.

The boss fight with Liquid is more emotional

i teared up at the end of Dreamfall Chapters. It was a mixture of knowing I'll never see these characters or world ever again and reading about Zoe having kids and being happy while i might never get to

I like how insanely hammy Snake screaming "Liquid" is out of context but honestly it actually kind of moved me when I played through the game.

Catharsis puts you in a contemplative mood. Comedy makes you blind and complacent.

What if your story has a comedic beginning and a cathartic end, or vice versa?

To the Moon got me pretty good.

The worst though is Final Fantasy X when Tidus and Yuna are in Lake Macalania. Especially after your first playthrough. I tear and snot right up at that cutscene every damn time

FFX has zero emotional impact in the HD and original PAL versions. There's a dumbass fucking scene where Tidus resurfaces after the credits to hype X-2.

X-2 and beyond doesn't exist to me user

Final fantasy is gay.

Tomb Raider 2013

>X-2 and beyond doesn't exist
this is true

>Has a videogame ever made you cry

I didn't cry but a lot of shit in PS:T made me feel pretty emotional.

The sphere wrinkles in your hands, the skin of the sphere peeling away into tears and turning into a rain of bronze that encircles you. Each droplet, each fragment that enters you, you feel a new memory stirring, a lost love, a forgotten pain, an ache of loss - and with it, comes the great pressure of regret, regret of careless actions, the regret of suffering, regret of war, regret of death, and you feel your mind begin buckling from the pressure - so MUCH, all at once, so much damage done to others... so much so an entire FORTRESS may be built from such pain. And suddenly, through the torrent of regrets, you feel the first incarnation again. His hand, invisible and weightless, is upon your shoulder, steadying you. He doesn't speak, but with his touch, you suddenly remember your name. ...and it is such a simple thing, not at all what you thought it might be, and you feel yourself suddenly comforted. In knowing your name, your true name, you know that you have gained back perhaps the most important part of yourself. In knowing your name, you know yourself, and you know, now, there is very little you cannot do.

Good taste, user

Kaelyn...had a hard life.

your dick cried right?

Being stuck in a rancid shitheap of a setting does that to you.



I actually laughed at that part.

Congrats, ur a retard

Halo 3. Several Zelda games, too.

God I'm such a casual.

>I'll miss you
>lol whatever

Master Chief is ice cold.


No, because I'm not a HUGE faggot

He's autistic.


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